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Everything posted by SimplifyKidd

  1. Sorry for posing such a basic question, but I can't figure out how to flip a simple 1 prim card from it's back to it's front. Can anybody point me to a simple script that flips a prim 180 degree on the Z-axis when the prim is touched?
  2. Is there a way to look through all the private notes that I have written on different avatars without having to open up each avatars profile?
  3. Thanks, Syn. I just learned to use MPS, so I was hoping that there was a workaround - but I guess I should just get started on AVSitter instead. I guess I picked the wrong one to begin with...
  4. It seems that by default when an item is setup for the sit animation the item is placed in the sitter's inventory and he has to 1) accept it, 2) find it in the inventory, and 3) add it to his avatar. Is there a way to make that simpler for the person using the furniture? Also, the item is still in the avatar's hand when he stands up. Can the item automatically be removed when people stand up?
  5. Qie, Yes, that viewer did the trick. It was something playing from far away. With that viewer I could turn it off without turning of my podcast... Thanks!
  6. Thanks, I did not know about that. Unfortunately, that did not reveal anything :-(
  7. I am playing podcasts through the Sound setting on my land settings. The Media settings are blank. Still there is a kind of music streem playing with Danish ads, now and then, but I have no knowledge about where it came from. I am Danish so I am thinking that I must have created somthing that does this but I have no idea how it happened. Could I have created a sound streaming object without noticing? And how can I find it (to delete it)?
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