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Posts posted by xenoqc

  1. Hello I am having  lot of fun doing things and side business here in SL! :D


    I hope you do too.


    So I am looking for a professional artist to make logos, banners, signs and etc (...) for a few purposes. I already have a design but its cartoonish style makes me want something more updated or realistitc. I am looking to add up to it and change a couple details. In the future I will have many needs about it and will be looking for contacts at any times so please do not hesitate to contact me!


    I will expect this:

    1-Alpha background (Except for BG version)

    2-Original copy by Email

    3-Imported copy in SL

    ***Decent acknowledgement/skills in photography and drawing/painting is a serious asset to me***


    I know a lot of artist I can contact for art and for good prices but now I want to provide a but more in SL and also see what is the market here for this service. I have never hired a visual artist for this matter and have no idea what are quotes and the pricing. I may or not proceed to transaction depending the factor Price/Quality that I can get for an amount of money versus how much I already pay on an third party community.

    Please contact in-game as I like to see you!

    xenoqc (XenoZeta)


    I hope to hear from you :)

  2. Hello citizens of the grid and beyond!

    So I will make it short as I can do it!

    I am renting a parcel of  8192sqm on a private Island, beach/tropical layout and on it I have placed quite a big house or small mansion. I mostly only need a stand pose and a couple things, not much so I got all that space to share.

    My idea, my Utopic project is to find people that are not having a home or a place to rezz their stuff and call it their space. I am looking for a few people that want to share the house with me for no charge or a very little contribution depending your capabilities.

    I am not looking to make money, to me all of this is a planned and calculated expense. I want to build some sort of commune to share with some people that would be nice and friendly looking for a place to live in SL for cheap or free!

    This project or plan about it is at a Pilot Stage. I am still working on the land and terraforming a little bit as to calculate the number of prims coming to whom will live where in the house with what intentions. ^^


    If you don't have a place to call home or struggle affording the one you have and is seeking to find a place where will be built a community. Let me know!

    Message me ingame (XenoZeta / xenoqc) so we can talk and get to know each other and find what could best fit your need if it interest you!

    I am not often on the forum so please message me ingame!

    P.s. Residents must be active playing SecondLife


  3. Hello I have been for a while taking a break of working in SL but I am getting back the vibe of a bit of labor!

    So SL experiences:

    Estate Manager 

    Dancer - Host - DJ

    Real life I have had jobs before 2009 in all kind of field as I was a freelancer. Starting from "Working physical" jobs, passing by office work to public employment such as customer service and sales. After I was contracted in the field of Intelligence and work under contract for 10 years in Projection Development and management. Actually I can't talk much about it as it risk charges but I typically worked in the field of next generation technologies and experimental research in the field of Mind manipulation.

    As in date of today I am online about 16 hours a day and 7 days a week. I am a very dedicated hard worker and steady on my post. I learn very quick to do almost anything and are good at adaptation except for one point here in SL and this is the only one closing me doors which there is no negotioation. I chose my form to live my life and this is to be a sssssnake lady! ♥

    If you are interested in hiring a very present and active professional and don't mind me not being human then hit me up!

    I am a very chill and laid back snake. But must keep my warm blood if I don't want to lose my heartbeat! I'm a very social caring lover and contributing to something is a pleasure for me. So if you have a business and could use my help or service but is short on L$ do not worry too much about it because salary is not expected as I am looking for something to busy myself and maybe introduce me to something new more than making money but you know... It is always appreciated to get something so I am not looking to necessary be "exploitable volunteer" but what I have in mind to obtain following my interest is very low about Linden money....

     I hope to hear from you and just saying, whatever is you do if you think I can contribute even if it is just to coil around as decoration every now and then xD


    Let me know what is up and I'll tell you what I can do ;)








  4. I am online about 16 hours a day 7 days a week and have spent a lot of time quite alone doing my own stuff or getting tabbed/AFK in a club. For a while I have been looking to change things in my SL life, discovering new places and people. So I am a snake! Here a few previews so things start clear, if you are looking for human form and appearence...




    I am very chill and laid back, I love to follow people in their stuff, I am quite a bit of a pet!


    So I am looking for family, friends, gang, groups, etc etc to actually be with people instead of staying insolated in my corner silenced or ignored....

    At this moment what I do is to crawl around the grid a coil there and there chilling with people feling the vibes of the spot :D. Maybe soon looking for a job 😮

    At never really know what to write on forums and not inspired to type down my life right now eheheheh :3


    If you want to get a nice following and caring friend to be socially active with please send me a message or reply to this thread so we get to meet and do something ^^


    Cold blood they say? The matter of my survival as a snake is to keep my heart warm ♥








  5. When I am not an alien a lizard or human as for any other various creatures here is my beauty of all!

    I bought that a year ago when I started to buy AVIs and broke it so now a year after I could finally repair this lovely avi that make me feel good and I will stick to it for a while!  ♥Snek girl♥


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  6. Good luck? I don't believe in luck. 

    I was hired in many good places, not necessary the most known places but I did with a avatar that is not even human... I am playing an alien and I don't have have any investment on my avatar. Which is normally more difficult than if you have a nice human avatar with good charisma and decent playlist for a set with a steady library.

    I have many friends, they own their own business and they pay rent and bills out of SL! But most people their business is an expense...

    I am not very making money lately as I am starting my own thing so right now the game is a cost, but just saying... I started to make around 1000L/day on my first club job. No experience nor skills at all! Just being entertaining and good to the public is enough.

    My friends are people playing for more than 10 years and they all say and agreed: The easiest way to start making a little money (or more) is in clubs.

  7. 2 minutes ago, RowanMinx said:

    Good.luck.with that if you don't have an updated avatar or are a male.

    These people probably had a fan base already.  That's what those dj/host groups are for.  Mass tping them all to your gigs.  

    You don't need a fan base, you just need the right skills and music selection if you DJ. Many clubs have already their steady clients and can provide an easy 400L/set...

    As you can also work for a club that will make you work 6 hours a day or more and you won't make a penny...

    It is about being hired at the right place. I had a job where there was no client at all! But the owners/managers (+their friends) would guarantee an income of 600-1200L/sets

  8. But outside of clubs.... I don't know where is the money other that having a very kick-ass skills as they said. I worked as Estate Manager which is the highest position you can have below the Sim's ownership and... I was barely making 350L/week....

    SecondLife is not meant for MoneyMaking, remember that... It is possible but...


    True I forgot to say, to work in the payful clubs, you will need to invest on your avatar, clothes, gestures, accessories... And yes most of the time you need 30-90 days old account. But right now the demand is HIGH. They train newbies and are less likely to say no as the need of Host/DJ is daily and steady

  9. Working in a club is decent my friend. I started as a dancer with an income of 400-1500L/day

    Those people they just probably don't work.... If you are good with public, they will tip you well!

    I know host/DJ they can make up to 3000-3500L/ for one set. Even saw a DJ friend making like 8000L/set in the right club. But for that you have to learn working in a club and get hired. Right now is a VERY GOOD TIME, a lot of clubs looking for staff!! I am not saying you will make that money but I am sharing my observations. Personally when I was just a dancer in a club, my first job in a club, I was making 800-1500L/day (300CAD$/month)


  10. I am Xeno, I don't know what to say exactly... I am an alien and proud to be!

    On SL I don't "play a game", I like to work! For me it is a great platform for many kind of business and I love that. As a person, well I am into aliens of course but not the fiction, as I had real experiences with them... It made me start to work around the subject. From user to Administrator of a forum that threat about UFO/Aliens, Paranormal/Conspiracies or Spirituality/Occultism I made my way to reach a professional standing within the subject. I am actually working on integrating our operations to SL!! Yay!

    In SL I have been from Land Owner to DJ in Club but right now I am focusing on creating the extension of my RL employment to SL. I like music and art, so I used to spend much time in Clubs dancing so some people would call me "The dancing Alien"! I just don't have energies or time lately because I am working on my projects more than having fun by itself. I like to meet any kind of people and what I loved the most so far has been to be DJ and Estate Manager as well. I love to talk business and make deals or partnership so... That is quite the one I am, a worker more than a player but if it is about enjoying good music in a club and chill out with friends that are capable of an intelligent conversation, especially about Aliens, UFO or "paranormal" ...

    I have been quite looking for someone to talk with about anything lately. I am more the chill kind of alien, more intellectual than "sportive" which I mean I would rather sit and talk than go around crazy with games and exciting stuff. I love to spend money!! But I am a poor SL shopper as I don't really know how to find what I am looking for.

    I am single and quite starting to be open to relationship. But I would move slowly into that... Looking for something meaningful and long term...

    I am very nice alien and sweety pie, caring and listening to my friends, open minded. Very open minded!

    Well that is what is about writing a cheap quick reply just to see if I will get around someone for some good friendship. Especially people interested by Aliens on Earth!

    That was my tip of the iceberg, come around me to find out more about a whole reality to open its door to you!


    Peace and love,


    Xeno the Alien



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