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Juliebaby123 Heartsong

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  1. I just read about the Gacha change or elimination so bear with me, I want to just tell my thoughts. Gacha for me it is a fun way to acquire objects by chance. I go out with friends to events that are dedicated to just gachas. I save money if I am lucky and get a Rare item, but I always get an item from the gacha key. That means the 75 linden I choose to pay is what I believe each item in the machine is worth and I know I will get one of them. That is fun for me. Is this Gambling? Its up to interpretation really. I actually consider it a better choice than gambling. To me it is entertainment or something fun to do in SL. Like going to play claw machines. Or getting a grab bag from my favorite shopping venue. That is why we come into SL, for fun. So I choose activities that match with my values and morals. However I cant help but notice entertainment in SL has slowly changed. Today most of the listings in the entertainment category in search in SL are Strip clubs and Escort services? Linden labs doesn't close down those businesses. I don't know why because I know that in some areas of the world prostitution is illegal. We don't care about that, right? And I cant help but notice when we look to purchase lindens and are given a "take a chance' option to buy linden at a reduced price on a variable date. Its not called gambling. But isn't it the same? Are we splitting hairs? There is nothing much players can do as another very fun aspect of SL goes the way of the Dodo. Income for some will be obliterated. Shopping for Gacha fans will disappointed, confused, or angry with the new policy. We think we have no choice but to go along with it. Unless... we decide to quit Playing SL. It seems that people forgotten that the customer can fire everyone from the CEO on down just by choosing to spend their money somewhere else or not at all. So if all of the gacha fans choose to reduce their spending of lindens or stop using lindens at all. It will have impact. But I don't think its likely. People are addicted to SL too. I also want to say that addiction to gambling is awful. Any addiction can be. We need a better activities in SL that are fun. I want to spend my money on fun. Remember in the old days when SL was fun? I guess that I will sit back and say goodbye to my Forest Gump days of SL. It used to be..."SL Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you gonna get". Now its "don't bother to get the chocolates. They are all maple nut. I don't even like maple nut. And maple nut is too expensive to even bother anymore." I am just one person. It will significantly reduce my spending in SL. Probably reduce the time in am in world. Sorry gacha vendors. You will be missed.
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