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Posts posted by hawksea80

  1. 2 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

    I just checked his profile and I don't see it listed in his groups, but on the Pirate DJ Treaty thread thingie, he's listed as one. 

    As long as the party is over before I log on (and there's really very few others on my region that are ever around) it's not an issue. I only mentioned it in defense of Trinity because these house parties can interfere with other resident's experiences. 

    Edit - According to Kitten, he's NOT a member of the Pirate DJs. My apologies to them. They're being very considerate of the other residents, so rock on!

    Thanks Beth appreciated xx

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  2. 2 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    the only problem is that LL thinks residents are reasonable and self reflecting entities... surprise, most arent and only think about themself under a cover of communitysauce.
    Many who throw theselves up as organiser are motivated by power.

    Are you kidding?? I hope you are because all ALL of the organisers gave up countless hours of time, love, dedication and help for NOTHING. They didnt even expect to be thanked. Cant wait to see an event you organise

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Gingir Ghoststar said:

    I paid all my DJs and Singers. I work in SL. I think folks who work, put their time and effort into a job deserve to be paid. 


    vouches for this and this together with the people who tipped me directly were then donated. As I said to Gingr I was overwhelmed by the kindness the entire weekend

  4. 1 minute ago, Gingir Ghoststar said:

    That would probably be because this is all new and only the second event. I'm not sure which mole or linden helped set up the first event. Maybe they forgot to mention it? I'm upset at the reference to special treatment. That is just part of the whole issue with folks trying to start rumors and trouble where there shouldn't be any. The moles and lindens work hard to provide an awesome place for us all. And they're super busy. I can assure you, that the little contact we had, was just talking about who needed group invites, what dates we could set up and then just chit chatting at the party, helping us with last minute invites and bumping up the avatar allowance when we over flowed. They were awesome and I'm eternally grateful for their help but I do not want it construed that they would treat any of us differently. That's not fair to them. 

    Well said!!

  5. 1 minute ago, DaSein Noyes said:

    What are you talking about. There may be yardsales there and all sorts of other commercial activities. It's the whole point having it there

    Pretty sure yardsales arent the point of it and community events and parties are which  as was very rightfully stated may include charity events so it would be great to have an official answer. Which im sure we will. But not at a weekend. Lindens get to sleep too

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  6. Just to reply again I have a DJ jingle I play at the very start of all of my sets. Just introduced me. If you were at my set you'd know what im on about. I asked permission to play it because I wasnt sure if it was commercial. A jingle. With my name. Hopes we get a great answer soon but in meantime when im djing at the pickle there will be no tip jar.

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  7. Molly mentors have always been unpaid. Way way way back in the day I was a mentor and I did it because I love the community, like we all did. I've been around SL for 12 years plus and I do agree mentors would be great to come back just not sure if we should be paid for volunteering. But lessons are always learned and i'll just continue to do what I love to do. Play music and make friends!

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  8. Hi Scottish Sarah here,

    I absolutely did not rezz a tip jar. I viewed DJing yesterday as a priviledge and honour. Every single Linden which was tipped to me was then donated to a mental health sim. I do DJ in SL and do make Lindens from it but yesterday was absolutely in no way about me making money. It was about being part of a warm, lovely, welcoming, open community. I am part of the Belli Djs and again will never be rezzing a tip jar there . I DJ in Belli as part of the community. My DJ "job" is completely separate.

    Also the mental health discussions and events I will be running in Belli will not be there to make lindens and are simply a way to give back to a community which has been wonderful and made me cry happy tears all weekend.


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