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Everything posted by Sandra8675

  1. My avatar feet continue floating on top of her shoes. Can anyone advise on how to fix this?
  2. I changed my avatars pants type and color today. I'm using a classic body with no mesh. Ever since I changed the pants... 1. the avatar has stopped walking with as much sway in her hips 2. The avatars arms don't sway anymore 3. When I press the down arrow she will not turn around and walk toward me 4. Now she only walks backward when I press the down arrow.
  3. I've watched so many videos and tried to read several articles on sandboxes and I'm still confused... Is there a sandbox that is easy to get to and will open most things? I'm new... What does it mean to clean up the sandbox? Are there open boxes or something that need to be deleted?
  4. Such a nice offer... I know next to nothing... Would a have a room? I'm asking because I'm so very new I don't understand the details of how things like this are done. I appreciate your help.
  5. How would I find Chinati, Heterocera? Would I use the 'search' box? Or is there a better way?
  6. Are there any free apartments or free places to live?
  7. I'm very new... A few days ago I did see an option somewhere that was a 'slider.' And it had to do with if I want the game to upload as high res or low res. I wish for the game to be uploaded LOW res. But, now I can't find the slider to control this. Can anyone help me with uploading the game in LOW res please? Please to help me... Please explain in a way that someone would understand who knows next to zero about SL.
  8. My avatar did dance one time before at a club. Would I still have that file somewhere in my history so I can make her dance like that again? Or, once she stops dancing there is no more?
  9. Are there certain jobs I should be looking at more for a classic body? I don't know when I'm going to get to change to a mesh body.
  10. I see some avatars who seem to know many more dance moves than others. Is there a reason for this? Are there dance classes or skill which can be bought?
  11. I have searched for this answer on google, this site and youtube... I'm not finding anything. One club I was at I simple double clicked on the area and she started dancing. That was the last time that worked. I'm largely interested in dancing. Is there an easy way to make my avatar dance? Please explain in a way that a very new beginner person to SL can understand who has little knowledge of SL terms used, etc.
  12. Thanks again for all the information. Its pretty hard to scare me in forums... I'm a member of a notoriously ultra harsh forum on the internet - but - I have to use it for the industry I work in... lol... It will take a bit of time to understand everything involved. I had no idea there was so much to learn before starting. I will take your recommendations. I was leaning toward taking the easy way out and paying to have a base model avatar made. But, I will try to deal with the free ones first. There is a person who contacted me from a club last night. He said he gives a free mesh body and 2 free body parts. I'll see if I can locate the link later and post it here to see if anyone has any opinions on it. I understand from a different person that the hands, feet, head, hair, etc are all separate. So, I'm afraid I may not get a full body for 'free.'
  13. I know this can be a sensitive subject. But, I do need some help because I'm new. Right now I do have a classic non-mesh body. Changing the body right to a mesh body is a bit confusing for me. I may be able to handle changing it when I'm not so new. Is there a way I can do anything at all with the female genital area to make it look 'better' with a classic body for free? What I tried to do... I did buy genital hair from FREE DOVE. It seems like it would work. But, when I added it the avatar it ended up looking like a pair of underwear. I did not see any controls to control the size and shape more than the slides shown. Is there anything at all I can to improve the way the classic avatars private parts look?
  14. Can I make money pole dancing or giving lap dances? If so can anyone tell me where to apply? I saw a sign at an adult destination stating they were hiring for pole dancers and if you were interested you should apply inside. I pressed on the advertisement looking for pole dancers but nothing happened. And I was not sure how to go about asking at the club if they were hiring for that job. At another destination I saw an advertisement stating they were looking for another type of job I can't remember now. But, again I was uncertain how to apply or what to do to let the right club or person know I was interested. Are these ads real job announcements? Is it possible to get a job pole dancing or stripping? Any help is very appreciated... I'm very new and trying to understand many things.
  15. You are right... I am still very new and was very unaware of all the possibilities so it would have been impossible for me to give more details. Even though I'm still new I have read a lot and watched a lot of videos on avatars. It still all leaves me very confused but at least now I understand the scope of whats out there. As of right now I have the classic body. The mesh bodies confuse me quite a bit even though I do think they look better. My sim looks ok considering I know next to nothing. Its too bad that I understand the vampire bodies to be mesh - but - I was told the vampire avatars can't be changed a whole lot. It would be great if I could get a base model with a mesh body that I can alter. I did wish to thank you though for the store you recommended. I did buy some things from there that were $0 dollars. I did get a thong. And it does fit my avatars body!
  16. I don't understand how to get avatar to do anything except walk in a straight line. Is there some video or thing I can read to understand better how to move my avatar around?
  17. I did change my avatars butt to be bigger. I don't know if that is the problem. But, now I can't find anything sexy beyond the jean shorts. How to people find thongs, etc? Is there a way to get that stuff for free?
  18. I'm new... And I don't understand how to remove all avatars clothing. Please explain like I understand nothing. Thank you in advance.
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