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  1. Oh, wait. Nevermind... Did I do it right? Idek anymore. I'll stop talking, lmfao
  2. I'm pretty sure I just meant to make this a post, not a topic. So I already fuuuucked it up. Lmfao idk how to delete it, my bad.
  3. Hey everyone! I'm not exactly "super" new to SL. I had an account for about a year before I deleted it and ended up coming back so my age looks a little younger than I am, although I *am* pretty slow at learning SL so it could be pretty accurate. Who knows? I'm really awful at talking to people and making friends, but who isn't sometimes, right? Sometimes it makes me feel pretty isolated and that kinda sucks. If you're looking for new friends, please don't be shy! I'm always open to just sit and chat. In fact, that's one of my favorite things! I love movies, YouTube, books and shows of all kinds so if you're into those too - we've got a good topic to start on! I really enjoy going to look at art exhibits and I'm also about to try and learn LSL Scripting, (maybe some building?), Spanish, and Arabic! (If I can find the time, lol) So, if anyone wants to learn with me or is looking for a learning partner or wants to help look for learning tools - I'm totally down for that! Basically, I really like the idea of using SL to learn and make friends. So hit me up if you wanna be friends! If you're into tarot cards, my insta is mr._constellation Thanks all! - Mr. C
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