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Everything posted by GracieAustinn

  1. oh my heaven's to roomba betsy be...they are noisy like a roombas mom and dad too! Where's Gracie? A: [15:23] Slurpy: aTtentIon alL pLaneTs oF the AgNi FedErAtiOn.. wE hAve aSsumED cOnTRoL! [15:24] Slurpy: SuBjeCt dEtecTeD.. AcTivAtInG TRANSMAT bEaM! [15:23] Slurpy: tAke mE tO yOur LeAderS! [15:23] Slurpy: EmErgenCy.. pOweR cOre dEplETeD .. bAtTeRies NoT iNcluDeD! [15:23] Slurpy: aLiEn LIfE fOrm DeTEcteD.. ExTerMiNaTe! EXTERMINATE!
  2. Just moved in to Guppy...I have to say while waiting for my turn I had been decorating the (imaginary) houseboat at a sandbox to help with the excitement so when I finally got one it was super quick putting it together! Thank you you Linden powers that be...Life with Gracie is a happy camper
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