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Posts posted by DilliDallagio

  1. At first I thought it was a Graves product but could not find one similar wandering the Graves store. But, LePunk does sell a choker that is the same thing as the "outer" choker of the piece portrayed in the photos. Could it be possible this is a custom choker/collar from LePunk that is either a one off or not yet available to the public? Maybe.

  2. 3 hours ago, MelodyClone1 said:

    Does anyone know where this collar is from?

    If you are in proximity to it, right-click on it and choose the "inspect" option (menu placement for that option varies depending upon the viewer you are using). Inspect should provide the creator's name.

  3. 3 hours ago, nikolsy said:

    What I want is to be able to design my own viewfinder options, because the vast majority of options that viewfinders have are not used by me.
    Has anyone tried to create a viewer and can you guide me?

    I have not tried to design and build a viewer from scratch. That concept is way above my technical expertise level (considering what programming skills that I can still feebly remember came in the days of BASIC, Cobol, and Algol and even then those are but a rapidly fading memory).

    My suggestion is you become involved in an existing viewer project that still builds a viewer for OpenSim, such as Firestorm, Singularity, and DayTurn. Work with those people for a while to learn how the existing viewers are built and maintained. After a while you should gain the knowledge and experience to see where things can be improved to your liking to make it worth the effort to step out into your own design.

    OpenSim really is in need of its own viewer. Crista Lopes worked with the Singularity team to fork a viewer for use in OpenSim called "OnLook." Its design goal was to simplify the user interface of the viewer to the point where the region server was actually controlling the UI elements presented to users. The purpose of this was to give the casual user only the UI elements they needed to see and use for the environment of the region they were visiting. If this sounds like an idea you are working on, perhaps working with the OnLook team is where you may want to be.

  4. 1 hour ago, nikolsy said:

    I ask if there is any way to use the viewer in localhost...Or is it only possible to use in agni and aditi?

    The Second Life viewer can not be used to log into a non-SL grid. Agni and Aditi are only two grids, both being part of Second Life, that the Second Life viewer will work on. If you want to use a viewer to log into a grid you have running on your localhost you will need to use a viewer that can be used in OpenSim.

  5. On 12/2/2019 at 8:09 PM, NirobiStClair said:

    I have a nomination form to fill in and one of the questions is to nominate an "Outstanding Crossover Designer"

    I confess I have no idea what this means.  Would be grateful for any advice.

    Many thanks

    Would be helpful to know the context of what the nomination form is for. For example, is it for accolades of clothing designs? Avatar designs? Building designs? Landscape designs?

    Without the context, the simplest definition I would think that applies to "crossover designer" would be one that does well in any of those genres.

    Given this is posted in Fashion, I would further define the question to (possibly) mean those who can design male and female apparel.

  6. 9 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

    Just once I'd like to see an article written about the present and the future of SL with a positive light.

    What is stopping you from writing such an article?

    When I read the article in question, I did not see it as an opinionated piece against Second Life as it is now. Rather, I saw it as a retrospect from a historical perspective... what Second Life is now and how it either met or fell short of the much-hyped future that was promised at the beginning. I suppose if one believed the original hype to be the "good stuff" and the current Second Life is no where near that, then perhaps the article can be viewed as a negative slam against the service. But, if one believed the original hype was well overblown gibberish, then the article may be concluded to be negative on the original vision as Second Life currently has evolved in a natural way. But at no time did I feel the article was negative about the current Second Life.


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  7. 1 hour ago, clone00345 said:

    I wouldn't say there are a ton of non sexual clothes for women on MP, I ended up buying a long sleeve applier for upper body just so I can have more clothes to wear.

    I have plenty of long-sleeved clothing appliers that are designed for the bondage/sex scenarios. Long, mid, short, or no sleeves is not an indicator of anything. I have used those "sex suits" (which is what the description of them on the Marketplace indicated they were created for) as the basic underlayment for layering other types of clothing above them, wearing them all as an outfit for non-sexual events.

    It is not the clothing that determines whether someone uses them in sexual or non-sexual places, it is the person wearing the clothing that decides it.

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  8. First, go back to an older version of the viewer that will run on your current version of macOS. If the mouse cursor works, it may be the latest version of the viewer is bugged (and if you care enough, you may want to file a support ticket with the team who built the viewer).

    If the mouse disappears with all viewers that can run on your version of macOS, then it might (or might not) be a problem with compatibility between your version of macOS and the viewers. May be a driver corruption issue on macOS (it is not unheard of that such things happen with macOS updates; I certainly had my share of them when I was using Macs). Try another OpenGL application on your Mac, something like Blender. If the mouse cursor shows up then it is probably a viewer compatibility issue. If the cursor does not, then it may be a driver issue.

    Remember that Apple deprecated OpenGL in macOS. All of the current viewers use OpenGL. That is why I suggested trying another OpenGL based application (which at the time I used Macs was Blender). Apple has no plans to upgrade or otherwise fix OpenGL in macOS so if your mouse cursor is missing only on OpenGL applications, then consider it a sign of future things to come with regards to OpenGL on macOS.

  9. The Slink mesh body is called a body. It still uses the classic shape item to give the body its shape. To edit the shape, just go into the Appearance panel for your viewer and click on the "shape" option. What you remember from your previous time still applies and it adjusts the same way... mostly. Some fitted/Bento mesh bodies may distort if the shape sliders are pushed to the extremes, so just be watchful of that.

    Assuming the shape you want to use with your Slink body is modifiable, it should respond very nicely with changes to most shape adjustments.

    You should also be able to find the shape being worn in your Inventory and right-click on it to bring up its context menu. Among the options listed should be one to "edit," if the shape is modifiable.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Nalates Urriah said:

    Since you are all AMD the video driver and graphics card configuration/setup are a definite starting place.

    Not to sidetrack but the OP's graphic card is an RTX 2070. That is an Nvidia product, not AMD.

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  11. 26 minutes ago, Waiomao said:

    is that true even when I use an applier and the clothes are a HUD layer?

    Possibly. I do not know about other bodies but Altamura's main body consists of the skin on the main mesh and the tattoo on a second "onion skin" layer of the main mesh. If anyone were to derender that, they would derender the body itself. For the underwear layer and clothing layer, those "onion skins" are on an attachable object, separate from the main body. If someone were to derender that, then the underwear and clothing would disappear in their viewer, leaving whatever is applied to the main body (skin and tattoo layers) visible.

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  12. 4 hours ago, NPrescott said:

    Anybody know a female body capable of something close to 240-250? Maybe even more?

    Violet Studios used to sell a "giant" female avatar. It was located in their "Fusion" body section, but it was not a Fusion body so none of the Fusion accessories or clothing would fit it. I did not remember VS actually selling any clothing that would fit it so I am unsure how it would be clothed.

    I have not visited Violet Studios inworld store in over a year so I do not know if they still have this giant-ess available.

  13. 1 hour ago, Aishagain said:

    A few months ago I questioned whether regions could cause "cross-talk" on other regions on the same server.  That would not need the region causing the issue to be actually neighbouring the region being troubled.  I've been told that can't happen, so I have nothing more to offer by way of explanation.  I  would hope someone at LL could explain this phenomenon, but I have yet to see any Linden showing willing there.

    I have questioned that over time and, like you, no answers came. I suspect since LL is working on eventually moving regions into a cloud, answers from them will mean little now as it should be a moot point once the move is done.

  14. The Firestorm viewer has an option to ignore ah-hoc conferences unless they are from people on your friends list. That helped curb the "spam" conferences for me. That is, until I am running on a different viewer that does not have that option. In those cases I figure out who started the conference, pull up their profile, close the conference, then mute the originator. That usually works (until they use an alt to start up another spam conference).

    As for the subscriber list, I have no idea if it is against the LL T.o.S. I do not get that many of them so I just close the notification floater down. For those instances I can figure out who is sending it, I either go into their in-world location, if they have one, and unsubscribe from their board or contact the sender of the spam in IM and request deletion from the list. Sometimes that works, sometimes not.

    For prevention of being on subscribed mailing lists, not sure it can be done. Many spammers troll various groups' member registries and just start adding names to their own mailing lists. Others use "AFK/bots" to gather names from any local chat they may be recording (in that case this MAY be a violation of T.o.S. or it may not be... depends upon what the alts do with the chat histories).

    So... just as in RL, spam in SL is just as annoying and just as hard to avoid/prevent. Or so it seems.

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  15. It seems there are a number of other regions on the Zindra continent that are stalling at times as well. One time I checked the other regions that reportedly were running on the same physical hardware as one of the regions in question, about half of them were running some sort of "breeder" farm. Another had a few automated vehicles running around on it.

    Since LL does not publicly publish which regions are running on which server after server restarts, my little hunt could have been nothing but just a trek around the grid with none of the regions I visited actually running on the same hardware.

  16. My own experimentation with texture thrashing in the viewers I used lead me to believe that I could up the texture memory the viewer needs and the thrashing went away. that is if the graphics card I had would allow it.

    The iMac I used to use for SL had 512MB of video RAM and allowing for the systems own needs of it, left me with about 128MB available for viewer rendering use. It was a thrashapalooza. My current system has 8GB of video RAM and the viewers will auto-default to using 2~4GB of it for viewer rendering. Have not had a thrashing issue or even blurry textures at all.

    (Well, except for when I could run an SL viewer and that had a maximum setting of 512MB for textures in its settings... then the thrashing returned.)

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  17. 13 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

    Why do you think they are that way?  I can't quite formulate my thoughts about it, other than to imagine it has to do with the myth of progress.   Lately I've been studying a bit about what 'technology' appears to want from us, and so much of it seems very unrealistic and even harmful.

    Much of that is simple business economics. A product life-cycle chart was posted earlier and when such products mature or have no real future in innovation, companies are loathe to spend money on such products that will only cost more and more in long-term support. It would be much cheaper, for the company, to try to shuffle those consumers onto the new shiny, where the company can justify spending resources (as the new shiny can continue to grow and innovate).

    As products get dropped a niche hobbyist market gets created where people have to (sometimes) fabricate their own parts just to keep their beloved products functional. Others in that niche will figure out ways of "backporting" (if you will) modern features into them. Why? Mostly because they love the design elements of the older pieces and have (maybe) created an emotional attachment to then. No bigger example of this than classic/vintage automobiles. :)

    As far as LL is concerned, I do not think they are trying to push out the oldbies. LL has not killed off the ability to create prim-based objects at all. If one chooses, they can still create the very same prim structures and objects now as they could back when SL first started. In this case, I think it is the general population of users/creators in SL who are hoping that oldbies would just go away. If for no other reason than they would no longer need to hear the "you know... back in my day..." type of stories. LOL

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