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Strawberry Linden

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Everything posted by Strawberry Linden

  1. "Queremos invitarte a que visites esta nueva exposición con motivo de las actividades realizadas por el 8 de Marzo, Día de la Mujer aquí en Ayuda Virtual Cultural." Read more on the blog.
  2. Style and decor details on the blog.
  3. Style details on the blog.
  4. Style details on Flickr.
  5. Style and decor details on the blog.
  6. "It used to take me about half an hour to edit my photos. I would fix any issues, add some shadows and highlights on my avi, play around with camera raw filter and then blur the background a bit. I have added a bit more to the process and since I’m still learning and entirely not comfortable" Read more on the blog.
  7. "Back in the yellow family again! So many yellows. Well I guess we could say that for any color really. We still have lemon yellow and gold to go -- but today's sunny hue is GOLDENROD. A very saturated (bright) yellow on its way toward orange. Pantone had decided that goldenrod is somewhat like this:" Read more on the blog.
  8. "Depending on where you are in the world, your local weather is gradually approaching summer or winter. For some of you, it is saying goodbye to snow or hello to snow and the weather that comes with it. Some of you will be saying, “OMG, No more snow! I’m tired of the snow!”, while some of you will be looking for that snowy escape." Read more on the blog.
  9. "March has swiftly arrived and all SLEA regions are still abuzz with exhibits to be seen. Melodie Heart (MarieMadeleine38) and Dreams (Barry Richez) Alternative Worlds exhibit is in full swing. Alternative Worlds brings to the viewers an awareness of climate change." Read more on the blog.
  10. "We must remember, our time in SL is finite, so why turn down offers to share pleasure when they come? There is no “save game” button in SL - thus making the choice of whom to play with, and when, of paramount importance." Read more on the blog.
  11. A Daft Punk tribute by Sol Mercury is today's Second Life pic of the day. For a chance to have your image featured as the Second Life pic of the day, submit your work to the Official Second Life Flickr Group, but don't forget to read the rules! Connect with Second Life on Social Media: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Flickr | Pinterest | Tumblr | Plurk | TikTok | Reddit | LinkedIn
  12. "Hey secondlifers, here a recap of the bollycoco 2021 Marrakesh meetup, I put everything back together enjoy!" Click to watch the video on YouTube.
  13. "As I was there in bed and fell asleep I drifted off into Second Life. I really don't mind that at all, because I get some great ideas when I dream about SL and I am there making some adjustments to the Retreat. I have read in some forum that Second Life addicts dream of it, but I am not an addict. I am an artist. I am sure you don't call an artist who creates new pictures all the time and dreams about it an addict, right?" Read more on the blog.
  14. "And it’s going to be small and stand on my shoulder and eat all the bananas. Truth be told, I searched the MP for an apple to give to the little guy, but hey, I’m not sorry I found the nice bananas." Read more on the blog.
  15. “Lab Gab” is a live-streamed variety show that showcases events, destinations, and different talents across Second Life. Join our host, Strawberry Linden on Friday, March 5th at 11am PT as she speaks with Lindsley Allen and Jon Nakagawa. Lindsley is a creative producer, director, choreographer, mentor, and dance educator. She is a founding member of Pussycat Dolls and the creator of Cherry Boom Boom. Jon is the owner of Paragon Dance Animations, a Hollywood-based production company founded by professionals in the movie industry. Paragon brings the talents of accomplished and high-profile dancers to life in virtual reality, by specializing in the production of dance animations for Second Life. Recently Lindsley teamed up with Paragon and held a Second Life Director’s Contest, announcing the winner just this past weekend. Check out the winning video! Cherry Boom Boom has also choreographed a dance number using a motion capture suit, coming soon to Paragon Animations! See behind the scenes footage on their YouTube channel: Tune in on Friday, March 5th at 11am PT. Watch us live on YouTube, Facebook, or Periscope! For full episodes of Lab Gab, click over to the Lab Gab YouTube Playlist.
  16. Style details on Flickr.
  17. Style details on the blog.
  18. Style details on the blog.
  19. "One of my favorite events of the year is opening TODAY!!! Second Life's Home and Garden Expo is now open. There are nine regions this year all filled with tons of things to see, do and purchase. Designers bring out their best and all or part of the sales benefit the American Cancer Society." Read more on the blog.
  20. "The contest is the best photo of the Umbra De Corvi SIM." Read more on Flickr.
  21. "2020 was a rough year for all of us, and for the first time in a long time things are looking up, there’s a brighter future ahead of us. This 2021 be full of new opportunities, health, and love for all of us. Keep taking care of yourselves and your loved ones." Read more on the blog.
  22. Evolution by Pete Sunny is today's Second Life pic of the day. For a chance to have your image featured as the Second Life pic of the day, submit your work to the Official Second Life Flickr Group, but don't forget to read the rules! Connect with Second Life on Social Media: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Flickr | Pinterest | Tumblr | Plurk | TikTok | Reddit | LinkedIn
  23. "the indie publisher the parliament house press bills itself via their website as a place where authors are helped to produce “brilliantly bizzare” stories and i have to agree after devouring 3 books from their vast catalogue." Read more on the blog.
  24. "A while back I did a post called Ill-Behaved Women where I created some portraits of women from history that chose to make their own path rather than follow the one that society deemed “Appropriate”, in honor of Women’s History Month this month I am expanding on that project and will be doing a whole series of portraits of women throughout history." Read more on the blog.
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