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Posts posted by CarterTom

  1. Hello, 

    Me and my partner encountered the same issue.
    I went looking up the net and came here.

    So it is  the special characters or letters that we use when we change our account names inworld?
    (because that is how i always do it, trough my profile inworld)

    I do not use chinese or korean letters, but well special letters from a website where i can do that , copy it and paste it in SL.
    Some work, some dont. but SL accepts my last name Tσm Cαrtєr  and then after a bit it changes back.


    Now the thing that actually bothers me, is the question; why havent they fixed this yet?
    The answer to my question would be (considering i have no good experience with LL at all) :  because they just dont care

    Anyways Whirly or madelaine, do i read it corrrectly that the special letters and/or symbols cause this bug?
    If so, i will use normal letters 

    Thank you so much

  2. Thank you for the kind words, which in fact are also true. Maybe i should not worry about that at all and just hug all haters :)
    Well youre not a hater but at least let me return the verbal hug :) Anyways, yeah you are correct. \o/ party  time!!


  3. mhmm this is wy i always make screenshots wth GYAZO.
    I dont accept notecards or hear/say from people as they can be altered and made very damaging to other people.
    So the only proof i accept is screenshots. thats the best proof you can get. Video even better :)


  4. @ Lindal Kidd:  yes but the problem is, that i cannot share the screenshots, that would get me banned. and these screenshots are my only proof of what this person is doing.
    And they are IN secondlife, badgering other people using my name, my twitch account, my personal information etc etc. so its ALL happening in SecondLife and indirectly affects my real life. (work on twitch) 

    @ Rolig: mhmm i know this. I was hoping by posting this that either LL would read it and reach out, or someone who could provide me with a contact adress (email) so i can send the 7 screenshots and profile screens to LindenLabs)  

    I will not risk getting banned because i know sharing screenshots of private conversations is a bannable offence.
    But is there nothing i can do? i just have to let this happen? 

    Anyways ,.... thanks for the response. the more i know what to do, the better :)


  5. Hello everyone, 
    (linden labs in particulair....)

    I am having a very nasty problems with residents that are openly griefing a sim in SL and uses my name, uses my profile information and also uses my twitch name and account to make me look bad.
    Now normally i would say, i would file am abuse report, but thats not possible since i have so much information i need to share with LINDEN LABS. 

    This person is deliberatly making me look bad, damaging my good reputation as a DJ in secondlife and also enters my REAL LIFE by using my twitch account, calling it a GRIEFERS STREAM for SL,
    openly naming my so called ALTS, (and yes i have two accounts, but this person involves other people as well. people that i am closely connected to in SL)

    I cannot contact LL by phone, since i am in the Netherlands and i cannot call to other countries.
    Is there an email that i can use? 

    I have a LOT of screenshots that i need to share, and i know this is against TOS, but i HAVE to protect myself and my real life work,
    I am a DJ and music producer and i stream SL on twitch, this is majorly affecting my business as well as my REAL LIFE and my work in SL and on Twitch.
    This has to stop!!!!   but i have no clue where to go or who to contact.

    Is there anyone that can HELP me?
    I would be so grateful.

    Thankyou in  advance!
    DJ Tom Carter
    (Cartertom Resident)


  6. @Scylla Rhiadra Well my thoughts are that you are right about that.
    Its everywhere. But,.....  i still think there is a way to "steer clear" from all that.
    I know most people dont care about it at all, Buy honestly i think its actually shocking that these maturity ratings here are a fluke.
    Meaning; Why on earth would a sim owner put adult furniture on their sim, while havig sex is actually not allowed? Does not make sense to me.
    "Unless they clearly want to engage in it, but also violate TOS from LL.  (not that LL cares much hahaha) 

    In GTA5 you also have to "look" for the content. Either by finding a prostitute (which is actually pretty lame in there cause the anims and graphics quality are very poor, even for GTA5 standards) or go to a stripclub. Or,...  you would have to specifically change/alter your game by modding it and add sexual content. 

    What im trying to say and also HOPE that twicth would be flexible about  is that if people like me choose NOT to broadcast that sexual or violent content from SL.
    Like i wrote earlyer we can help people wth it. Show them how to build, how to make clothes, how to socialise, (without the whole sex thing), or (re)do  their avis
    i personally think we whould not be banned for it as long as we dont violate TOS from twitch :)

    In my opinion its wrong to "assume"  (and that is what twitch does)  that everyone there follwos his dick, and its all porn, *****, ***** and violence.
    Again it is what you choose to see or what you seek for :)  

    (wth the market place as exception of course since designers know how to surpass the  keyword and use it in their own advantage. Which makes you unwilingly see things you dont want to see. Unfortunately LL does not do much about it as far as i know.... sad  tho... 



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  7. @Scylla Rhiadra No i havent visited sims like that.  those places dont sway me.  nor do they have my interest.
    I am NOT on sl to have sex. I am o SL to play and make music. And to express my creativity :)
    I was merely pointing out the difference between GTA and SL. ( mostly about gfx quality etc) Im certainly not comparing NPC's wth real people. Altho sometimes i ask myself who is real on SL and who is not hahah and  the sex in GTA doest interest me at all.

    And yes to be honest, i DO love the talking thing. And i do have a relationship. 
    I actually met the love of my life in SL :) hihihihih 

    I choose not to go to sex sims, i chose to broadcast FUN things and not (virtual) porn (people can get that everywhere)  I prefer to broadcast creativity, innivation, talent form manyh people :) and trust me, banging an avi is not one of them :)

    But yeah for those who do like it theres ways here too. When it comes to that , SL is literally limitless.
    I think to each their own?  

    Sidenote; Maybe i worded it wrong, as i am Dutch and do clearly not understand how to "say" certain things in english.
    MY apologies for that if i didnt explain myself clear enough Scylla :)


  8. 8 minutes ago, Haselden said:

    boobs are boobs there's no beating around the bush lol. Heck, imagine your kid walking in on one of these scenes for top 10. It's still sex.


    Yes i agree with you totally man!  i mean.....  according to what Twitch says,... shouldnt these games be BANNED from twitch as well?
    I mean dont get me wrong,..... i LOVE GTA 5  but.....  yes there is violence, there is sex, there is rape, murder, theft and so on...  

    ANd no you cannot compare GTA to SecondLife. i wish we could. Have our OWN los Santos hehehehe
    Rockstar did not manage to create cute girls like that as we have in SL. Altho.... theres MODS available hahaha that make it even better :P

  9. 6 minutes ago, Kyrah Abattoir said:

    Twitch doesn't want to police their platform manually so they will ban any game that could go against their term of service. Use something else than twitch. I recall mixer was fine with it.

    games that COULD?.....  
    So that means SL is actually already found guilty of all that. WIthout them even wanting to investigate the "3d Social platform" because SL is officially not a game,...  or am i misunderstandig that? Not really sure about that to be honest :) But still i think they should let us broadcast....  

    Look at all the creative people in the community! not only DJ's like me, but builders, decorators, designers,  or even people who want to accomodate NEW RESIDENTS and help them on their way by good tutorial videos :) i think it actually has great potential :) 

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  10. 2 minutes ago, animats said:

    Unfortunately, it still is.

    That's something that LL management should be taking up with Twitch management. It's embarrassing that SL is in the doghouse on Twitch. This hurts new user acquisition. It's embarrassing to SL users who'd like to show SL to their friends.

    Twitch's detailed policy reads "Games featuring nudity, pornography, sex, or sexual violence as a core focus or feature, and gameplay modified to feature these elements are entirely prohibited. Occurrences of in-game nudity are permitted, so long as you do not make them a primary focus of your content and only spend as much time as needed in the area to make progress." SL could meet that standard outside of Adult areas.

    Mhmm yes as i just stated in my previous comment,  i checked it and its still on the list.
    Yet,..... i did not get banned (as of yet hahaha)  by broadcasting my DJ work in a club......
    ( i do keep nudity out of my camera sight tho)  never wake a sleeping dog i was told :)


  11. @Scylla Rhiadra Well i actually think the reasons are a bit stupid tho.
    I mean honestly they look at one bad side and ban it. i dont understand.

    I mean.....  sure theres a lot of crap happenig i SL by people who have no good intentions at all.
    But that can be avoided right? EIther you choose not to broadcast the bad things happening or you make sure nothing of it all is seen. (like i do)
    Its a way of NOT feeding the trolls and still be able to support your creativity and the place that you think is worth broadcasting for.

    I checked again and its still on the banned list.
    But i wont stop.....  I am a DJ and i have nothing to do with griefers, porn or unacceptable behavior from people.
    I play and produce music thats it. 

    The Irony behind all this is that sometimes i see females broadcasting  "Just chatter"   and they are actually wearing a very skimpy top, 80% of the boobs showing,
    they get tenthousands of viewers every day, they make tenthousands of dollars by donations......... and this is where Twitch looks the other way.
    But showing a very well but sexy dressed avi in the BIGGEST 3D social platform (yes i dont see SL as a game either)  no.....  thats not done.
    See the hypocricy in that? :)  

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  12. Wow..... amazing!!!
    I get a warning from Theresa Linden because i posted a link to my twitch here,.....  
    I wanted to show that SECOND LIFE ISNT BANNED FROM TWITCH AT ALL!!! 

    That is *****ing rediculous.  I am trying to be helpful and take a stand for LL and i get warned
    Because i want to show the GOOD side .... right,.......  

    Ive been stalked for over two years by one and the same person, made over 20 REPORTS and nothing happens.
    (double standards, Lindens? It only concerns you if it AFFECTS you ?  wow!!!!) 

    But im trying to be helpful and add some GOOD NEWS to the community,......  and then this??
    Well last  time i would EVER stick my neck out again... Thanks Theresa!!! 

    (yes i stick my neck out cause maybe i WILL get banned from twitch because i broadcast SL to show them that its NOT only a porn site and a social platform where ***** happens all the time.........  guess good deeds arent appreciated.......)  

    No advertising or promotion of specific Second Life merchants, 
    Marketplace listings, products, or services, unless the forum area is 
    specifically for the buying or selling of Second Life products or 
    services, for example, a “for sale” or “wanted” forum. Do not reference 
    other websites offering any product or service. "  

    Really??  You should be THANKFUL that i promote SL in a GOOD WAY on other platforms so you might get MORE people who want to check it out and join.!  There is no advertising here, no promotion for my own benefit of ANY KIND!!!! It benefits SL  not me...... "   Maybe you should STOP putting everyone in the same box and let people HELP instead of punishing them for it. After all ( its a user created platform right????)  So let the community support eachother and dont be an ass about little things that have no meaning........  

    last time i ever did that :(

    THE NAME SECOND LIFE or LINDEN LABS will NEVER EVER be sayd or heard or typed in my twitch again.
    Nor will i SHOW what happens here. Its not worth it...... SL is not worth it.... the Lindens arent worth that kind of support.

    Thank you!!! 


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