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Xennophobos Rae

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Posts posted by Xennophobos Rae

  1. 9 minutes ago, arton Rotaru said:

    If I don't triangulate the mesh before exporting (although I have triangulate checked in the export dialog as well) I end up with broken UVs in SL. That is with Max 2015 SP3. I use the built in Collada exporter also.

    I'll see how things progress - i'm pretty new to the SL Mesh thing (as well as Max) so there's bound to be a few more hurdles ahead.  When I get a chance, I'll try something a little more complex than a humble cube and make those changes you suggest and hope for the best.

  2. I have no idea what's going on now.  I retraced my steps and did exactly the same thing in a new scene and this time the manually applied texture worked fine.  I suspect there's some "strange" intermittent issue with the beta grid.  Of course I'm still having issues with the textures uploading WITH the model, but I can live with that as long as the UVs don't get messed up during the upload.  Last night I had normal map issues, where the normal map was being applied as a standard texture on the face of the cube and not distributed as per the UVs on the model - dunno what that was about either - my next step once i get the simple diffuse working consistently.

    Also - I just noticed (by peeking inside the DAE file, that the OpenCollada export plugin for Max2016 is version 1.6.xxx and i read somewhere that SL only likes 1.4.xxx.  The internal MAX exporter (via FBX export), creates a 1.4.1 collada so I should probably stick with that one.

    @arton Rotaru Thanks for the tip - i don't understand why it's needed but I'll keep it in mind.  The FBX exporter already has a re-triangulate option on export - is your tip just a precautionary measure or is there some other reason to double up on triangulation?

  3. I am having trouble getting meshes into SL with proper UVs and textures.  I'll describe my workflow (3ds Max) and maybe someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong or if I'm missing a step.  I've attached an image that show the problems I'm getting in a nutshell.

    # I create model in MAX
    # I unwrap and UV the model inside MAX
    # I export UV template and edit it in Photoshop to apply textures to chosen UV islands
    # I bring the texture back into MAX and use it as diffuse map for a material
    # I name the material without spaces and do the same for the diffuse map's name (I heard SL does not like names with spaces etc)
    # I apply the material to my model in MAX - everything looks correct.
    # I do a quick render and again all looks correct.
    # I export the model as DAE (1) As Max's default DAE exporter using defaults and (2) As Max's alternate OpenCollada DAE using defaults.
    # I go to SL BETA Grid (Latest Firestorm viewer)
    # I go through the UPLOAD process for both models using the default upload settings for the most part
    # If I chose to include textures, I get an error - missing textures (see image), for BOTH uploads.
    # I upload without textures, and this works ok.
    # I upload the texture I created in photoshop (.png) so as to apply it manually within SL
    # Applying the texture gives screwy results - see image.  But different results on each model.

    So - This is the process I followed.  What am I doing wrong or what am i not doing?

    Any help, guide or tutorial pointers very much appreciated.


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