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Posts posted by AnitaLaDodyx

  1. Hello.  I tried posting this yesterday in the LSL Scripting forum, but I haven't gotten any responses.  So I thought I'd try my luck here.

    I'm looking for a little help from someone who knows even a little more about scripting than I do...hopefully someone familiar avsitter, or possibly black tulip moving parts...and that can explain what I need to do in non-scriptor terms...lol.

    In a nutshell, I'd like to get the avsitter "move prim by pose" script to respond to a BUTTON in the avpos card, either instead of OR in addition to a POSE or SYNC.

    The full details are these:

    I have an item with a door.  I'd like the door to open and close by touch with a simple door script when no one is sitting (simple enough).

    However, I'd also like a sitter to have the ability to open, close or slightly open the door regardless of the pose/sync they're in (hence the BUTTON).

    Finally, I'd like to use the script as intended and have the door in certain positions based the given pose or sync.

    Both latter options would be great, but just the BUTTON method would be wonderful too.  I've tried messing with send/receive link messages a little, but clearly haven't found the right combination.

    I'm familiar with the Black Tulip Moving Parts script as well, and may or may not use it in this project depending on the results I get here...so if someone knows a better way with the BT scripts to accomplish what I'm looking for, I'd be perfectly happy with that as well.

    Thanks so much for any help, advice or guidance!

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  2. Hello.  I'm looking for a little help from someone who knows even a little more about scripting than I do...hopefully someone familiar avsitter, or possibly black tulip moving parts...and that can explain what I need to do in non-scriptor terms...lol.

    In a nutshell, I'd like to get the avsitter "move prim by pose" script to respond to a BUTTON in the avpos card, either instead of OR in addition to a POSE or SYNC.

    The full details are these:

    I have an item with a door.  I'd like the door to open and close by touch with a simple door script when no one is sitting (simple enough).

    However, I'd also like a sitter to have the ability to open, close or slightly open the door regardless of the pose/sync they're in (hence the BUTTON).

    Finally, I'd like to use the script as intended and have the door in certain positions based the given pose or sync.

    Both latter options would be great, but just the BUTTON method would be wonderful too.  I've tried messing with send/receive link messages a little, but clearly haven't found the right combination.

    I'm familiar with the Black Tulip Moving Parts script as well, and may or may not use it in this project depending on the results I get here...so if someone knows a better way with the BT scripts to accomplish what I'm looking for, I'd be perfectly happy with that as well.

    Thanks so much for any help, advice or guidance!

  3. Hello all!  I hope you all (whoever may celebrate) had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    I had an idea but I don't know if it's possible and I'm hoping to get some guidance.

    I'm wondering if there's a way to write a script (or edit an existing one) to be able to teleport to an OBJECT...no matter where that object may be.

    I have a "Teleport on Collision" script using experiences and the idea is to use that to TP to a room.  BUT I'd like to use that room as a PROP, so that the end user can rez it and place it anywhere (which means any traditional TP destination would change), but I'd still like the TP to send the person to the room, wherever it may have been placed.

    I was thinking something along the lines of telling the TP script to find an object name or description and sending the Avi there...but I'm no scriptor by any means.

    So, like I said, I'm not sure that's even possible, so I wanted to put out a feeler and see if anyone had any thoughts.

    Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated!  Thank you!

    XO Anita

  4. Wow!  Awesome responses!  Thank you all so much!  That's a lot to process and work through, but should a great learning experience!  Sorry for the delayed response...stepped away to RL for a bit.

    And to Jenna Huntsman....the intent is for the ultimate owner or wearer to have that option, not just the creator.  It's not intended for unpacking, but rather to offer something to someone....like say a flower or something, but also where a "random clicker" would receive one as well.  Just a fun little RP enhancement type thing.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Profaitchikenz Haiku said:

    Yes, it can be done.

    When touched by the owner, use llSensor to scan for avatars within a certain range. You'll get back a number detected (or no_sensor will be raided)

    Step throgh the detected keys, using llKey2Name, select the one you want, then offer them the inventory.

    Thank you Profaitchikenz Haiku.  I figured it could be done.  Can the 2 types be used or written together?  And now if only I knew more about scripting!  lol

  6. Hello all.  Looking for a little advice.

    I'd like to do a simple little giver object, worn by the owner, but I'd like it to be able to give out an object in 2 ways....which I'm not sure is possible.

    I'd like to be able to give it out as usual, with someone touching it and receiving the object...simple enough, and plenty of scripts available.  BUT, I'd also like the ability for the OWNER to touch it and offer the object to another specific avi.  I think I've seen something like this done before, but not sure....and not sure I can mix the 2 abilities in one object or script if it's possible at all.

    So I'm just wondering if anyone has any advice or knowledge of whether it can be done or maybe of an existing script that does this.

    Thank you for any help!


  7. Yes, I know that's an option....and perhaps the only one I may end up having.  But I do strongly prefer a build like I've done in the past...where there can be interaction WHILE driving as well...with no separate driving and animation engines.  Everything working together and smoothly all at once.  But again, I'm exploring to all options.  I've never built a car like that before, with swapping physical and non-physical, I'm not certain how to go about that yet either...but again, something that would be clearly worth learning.

  8. Thank you so much, Molly.  I'll give it a shot.  Though I'm not sure it will satisfy what I'm trying to accomplish...or that it's not outside the scope of my abilities...lol.  But it's worth trying to learn something new.  Thank you again.

    • Like 1
  9. Yes, Molly, that's kind of what I'm afraid of...it's beginning to look like those are the only options.  I don't think the impulse engine is going to what I would hope.  But I'd still like to try it out, just to see for myself and so I have a better understanding of it's abilities and limitations, as well as possible uses, if not for this particular project.  But I haven't been able to figure out how to build it yet.

  10. Exactly, Qie.  That's what I'm trying to find out.  Maybe it's an option, maybe not....maybe there's nothing I can do, in which case (sadly) I've have to abandon the project.  But I'm trying to explore all options and/or ideas.  And thank you again.

  11. Hello Qie...and thank you.  Yes, AVsitter can be script heavy, but if you've seen my other vehicle, you'd know why I use it.  There are many wonderful vehicle builders in SL, so I wouldn't bother if making a car if that was all I was trying to accomplish.  I try to add much more than it just being able to drive....I add interactions with the driver, while driving and without the need for anyone having to sit on other parts of the vehicle for additional menus.

    But no, there's no confusion...I'm well aware that that's exactly the problem.  And I've already attempted using numerous animations, which is how I narrowed the issue to the hitbox being the problem....the height of the vehicle's push off the ground would change with varying anims, but the hitbox would remain in the same place above the ground.  Which is precisely why I'm trying to learn what I can from anyone who has experience building combat vehicles....as it seems they are able to make the avatar/hitbox phantom...so the vehicle absorbs the hits, and not the avatar.  On the surface, at least, this seems like something that may be able help solve the issue.  But as arton pointed out, it may still not correct the ground collision.  But that's what I'm trying to find out from anyone who's built one.  I'm trying to hunt down anything that might be a workaround without having to swap all the animations for higher hitboxes....that would just be impossible for the kinds of vehicles I build.

  12. Hello arton...thank you for responding.

    Yes, there was.  But as I understand it (from reading other forum posts), combat enthusiasts lobbied LL successfully to keep it as a feature for combat.  Now, the rest may be true about the ground...I can't say for sure, since they mostly build tanks which would have higher seats, I imagine.  But that's what I'm trying to find out and understand by trying to find info from anyone who has experience in working with them or building them.

  13. Hello again, animats.  Yes, I understand...and I have one...several, actually.  Plus many, many others that are intended to go into the build.  And again, I'm using avsitter to override the vehicle sit position.  But either way, even if I was using the vehicle's "sit", the issue is the avatar's hitbox pushing the car off the ground once it turns physical (as shown in the pics).  The sit target/position won't matter if the animation's hip height is too low once placed in position.  And even if I get a "drive" animation that has a suitable height, to replace ALL the other animations isn't feasible.  At least to me, would not be worth it in time or L$....especially since there's no guaranty any of them would fit.  To make the build worthwhile, I'm thinking the best option at the moment would be some workaround to try to make the hitbox phantom...or something similar.

    Hitbox Issue_001.png

    Hitbox Issue_002.png

  14. Hello Molly and animats.  Thank you both for responding.

    Yes, Molly, that's exactly how it's currently set up.  Root is just a prim...the rest of the vehicle is set to "none".  It's the way the vehicle scripts are set up to work.  And yes, I COULD move other parts of the vehicle around...but then it just starts looking silly with seats in the air or giant tires or something.  But truthfully, the vehicle works just fine, set up as is....and if I were to use the standard "drive" pose.  But the vehicles I build are meant to do so much more than just be a car you can drive...and they're put built a little different, using avsitter to override the vehicle script's "sit".  So the animations play a much larger role than in most cars.  It's the hitbox's conflict with the ground during the various animations, while the vehicle is physical, that's causing an issue.

    And yes, animats, that's exactly the issue.  As far as your solution, I'm not 100% how to accomplish that, so if you could expand on it a bit, I'd appreciate it and try it out.  But again, since I'm using avsitter to override the vehicle's sit position, I'm not sure it would work anyway.  And going back to Molly's comment, I have tried moving the avsitter engine, but as expected, that did nothing either, as the animation itself still ends up in the position I need, which causes the hitbox issue.  Which is why, for now, I'm thinking the phantom hitbox of combat vehicles might be possible solution.

  15. Hello all.

    I'm trying to build my second vehicle and I'm running into a problem I didn't notice before (my first was a jeep and higher above the ground).  It appears my hitbox is too low, hitting the ground and pushing the vehicle up.  I've narrowed the issue to the hitbox since the height of the vehicle "lift" changes with varying animations, ,while the bottom of the hitbox remains relatively in the same position.  And yes, I know hip height of the animation plays into this as well, but with the amount of animations I put into the builds, finding suitable replacements with higher hip heights for all of them would be an impossible task.

    Through doing some research, I've come to understand that combat vehicles...specifically armored vehicles...are able to turn an avatar (and it's hitbox) phantom so that the vehicle absorbs the hits, but not the avatar...while still being able to operate the vehicle normally.  I know ||VolumeDetect can be used to a point, but as LL points out, it turns the whole physical build phantom making it drop through the ground (which it surely does...I tried...lol).  So clearly there's more to it, and other scripts used in conjunction.

    I'm not at all looking to turn this build into a combat vehicle, but it would appear there are aspects to a combat vehicle build that would be very advantageous to regular vehicle builders as well.

    If anyone has any knowledge, ideas, tips, advice, what have you...I'd truly appreciate any help or guidance.

    Thank you!!

  16. Thank you, Mollymews.  That sounds like something that might be helpful.  Now if only I had a clue HOW to do that...lol.

    Unfortunately, I'm also having a number of other issues with apparent conflicts between the vehicle and pilot scripts and avsitter sets.

    OMG, vehicles are frustrating!  lol

  17. Yes, that's sort of the issue/conflict I'm dealing with.  While, no, not specifically Bandit boats....I'm working with a FP vehicle, prescripted (also FP scripts...with the caveat that the "driver" seat's description field can not be changed, so separating by AVsitter sit target sets doesn't work).

    What I'm trying to do is two-fold....one, add more sitters to the rest of the vehicle with interactions....and two, afford the driver additional poses and possibly some interaction, at least with the front passenger....and not being locked in to one driver pose via the original script.

    I came up with a work-around for the second...individual poses that fit together like syncs for the driver and front passenger....not great, but I can live with it.  And I've set up a sit target set for the back 4 sitters.  All works well to that point....the big conflict seems to come what I try to add in specialized swaps, which I need....2 males, 2 females in the back with sit targets, so they need to swap into the right seat if they sit on the wrong one.  But I think (though not certain) I'm having an issue at this point, because there's now three Sitter 0's in the overall vehicle, even though the intent is only to swap within the 4 person set in the rear.  Oh, and trying to have all this and STILL have the vehicle be able to operate as it should and "drive".  But seems at some point, something always "breaks".  Not always the same thing or at the same point.

  18. Hello.  I'm wondering if there's a way to "trick" a vehicle script into "thinking" a driver is seated at all times...so that all passengers/sitters (including the "driver") can freely move positions and interact with the others through avsitter...and yet still have the vehicle operate as it should?  Thank you!

  19. @Wulfie Reanimator, Thank you for the reply!

    Well, that would seem to do it!  LOL!

    It looks like you're talking about the "internal label script".  Would simply changing those items to TRUE or FALSE fix the issue?  Also, there are some items I DO want to remain non-phantom....will I need to edit all of the scripts in the items individually, creating 2 separate scripts...one for phantom items, one for non-phantom?  Or is there a better way or different script to solve it?

    Thank you again!

  20. Hello.  I'm still pretty new with building and using/modifying scripts, etc., so please excuse any simple mistakes or ignorance.

    I've built a holodeck and some scenes from scratch using the info and scripts from this SL wiki page...http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Open_Source_Holodeck.

    I've used the info and scripts exactly as is, with the exception of building a 20x20x20 shell (instead of 20x20x10), changing the texture NC's as necessary, and I didn't use the door script (as I planned to use a combo of my own doors and phantom prims).  Once I got the hang of it, it's working nicely...for the most part.

    The trouble is, once the scene is re-rezzed, the items that were once phantom no longer maintain that property....meaning I can't get to my door or often can barely move within the scene itself.  I've checked for non-phantom child prims and linking of convex hulls, etc. and tried repackaging and re-setting the scene, but still items come back out as non-phantom.  I know the scripts are a little older, so that might be an issue, but haven't been able to locate anything open source that's more recent.  And I'd really hate to start all over again with something different.

    Any thoughts, comments, suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated!  Thank you!

  21. Thank you both.

    Rolig, yes, I'm aware....but I was wondering if a separate (different) stream could be played in two different areas of the same parcel.

    Lindal, thank you.  I was afraid of that.  And I actually had considered the audio vs video solution....I guess I'll have to look into a bit more.  I had just thought the dual audio might be possible as it seems I've been on sims where different areas with different themes had different music (or at least sounds)....but I guess it's more likely they may have been separate parcels owned by one owner over a larger region.

    Thank you both.  I appreciate the time and the advice.

  22. Hello.

    I'm just wondering if there's a way to stream more than one music or sound stream on just one parcel of land.

    For example, playing one music stream on the ground, but then another music stream in, say a skybox over the same parcel of land.

    Thanks for any help!

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