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Kylie Dorival

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  1. Thank you for the suggestions. I have submitted a support ticket by your suggestion, Roiig. and Thanks for the Idea, Lindal, but no Linden plants in this object. I did try "Here" anyway, but got the same results. Thanks to both of you!
  2. I "soft-linked" several objects into a clump object and took it to inventory. It contained about 150 prims, and some of the objects are very valuable and no-copy. When I rez the object, it disappears from inventory, the computer thinks for awhile, and then the object is returned to my inventory unrezzed. There is no message in chat or in a drop-down. I fear I may have lost all the objects in the clump. Is there a way to make this clump rez so that I can recover the objects in it? (1) Parcel capacity is not the issue. The object is about 150 prims, and I have much much more prim availability. (2) Space is not the issue. I am rezzing it to the center of a location that has much more space than the original prims took. (3) I tried rezzing it in 2 different sandbox areas, and the same thing occurred. I would be grateful for any help or information to solve this problem. Kylie
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