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WereBeast Alpha

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Posts posted by WereBeast Alpha

  1. All in all I am really disappointed nobody really came forward to me in messages here on the forums with a simple hey this isn't allowed in this forum please use this section instead of saying I am only wanting customers but I am looking for friends as well. The reason why I put in the city is because I don't go to other sims because I lag a lot so I stay at my sim instead  of visiting other sims to prevent lots of lag. 

    As for advertising in groups I have tried that and recently since Monday have had errors that pop up saying group chat cannot be started and barely anyone takes a look at the RP forums let alone notices in groups. 

    This will be my last post in the forums and I will not be returning as of this moment.

  2. some tips I have done for myself with owning land or skybox

    1.) Use the search in the second life viewers which ever one you use to find a good spot, the best thing I have learned is that I found my rental back in January of this year and have loved it. I was lucky to find it since at that time it was the last 1/4 homestead open for rent. 

    2.) Budget - Using a budget helps depending on what works within your real life budget the plot I rent each month is in around 30 bucks a month but I pay 2 months in advance adding a month each or up to 8 weeks each month to keep the rental.

    3.) Homesteads are limited to 25 people per parcel but are affordable with limited prim count. As for skyboxes are the same with the prim limits including houses. Whatever you want to add into your home make sure its not a lot of prim. I know my friend owns a skybox and its like 600 prim count but she had a lot of high prim furniture and she had to cut down on some of it in order to adjust to the limit. 

    4.) Security orbs - some skyboxes already have orbs per skybox but for me I use mine to see who visits my parcel to keep an eye on bots. It varies but I know Caspar tech has an orb that works wonderful on security. 

    I hope this helps you out :)


    • Thanks 1
  3. On 5/1/2021 at 1:06 PM, LittleMe Jewell said:

    Wow -- US $3,500 = roughly 840,000 L$, for shopping, per month.  I truly can't even imagine.

    Yeah that's a bit much shopping I know last month after the increases I did a bit more spending than usual but I had the extra funds and was working on building up a roleplay sim for me and others to enjoy. I think I only went up to 340 bucks at max but even know with the linden prices going up I am limiting my spending on SL. 

  4. 12 hours ago, BiliEyelash said:

    When a noob searches for a place, will it show up if it is one of those places where that person cannot go to yet because they are to young. 

    Mostly its because some places have had issues with trouble makers which allows them to use orbs or some sort of security measures to help keep down on the trouble makers who caused problems. It does help as your account gets older you can unlock more places even the ones show in search that have orbs which prevent people from coming in. I think one place I know that has once you reach 60 days you can go onto that sim and do stuff on there. I know its unfair but its how people handle things to prevent trouble makers.

  5. 1 hour ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

    Wild shot here, but is the land set to allow members of a certain group, and if so, is it possible this person is a group member? You mentioned it is a rental, so I was just wondering if your land is set to the rental group and, even though the landlord says he doesn't know her, she might still have managed to join the group. I don't know but it seems possible that allowing group "without restriction" as I think it's worded in the land box might override the NPIOF restriction.

    yeah the group is deeded to the land that's about it but it is an open group but I don't see her on the list for the group itself. I have no fly permission allowed my orb lets me know who is flying in so they can be forced to land. I guess people just like to explore to take a better look around.

  6. So last night I was on my homestead just hanging out enjoying the music. I have really high restrictions and someone was able to bypass all of the restrictions included by flying which is not allowed I checked that and she didn't have payment info on file either and was able to to go onto my property. I had to ban and eject her but it seemed like it stopped her. Even my orb couldn't warn her in time to stop flying around. Is this normal for someone to do this because my rental owner said he doesn't know who she is?

  7. On 4/9/2021 at 5:45 PM, Stellaria1995 said:

    I'm sort of scatterbrained and confused, forgive me. I just began playing Bloodlines, but I am overwhelmed with how many families they are and feel stuck in trying to find one to join. I want to make friends to rp with, especially romance rps, I am having trouble finding someone because there are so many people and I'm just becoming anxious and confused. 

    A little about me; I'm 25, female, a Pagan and Witch, I love literature, writing, tea and travel. I really hope I can find people to form deep bonds with here.

    Still looking? Let me know I have 2 almost 3 years of experience in Bloodlines and looking to expand my part in Bloodlines with teaching people with learning Bloodlines together, There is so much you can do even with a family you got limitless things along with whatever you desire. Just make it what you enjoy when looking for a family including a liege. My group of Bloodlines is small roughly around under 14 people so we are small and apart of Cataclysm legion #5 ranking in the family part of popular Bloodline families.

  8. On 6/5/2016 at 8:58 PM, M1ssConduct said:

    I am not impressed with IMVU Customer service.  Their customer service for customers is less than desirable.  They take money from Customers and then lock them out of their account in less than a month. I've spent $530.00 which is a fortune that was planned for a full year of use not just 28 days for my two avatars there for chat (for family and friends that are not on the same continent), credits, AP status and age verified for both of the avatars and I believe that they check it for being over 25 years of age; for both avatars I am name registered, VIP for a year, purchased chat, items and shared room.  I am still being denied access there and its been close to a week without service,   They have caused grief and loss of sleep by denying me as a customer with a secobd avatar.  I'm not sure why an establishment would sell items then deny the service.  Shame on their customer service.  I have been looking at SL it does have adult content and no extra fee other than for land.  I am so discusted with online IMVU chat that I don't even know that I want to even bother.  I am viewing the cost for the Linden dollar and it does not make sense I'm thiking its too expesive.  I really do not care for walking, creating landscape scenes etc, or flying around however I am saddened by the way I am being treated as an customer beining denied access to my avatars that have been fully set up with over 20 rooms between both of the avatars.  I am not sure how to get this rectified.  I was promised VIP chat however the vip chat does not work for bot avatars, nor I am getting help in customer service its like I am being talked over and spaining is going on - I'm discusted with IMVU and hope it gets resolved quickly.  I miss chating with my family and friends that I have made over the quick 28 days. 

    The customer service for IMVU isn't really worth the hassle or VIP trust me I dealt with it when I was dealing with some issues that still don't get resolved today. Its Obvious the imvu chat staff are bots with little to no positive feedback on anything. The responses take longer or feel like its not even a real response. 

    • Like 1
  9. 8 minutes ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

    Your threshold of creepiness is remarkably low.

    I don't understand what you mean on that but I rarely get visitors to my place is what is creepy to me that these bots pop up mostly between 3am and 6am USA time central. 

  10. I have seen this go on the parcel I rent, a couple months ago a random person came onto my parcel never said a word, I walked over there to greet them at the landing spot and once I arrived the person just teleported out and kept on coming back for many days not saying a word. I used my casper visitor tracker to help see how many times he person visited in a week it was 12 times I had to block the account from coming into my parcel. Some people who come in and don't respond usually leave suddenly its really weird I never had that problem on SL.

  11. I love Aesthetic Mesh body easier to use and apply clothing, Recently I tried a demo of Letluka head and slink body for males it looked crappy to me unless I didn't apply everything correctly but at least I do enjoy the body even if its a bit more muscle its fine with me. The appliers are easy to remove with a simple hud.




    • Like 9
  12. 43 minutes ago, Mowri Panache said:

    What are the duties and responsibilities of these 6 people you’re seeking? 

    Is it a paid position or is it a volunteer “for the fun of it” type thing? 

    Does the sun use a RP hud system? Or is that something you’ll be seeking as well (I have 2 i’ve created that might work well) 

    The duties are to help us gather recruits for the RP and we plan on having hud systems for the Roleplay as well. Since it's fairly new we plan on expanding to a few full sims in the future to help make the RP realistic when more people come in for various things like taverns, shops, blacksmiths etc. We have a lore as well that is in development that works into the roleplay. For the RP HUD it would be combat related along with health, stamina and other skills added to help make it realistic to battle with like Elder Scrolls Online or war of Worldcraft in a sense. Its not paid unless someone wants to help get the sim up and running in the future when land sales come back open (I don't know that is going on right now with SL due to the pandemic last I checked in January land sales were closed again). But I am workin on expanding and getting people first before getting the full sim. A friend of mine wants to do at least 4 full sims but I think that's a bit much for a starter roleplay. Its a medieval roleplay called BloodBorne Castle that is fairly new all in for fun and people really don't have to invest to help get a full sim like I said we're starting on a 1/4  rented parcel and plan on maybe this fall getting a full sim right now is creating the lore and setting up a story before the roleplay castle opens. 

    The castle is currently being built by two of my friends and is taking sometime to build so we are working on a background store, lore, character races etc before opening when the castle is finished.


    13 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

    Seems as if they're looking for investors and people to bring in investors.


    In a sense yes but most of all to help bring in people for when we plan on getting a full sim or a couple of full sims once the RP expands. it would be helpful if someone who is interested in helping us invest into a full sim in the future if interested in the RP. 

  13. Hello there I'm seeking 6 people who want to help run a full sim for an RP that is currently in development at this time. These people would help have 1full sim that can be used for the group and eventually get 4-6 other full sims to create a Medieval Fantasy type roleplay village along with housing and of course like a castle along with other things. We are discussing by October to have the backers to produce one full sim. Renting is hard to find the proper land so we are stuck renting a 1/4 parcel at this time. If anyone wants to help gather the people and backers including role-players please feel free to contact me here on the forums or inworld on SL. 


    Viper Nova (xxVi3perxx)

  14. 1 minute ago, RunawayBunny said:

    Not every tracker have malicious intention. :)

    Some possible uses:

    Informs estate rental owner or employee if people visiting their parcel or SIM, so they can offer help with IM.

    Helps shop owner and employee notice if some one visiting their shop so s/he don't have to wait on SIM all day.

    True I have a Casper tech one for just tracking my Sim when its having people on there for RP and stuff its helpful as long as its not for bad things.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Janet Voxel said:

    I can attest to that. My daughter came from IMVU and she has a hard time with the UI. Luckily, she found me and I've been showing her the ropes. There's also a technical hurdle when going from IMVU to SL. IMVU doesn't require that much to log on to it, SL you need a pretty decent PC to avoid a lot of headaches to avoid more headaches that come with running a lower spec PC.

    I can say that my Desktop PC can run SL but it lags plus I have an outdated Video card that is needing a new one but I am using my MacBook Pro from college and it can run SL with some lag depending on the traffic of places.

  16. 3 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

    On firestorm, I can see your entire profile using the legacy profile.  I can also see your online status with any viewer using an online tracker HUD/script.  What I can't do is see where you are on the grid.


    Like I said I don't even know what trackers are out on SL if anyone is using them LL should do something about it since its illegal In a way to track someone in my own opinion. 

    • Haha 1
  17. I'm not surprised IMVU is trying so hard to be #1 platform to beat SL but frankly IMVU is losing that battle because people on IMVU are slowly moving to SL. There is a lot of issues going on within the IMVU community that is not good. A lot of things broken where if people make enemies or have a dispute with someone it comes to annoyance with people following others. Just think of it like Twitter with follow me here button and let me display everything publicly. Oh and the staff don't really help with anything and are bots 100%. More or so anymore IMVU has become a ground for underage children where new accounts being made are not monitored on the adult side of IMVU since there is a teen server for it. SL has been on the rise while IMVU is slacking on pretty much everything. I say am glad I moved to SL back in 2018 and I still have my IMVU account but don't log into the client because its so boring there barely anyone talks in rooms or even role-plays anymore more so people seem more dramatic and toxic on IMVU and the block button is not even functional. I'm also going to add this here. 

    Many IMVU users who have tried SL have found it difficult to use for the viewers and give up within one day and will go back to IMVU, Last year one of my friends  decided to try SL and I helped her out and since then she has never logged into her IMVU account but enjoys SL. IMVU is easier to understand but it takes time to learn SL properly and even then with the new changes and add ons to viewers these days SL seems to be thriving more and more. 

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  18. Here is one thing if you show yourself online (Via Firestorm viewer) if that same person is in the same group as you. Let's say you go to a sim and the sim has a group well if you check the box those who see you online via the group will know when you are possibly on the sim. I never heard of tracker HUDS before but anything is possible these days like on IMVU if you don't pay a certain affiliate money to hide your profile anyone who searches your name or ID number can find your rooms and places you have visited. Kind of beats the purpose of those who want to hide from certain people. I stay offline on firestorm and I keep my second life homepage to friends only from prying eyes. Just remember when you change your name they will know via seeing your profile has changed because you still own your old name I wish SL would allow if you change your SL legacy name you don't that name or that profile anymore. 


    Screenshot at Mar 10 11-04-36.png

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