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  1. Much as I hate to do it, I am posting on an alt account because I have seen how these posts have turned into something not very pretty on social media and other forums and I wimped out. Organisers of events stipulating "original mesh" content should police that and not let it past if proven. No matter if it's "big brand" name or a friend. I know some customers don't care if its original or not they are gimme nice stuffs but there are other customers who do appreciate that a creator has worked hard on something unique and expect that is what they are getting when they go to these "original mesh" events. I do think this whole thing has made customers more aware of it. There was a lot of naming and shaming other creators who had been inspired by something and created their own version. Its a very murky quagmire right now and I do believe a lot of "big brands" may have taken shortcuts shall we call it, and are a little nervous right now. These brands in these big events are under a lot of pressure to get out 2, 3 even more products a month into these events but why not step back for one round, give another brand a chance to get showcased in the event. Downloading from a site and passing it off as your own is theft, especially if you had no licence to do so.
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