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Everything posted by MishaC25

  1. I'm definitely not going to be THAT person. I'll tell you why I did that, but before I do, I just want to let you know fwiw, that I've belonged to an online forum for over a decade, and I still post there. In ALL the years I've been on there I never once reported anyone, and again fwiw, no one ever reported me, nor have I ever gotten a warning. The reason I reported this couple, is because I talked to someone just hours before, who's been on SL for a decade. She was great! She showed me a lot of different places that I would've never seen, and she helped me with a few other things like my settings that have greatly improved my experiences on SL.. Anyway, during our conversation she mentioned that people can and do break into people's homes and steal their stuff. That got into my head. And it stayed there. lol Naturally, it was the first thing I thought about when this couple broke in. I was concerned they were going to steal all my friends furniture when they were done getting off. My friend and I are brand new here and we didn't have the knowledge at the time to stop them. Reporting them was not my first choice. I could look back at the chat log to see how long I asked this couple to leave, but it was a long time. It wasn't at all like I saw them and immediately hit the report button. That's not how I am, nor will it ever be. They disappeared right after being reported. If you had to guess, do you think the people in charge immediately booted them or do you think it's more likely that they decided to leave after hearing I reported them?
  2. Ain't that the truth! Let me tell you what happened to me a few days ago. I wanted to change clothes and I hadn't upgraded my account at that point,so I didn't have a home. There was NO ONE around. I briefly got naked to put on new clothes when all of a sudden I got a message that said I was being booted out. She right away told me why and I explained to her I was just changing clothes. I asked her how she knew what I was doing and she said she could see me. Uuugh. We ended up having a nice conversation and she answered a lot of my questions. I think she understood I meant no harm, and that I was new.
  3. So, wait a minute? Not all household furniture on SL offers sex positions? I thought all furniture did, and that there were different levels and degrees of positions offered, based on how much you want to spend. I've never heard of banlines, but I will go do research on them. I assume it means banning people from a certain distance from your house. So, there's a map people can access that shows who has sex furniture and who doesn't? That doesn't make me feel very safe. I don't want people breaking in while I'm home alone. ?
  4. Oh my god, people!! You wouldn't believe what happened to me last night. I still can't believe it! Someone read my post on here, and contacted me and offered to be teleported to my house to help me. She came and spent almost 2 HOURS with me in my room, helping me with my bed! I cannot believe her selflessness and generosity. I was so frustrated by the whole thing by the time she got to my home, and yet she was so friendly and kind that she kept me hopeful that it could be fixed. I would love to post her username on here. Would that be allowed? She needs to be outed as a truly amazing person. If I understand correctly, she ended up figuring out that I hadn't set up my bed after all, but the "engine" that runs the bed. Either way I would've been lost without her, and I will always remember how she helped me.
  5. Last night I was spending time with a friend on here at his place. We were on his chair talking when all of a sudden something at one of his windows caught my eye. It was a woman peaking in! Her face was right up to the window. She stayed there for a considerable amount of time. I never took my eyes off of her because I was a little bit spooked. lol How did she find out there were people in this house? My friend had no idea who she was. Well, the next thing we know she and and a male avatar that was not visible at the window come right in like they owned the place! They go right over to my friend's couch, and immediately she begins to perform a sex act on her lover. I was stunned at their comfort level of breaking in. It was as if they walked in their own private living room. I was part pissed at the rudeness, but inwardly amused at their mischievousness. My friend couldn't see them because his settings are messed up, so I told them to leave, at least 5 times. She ignored me and kept texting me "hi" or "ok" but they never left. I did report both of them. Soon after they both disappeared. If my friend had curtains, could they (would they?) still have done the same thing? Why didn't they go to one of the empty houses around me? Do you think this about voyeurism or bullying? Has this ever happened to any of you? I look forward to hearing from all of you.
  6. Hi. The bed is in the right position now, on the floor. But when I click on it, right click or left click, no position options come up. Absolutely none. This bed is supposed to have many positions.
  7. Wow! That worked! Thank you, Coby, so much, for also helping me.
  8. I just got it unstuck, and in the exact position I want it, but it's in the air above the floor. I don't see a drop option. I'm afraid to do anything wrong because I don't want to mess anything up Again, I am so appreciative of all your help! I really mean that.
  9. I just got it upstairs. But it's stuck in the floor, and it's halfway now between the downstairs and upstairs. I can't believe I got it moved up there moments after I posted this. Now, I need to figure out how to get it unstuck. lol Thank you both for your quick responses!
  10. Hi everyone. I have been trying forever, to move my brand new bed up the stairs, to no avail. Nothing I do works. I've got a lot of brand new furniture to put in my living room, but the bed is in the way. Thank you in advance if anyone can help me. I really did try a long time before coming here to ask all of you.
  11. What am I doing today? Trying to move furniture, in the home that I just got from upgrading my account, and it's been nothing but a PITA!!! I'm about to give up!! I have a bed sideways in my living room that I cannot imagine will ever (ever!)get up the stairs to my bedroom. Carry on with your pretty pictures. I hope to one day being able to post one of my own.
  12. Thanks everyone for responding to my question. It's great to get so many ideas and opinions. I read all of them. First off, Animats, I apologize that my title wasn't more informative, I'll definitely keep that in mind the next time that I post. Deann3, I am unfortunately one of the idiot newbs who has bumped into people while walking. I am getting better but I still feel so awkward. Last night I accidentally walked right up to a couple laying by the beach. I quickly turned around and even though it's vr, I still felt really embarrassed. LindalKidd, If I can, I'll attend your avatar safety class today. Thank you for offering that to me. Oh and I am sitting down every chance I get now. lol You're a very welcoming community here, thank you for everything.
  13. Thank you both for responding. I appreciate it. When the attack happened I was shocked, because I had just teleported there moments before, and I had no idea at first what was going on. It was also a little (a lot) embarrassing while it was happening. It's nice though that somebody jumped in on my behalf.
  14. Good morning, everyone. Nice to meet you. I found Second Life a week ago, and I'm already addicted to it. My question is yesterday I was on an island, one of the social islands, and this male avatar came out of nowhere and attacked my avatar. He started pushing my avatar all around the island and then pushed me off a ledge. Another male avatar, who I am grateful to, jumped in and beat the bully avatar up, but then immediately after that ended, the bully came back and did the same thing to me all over again! What would cause someone to do that? Don't get me wrong, I'm not fearful or anything like that, I'm asking out of curiosity if this is a typical behavior? Thanks in advance for answering my question.
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