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Pony Waifu

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  1. Ahh, so what I'm understanding instead now is I should just pay more attention to events in general, that's a good idea thank you. I'd still like to live near others though just to make it feel less lonely, even just knowing someone else is closeby.
  2. Thank you ! Right, back to searching I guess. I haven't been able to find anythiong yet sadly
  3. Hello there ♥ So I'm super social and for a while I've been looking for a RP sim where I can plop down my own home but I'm broadening my search to just include, "anywhere that's bustling". Which I'm sure seems unrealistic but I'm choosing to be optimistic :3 Was hoping to get advice and suggestions for where I should look. I thought about buying my own private land again but it's just so lonely when you don't have many to share it with :c Is that what this fancy "mainland" stuff is all about? or is it just as isolated as the rest? Thank you ♥
  4. For the first part - oh, absolutely! That would be perfectly fine then, if you would like to share it, that would be very helpful! For the second part, exactly! If it weren't for SL, I never would have tried Blender, for example. Friends of mine actually have classes they've hosted within SL and I've learned many things I never would have hadn't I installed SL those few years ago. There is a lot of good, positive, interesting things about SL that is very underground.
  5. I am sorry to hear that. I've had that happen as well, but I'm lucky enough to have met respectful perverts. Most of the ones I turn down their advances just say, "Oh no worries thanks anyway" and are on their way. I'm thankful for that!
  6. That's a great idea. I will consider doing some vlogs firstly to build rapport. I did consider making some SecondLife videos but I thought it would just be boring content. Now, I will reconsider and hopefully begin creating videos soon. And yes, my intention is not to "interview 'weirdos' " - it's to get to know different sides of the community, different people from artists, to shop owners, to just average people living their lives and want to share their experience. That's really all. I guess here's an example of the kind of content I want to produce for SL, just insightful and wholesome. Take care!
  7. Thank you so much! Asking for 18+ does not equal "NSFW" that some people have assumed. Personally, I think it would be weirder if I, an adult, were willing to sit down and chat with children. Imagine if I had said, "Hey, any CHILDREN around want to sit down with a 20+ year old? *heavy breathing*" I just do not think it's appropriate LOL. Even my content which is SFW, I do not want children to be involved for their safety. I grew up with essentially unmonitored internet access that shaped me growing up, I've seen good, but also a lot of bad. Maybe I'm a bit too cautious and overprotective of my younger sibling on the internet, but still. I feel better safe than sorry. Thank you for your understanding of my post! I was starting to question if I really worded it that badly, so I appreciate your reassurance.
  8. Well spoken, thank you! I thought that might be it, so that does help me put myself into their shoes a bit more now. I hope you and your family have a great 2023.
  9. Thank you so much for this. I honestly do like the idea of a talk show, too! I did have plans to create an in-world set, but I did not consider having a set topic per "episode". That's a really nice idea, I do like it! If I go this route would you be comfortable with me crediting you at the very least? The Maury idea sounds funny for sure lmao! Though I'd like for mine to not be focused around drama personally but I can definitely see how that idea would be totally entertaining hahaha. I do not want to make content for a following but rather just a passion project. I tend to build my following through streaming as well as art (I actually really dislike youtube) so this would just be a "for fun" type of thing. Thank you again, I hope you have a great day.
  10. Out of curiosity, where did I ever say this was a NSFW request? Asking people to be adults does not automatically mean I am looking for inappropriate content? Also, "Something you could cut together as you please" - I have to wonder if you read the part where I've explained that before uploading anything, the edited video will be shown to YOU (or, the interviewee) before being posted. I've explained that anything the guest on my video does not want there, will be edited out at their request. I am all for constructive criticism where it is valid, but it does not seem like you have really read or understood what I've said.
  11. Oh no, no surprises. People will be supplied with the questions long before the interview. Actually, I should have just posted it here to begin with, maybe my post would have been less scary. I am sorry for that. Some questions may arise that even I didn't plan, though. **EDIT:** For example if you are answering and I ask something to expand on it, or something related. But before the video is even posted, the individual will be given their portion to review. They can also say "I don't want to answer that" or "Can you remove this from the video?" and I will, no questions asked.
  12. LOL, yep, you may absolutely. My personal favorite voice changer to use for myself is "Witness Protection" (megadeepthroat voice) or "Piano". It just makes a bunch of piano sounds when I talk. But yes, for your safety, a voice changer is fine 🤣
  13. It's okay! Honestly, seeing yours and others' comments I am going to strongly consider and think of a way of how to incorporate text-based interviews. I think TTS would be ideal, so I'll put my tiny noggin to use and re-evaluate how I'll be conducting the interviews. If I do find a way, I will reach out to you to see if you're still interested (and if not - no hard feelings!) Not sure what you mean by "have info" but please just ensure it does not hold any persons private information. With that said, you may absolutely IM me if you'd like!
  14. Understandable. I was only explaining myself as I felt I did have a right to defend my words at others' assumptions, you know? I'm not at all upset, just surprised. This is not the type of reaction to this sort of thing that I'm used to seeing, which is why. But I do appreciate you coming in to explain and offer your perspective very much. I will continue to look for people and pursue this, but likely in-world instead, perhaps where I already see people using voice. Otherwise, I will ask people I'm already friends with / have an established relationship with, rather than strangers. Thank you again for your time!
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