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Spiffy Voxel

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Posts posted by Spiffy Voxel

  1. 4 hours ago, Robin Kiyori said:

    Peeve: Legacy's awkward as heck spec hud. We just want to be a shiny robit ;;

    Oof! Yeah, that HUD almost had me screaming abuse at the screen... I ended up giving up and sticking to my Lara and LaraX bodies. The Maitreya HUD may be huge but it's at least predictable. (And doesn't need to use Media in order to run, something that still mystifies me about the Legacy HUD).

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  2. 2 hours ago, sirhc DeSantis said:

    Peeve - what ever idiot decided it was OK to scrape UUIDs from group lists.

    Just got a spam IM to join  a 'full perm' group. When challenged it said 'well you are in (redacted group names) and its a very short name*' name* here referring to the spammers group - and it has lots.

    A quick check on (redacted).(bought name).resident has a link to... a bunch of stuff from CrapGPT scraped sources.

    But it is OK - so few people read here anyway:)


    Wow, I've had occasional drive-by IM spam but that's on another level. And sadly it wouldn't surprise me if there's a LOT of 'full perm' stuff out there now that's just AI-generated models. *sighs*

  3. 11 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Peeve: Gross people.

    So, I'm on my sky platform, 1800m above my public parcel, trying on different swimsuits and poses for a pic. And I get an IM from a guy who my mini map informs me is on the ground level on a neighbouring parcel:

    [20:04] [Gross Person]: Sooo pretty ...nice pic:)
    [20:05] Scylla Rhiadra: Sorry, what is?
    [20:06] [Gross Person]: Y.O.U
    [20:06] [Gross Person]: smiles

    At this point, the "smiles" has me cringing, and any hope that the "pretty pic" he was talking about was the one in my profile vanishes when I asked him if that was the "pic" he was referring to, and he replied "Yes that too."

    And of course, he went silent and disappeared when I pressed him on this.

    So I'm now assuming that I've been visited by a virtual peeping Tom, who has possibly taken a snap of me naked or half naked on a pose stand.

    I've got quasi-public pics of me nude or semi-nude here and on Flickr, so it's not so much that I care about being seen without clothes on.

    It's more that feeling that I need a shower after contact with someone so utterly icky.

    Sorry to hear you had to deal with such a creepy asshat, Scylla.

    I remember back in 2015 when I was still learning Second Life, a friend of mine got an IM from someone who'd been camming them from a neighbouring parcel while she was on a dance pole... needless to say, the privacy settings for our parcel got locked down after that incident, and it's something I do on any parcel I've owned or rented since.

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  4. 23 hours ago, Fauve Aeon said:

    Ugh, I was wondering if this would happen with some things and I’m sorry to hear it. But I’m also curious to see what it was and how it broke. 

    I had to wait to take some screenshots to show what I mean.

    I'm not sure if it's a change in how the alpha transparency is processed in the new PBR engine, but the baked-in shine really sticks out now.

    Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 16.28.42.jpg

    Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 16.27.00.jpg

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  5. Thought I log into Second Life most days, I sometimes spend as little as 5-10 minutes in-world before logging out again, depending on how busy my RL is or how I'm doing mentally or physically that day. And when I do have plenty of time for Second Life, I'm a lot more mindful these days about how I spend it. Spoiler alert: busy & laggy events tend not to make the cut unless I'm aiming to get in, get what I'm after then get out again as fast as possible.

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, Modulated said:

    Peeve: Have noticed a trend among a few creators I buy from to remove the sale items from redelivery terminals-what is the reasoning here?  I know it is completely their prerogative but it's annoying .

    I'm not sure how they'd do that other than completely removing said items from CasperVend or whatever system they're using then re-enter it? Seems like a lot of work to me. 🤷 I've known some stores that have removed items from redelivery because they're no longer selling or supporting them, which is a shame but understandable.

  7. I have some UFO-theme EEP day-cycles running at my home parcel, set to 24 hour cycle on my time zone (with Daylight Saving adjustment currently). Depending on what time of day I'm at home, various spaceships will be up in the sky. 🛸👽👾

    As a rule, I go with whatever EEP settings a particular region or parcel are using, especially for art installations or events like Sci-Fi Con or Fantasy Faire. 👀 The only times when I'll manually override that is when it's too dark for me to see things, particularly when shopping.

    Yes, the changeover of EEP settings when you cross from one region to another can be jarring at times, but on the other hand if I overrode and used the same EEP everywhere I wouldn't have discovered most of the day-cycles, skies and waters I use today. 🤷

  8. 5 hours ago, Istelathis said:

    It scared me a bit, so I tossed in in the fire..  I know it is not the head itself, just that I did something wrong.  I'm not sure how mesh heads work ..  🤣  I decided to just stick with my old one, and get new hair instead

    The EvoX-Terror strikes again!😱

    I see that a lot in busy crowded places. The first time, I thought my viewer was broken. Now, I just feel bad for the folks whose skin doesn't snap back into place after a while, because that is definitely something you cannot unsee!

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    • Haha 3
  9. 2 hours ago, Fauve Aeon said:

    I was doing the hunt as a centaur and had some difficulties getting close enough to the hunt prize in a couple of places where space was tight but when that happens I just see it as a creative challenge to improve my nav skills. 😆Does ‘crouch walk’ work with your av? 

    Sadly, crouch walk doesn't work for me in those situations, which is a bummer. :( However, I'm very good at camming around to find things. ;)

    • Like 4
  10. 2 hours ago, Modulated said:

    Was it me, or was the whole thing low vibe this year? And the designs of the most of the places...yikes.

    I quite like the more anarchic design of Sci-Fi Con. As much as I enjoy the eye-candy of Fantasy Faire, for instance, it can feel like you're on a tourist trail, and the various storefronts tend to blend into one another after a while. 🤷‍♂️

    There is a lot of stuff going on this year at Con, which ironically makes it hard to attend since many of them take place at the same time or overlap.

    • Like 1
  11. 7 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Peeve: Pride month is here, cue all the haters complaining about Pride month.


    1 hour ago, Coffee Pancake said:

    Pride month is here. Corporations will say the words and not take any meaningful action because every $ is sacred.


    1 hour ago, Roxy Couturier said:

    Peeve: Pride month is here which means more items to sort and go into my 'Rainbow' folder.

    Haters gonna hate.

    Corps gonna corp.

    Rainbows gonna POP! 🏳️‍🌈

    Frakk the Haters & Corps! Happy Pride Everyone! ✌️☮️🫶

    (Wears their colours in-world all year round!)

    • Like 3
  12. I've been using both the latest Alchemy Viewer and the latest release Linden Lab viewer for several months now, and if anything the performance on my 2017 iMac is actually better than it was under the current release of Firestorm (not the PBR beta, soon to be next release version). So Your Mileage May Vary, and it may not be the death-knell for older machines that some folks have predicted.

    The flip-side of that, however, is that there is going to be a long wait for content within Second Life to take advantage of PBR, partly because of changes to how creators generate the materials and partly because of the delay while Firestorm (and other TPVs) worked with the Lab to smooth off the rough edges (pun intended.)

    I've been experimenting with PBR textures at home, and I'll be looking to try making some items of my own using Blender in the coming month.

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  13. 19 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:

    Will further that with ,... people who start out fun and chatty, then finally read my profile .. and run away because I might give them the gay or something.

    By reading this you now have the gay. +1 to all rainbows.

    I'm continually bemused at how some people convince themselves that being in proximity to some 'other' will make them and/or their loved ones 'other' too. Osmosis? Magic pixie dust? Mutant superpower? Space laser? That's a superfluous detail, it seems.

    My avatar is covered in rainbow stripes, and I've joked a few times about not being responsible for side-effects of licking me in Second Life... 😆

    • Thanks 1
  14. 21 hours ago, sirhc DeSantis said:

    Peeve - being rugrat 'splained to about the default camera position in SL over in the never ending TOS threads, me only having made stuff here for the last 17 years, by some over entitled ankle biter. Gosh, I never realised....what with me sometimes being a dinkie etc.

    I guess we need a new word for that kind of thing. "Viewersplaining", perhaps?

    Over on the Feedback portal, I commented on a Feature Request to bring Show Friends Only to the Second Life Viewer with some alternatives using graphic presets. That got a lot of pushback from folks insisting that all the downsides of SFO I mentioned are either Me Doing It Wrong or The Other Person's Problem. 🤷‍♂️ (Not gonna link to it, I have no desire to kick that particular hornet nest...)

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  15. Garden Peeve — great hyacinths are very pretty, but spread like wildfire and do not want to be pulled out! Literally need both hands and my weight to get some of them out of the ground, and even then I only occasionally get the bulbs out as well. The worst part is that they'll group up in and around other plants so it's even harder work to avoid damaging other things in the process. (And this is on top of keeping an eye out for tree seedlings and other invaders...)

    I am very glad that I don't have to deal with weeds and such in Second Life!

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  16. I have a 2017 iMac 27-inch machine, which cost £1749 as a basic spec (8GB RAM, 1TB Fusion Drive, 3.5Ghz Intel Core i5, Radeon Pro 575 4GB) when I bought it in early 2018 to replace my previous 2011 iMac 27-inch. I subsequently spent in the region of £300 to upgrade the RAM to 24GB (2018) and later 48GB (2020), and more recently spent about £100 for a new external SSD to run macOS from. Those upgrades have removed most of the bottlenecks on my machine, and it runs pretty darn snappy! As far as Second Life goes, performance has increased immensely over the last few years thanks to viewer improvements, and if anything it's even better running the latest Alchemy Viewer or the official Linden Lab viewer.

    The remaining constraints on this rig are down to Apple: it will be stuck at macOS Ventura now (unless I take a chance with OCLP) and OpenGL has been deprecated for several years now in macOS. I'm considering getting a MacBook Air at some point for my non-Second Life workload, and installing Linux on this machine to hopefully make it a better performer for Second Life.

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