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Everything posted by tinguely

  1. I still find the subject to be fascinating, there's so many youtube videos of different ways of applying the game of life, from the clock to the game making a version of itself and all the possibilities it can render... it never ends. Never got to use a pdp11 even though i think there are emulators. And this will be a good read A discussion of The Game of Life thanks. I haven't seen a fully fledged 3D implementation yet, should be fun.
  2. Thank you, I shall take a look, as I've ran out of things that interest me. Interpreting small games in other languages is a bit of a hobby for me. I've tried BASIC ( Had to make a windows 3.11 VM) and I still find it to be pretty decent.
  3. This is something i have been experimenting with for a bit, it took a while just to get it working. I put it here in-case any one can improve it as i made it to use a fix grid size that one has to make before dragging the script in. It can go on forever as it should if the generation cap i put in is removed. Feel free to use it and improve it, to all those who like conway's game of life. // tinguely 2017 // check for false group so no further checks made, or stride to avoid making string groups // so far, about 10 seconds per generation... key u_key; integer width = 15; integer height = 15; // just use this grid instead of making a new one each time list cells; // for searching rows/cols integer step = width; //list test_pattern = ["4#5","5#5","3#6","4#6","4#7","4#8"]; list test_pattern = ["3#6","4#6","5#6","4#5","5#4"]; // insert patterns here when cells is built, e.g "r pentomino" // ## // ## // # // // (4,5) (5,5) // (3,6) (4,6) // (4,7) // frequently updated lists used for testing cells list new_cells; list test_cells; list rects_blank; list rects; list test_cell;// only for get neighbours, one cell element // for building the empty base_grid list sqr_empty(){ rects_blank = []; integer x; integer y; for(x = 0; x < width; ++x){ for(y =0; y < height; ++y){ rects_blank = rects_blank + [(string)x+"#"+(string)y+"?"+"FALSE"]; } } return rects_blank; } // a base grid but with a 'test_pattern' added list sqr() { // both outer loops rects = []; integer i; integer j; // inner pattern loop integer a; integer b = llGetListLength(test_pattern); // string rect_str; integer match; integer bool_marker; string rect_coords; string pattern; for(i = 0; i < width; ++i){ for(j =0; j < height; ++j){ rect_str = (string)i+"#"+(string)j+"?"+"FALSE"; match = 0; for(a= 0; a < b; ++a){ bool_marker = llSubStringIndex(rect_str, "?"); rect_coords = llGetSubString(rect_str, 0, bool_marker-1); pattern = llList2String(test_pattern, a); if (rect_coords == pattern){ rects = rects+[pattern+"?TRUE"]; match = 1; } } // if match is still 0 here, add as usual if (match == 0){ rects = rects+[rect_str]; } } } return rects; } //helper for get_neighbours list get_cell(integer x, list c) { // plumbing, uses markers in cell string to get values needed string cell_str = llList2String(c, x); integer num_marker = llSubStringIndex(cell_str, "#"); string x_coord = llGetSubString(cell_str, 0, num_marker-1); //inc integer bool_marker = llSubStringIndex(cell_str, "?"); string y_coord = llGetSubString(cell_str, num_marker+1, bool_marker-1); //inc string bool_str = llGetSubString(cell_str, bool_marker+1, -1); //inc return [x_coord, y_coord, bool_str]; } string get_cell_coords(integer x, list c) { string cell_str = llList2String(c, x); integer bool_marker = llSubStringIndex(cell_str, "?"); string coords = llGetSubString(cell_str, 0, bool_marker-1); return coords; } string get_cell_single_coord(integer x, list c, string get_coord) { string cell_str = llList2String(c, x); integer num_marker = llSubStringIndex(cell_str, "#"); string x_coord = llGetSubString(cell_str, 0, num_marker-1); //inc integer bool_marker = llSubStringIndex(cell_str, "?"); string y_coord = llGetSubString(cell_str, num_marker+1, bool_marker-1); //inc if (get_coord == "X"){ return x_coord; } if (get_coord == "Y"){ return y_coord; } else{return "e";} // check for e later } string get_cell_bool(integer x, list c) { string cell_str = llList2String(c, x); integer bool_marker = llSubStringIndex(cell_str, "?"); string booly = llGetSubString(cell_str, bool_marker+1,-1); return booly; } // checking true / false on individual cells integer get_neighbours(integer i) { integer alive_neighbours = 0; test_cell = get_cell(i, cells); // dont want to call get_cell_single_coord() twice here // more plumbing integer x = (integer)llList2String(test_cell, 0); integer y = (integer)llList2String(test_cell, 1); // now check if (x > 0 && x < width - 1 && y > 0 && y < height - 1){ //left if (get_cell_bool(i-1, cells) == "TRUE"){ alive_neighbours += 1; } // right if (get_cell_bool(i+1, cells) == "TRUE"){ alive_neighbours += 1; } //top if (get_cell_bool(i-step, cells) == "TRUE"){ alive_neighbours += 1; } //top left if ( get_cell_bool(i-step-1, cells) == "TRUE"){ alive_neighbours += 1; } //top right if ( get_cell_bool(i-step+1, cells) == "TRUE"){ alive_neighbours += 1; } // bottom if ( get_cell_bool(i+step, cells) == "TRUE"){ alive_neighbours += 1; } //bottom left if (get_cell_bool(i+step-1, cells) == "TRUE"){ alive_neighbours += 1; } //bottom right if (get_cell_bool(i+step+1, cells) == "TRUE"){ alive_neighbours += 1; } } test_cell=[]; return alive_neighbours; } // use helper method get_neighbours to change states of each cell list check_alive_cells() { //cant nest lists test_cells = sqr_empty(); integer i; integer max = llGetListLength(cells); string replacement; for(i = 0; i < max; ++i){ if (get_cell_bool(i, cells) == "FALSE"){ integer alive_neighbours = get_neighbours(i); if(alive_neighbours == 3){ // set to TRUE replacement = get_cell_coords(i,test_cells) + "?TRUE"; test_cells = llListReplaceList(test_cells,[replacement],i,i); replacement=""; } } // ----- if (get_cell_bool(i, cells) == "TRUE"){ integer alive_neighbours = get_neighbours(i); if(alive_neighbours > 3 || alive_neighbours < 2){ replacement = get_cell_coords(i,test_cells) + "?FALSE";; test_cells = llListReplaceList(test_cells,[replacement],i,i); replacement=""; } if(alive_neighbours == 2 || alive_neighbours == 3){ replacement = get_cell_coords(i,test_cells) + "?TRUE";; test_cells = llListReplaceList(test_cells,[replacement],i,i); replacement=""; } } } // now change cells cells = test_cells; return test_cells; // a snapshot of what was just done } // start producing begin(integer n){ integer gen; // number of evolution steps integer max = llGetListLength(new_cells); integer i; string row; while(gen < n){ //llOwnerSay( llGetTimestamp() ); // test one generation per touch for now new_cells = check_alive_cells(); max = llGetListLength(new_cells); //test with link colours for(i = 0; i < max; ++i){ //llOwnerSay((string)i + " "+ get_cell_bool(i, new_cells) ); if(get_cell_bool(i, new_cells) == "TRUE" ){ llSetLinkColor(i+1,<0.0,0.0,0.0>,ALL_SIDES); } if(get_cell_bool(i, new_cells) == "FALSE" ){ llSetLinkColor(i+1,<1.0,1.0,1.0>,ALL_SIDES); } } llSetText("Game of life:\n***\n Generation: " + (string)gen+"\n***", <1,1,1>, 1.5); gen += 1; //llOwnerSay( "memory use: " +(string)llGetUsedMemory() ); //llOwnerSay( "Done..."+(string)gen); } } default { state_entry() { u_key = llGetOwner(); // set info text llSetText("", <1,1,1>, 1.5); // reset all linked prims, link number starts at 1, so 1 to 226 integer a; integer b = llGetNumberOfPrims(); for(a =0; a < b;++a){llSetLinkColor(a+1,<1.0,1.0,1.0>,ALL_SIDES);} cells = sqr(); begin(15); // integer generations } touch_start(integer total_number) { //begin(); if(llDetectedKey(0) == u_key){ llResetScript(); llOwnerSay( "Done..."); } } }
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