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Arhuaine Silvera

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  1. There's a stray dog wandering around Bellisseria and other places. Today she went to Newbank to grab lunch. Keep a lookout for her. She likes belly-rubs, food, and chasing cats. (yes she is me).
  2. There is a stray dog in Bellisseria, who looks a bit like a wolf even though she isn't, and she's been having quite the adventures lately. First, she made some friends at the Queen's Head Pub, including the Bellisseria Hamster and lots of friendly humans distributing pizza and belly-rubs. Then she wandered east and found Heirlong beach all decked out and ready for Pride. She has no memory of how she got to the island airstrip at Costner bay but on arrival she saw a strange machine and was invited aboard with some more friendly humans. The strange machine went up into the sky and Stray stuck her head out of the window. Doggy Heaven! They flew around the new houses and ended up on Coral Waters. Oh no! Stranded! Fortunately the Coastguard came to the rescue and dropped her off on the mainland again. Stray would like to thank Lia (the pilot of both helicopters) as well as Hamster, North Crannock, Shirli and the other friendly people whose names she doesn't remember.
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