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Posts posted by YYC1

  1. 20 hours ago, Galilla Sinatra said:

    Well, I thought it was cleaned up but now Elite Escort club is spamming.  They get away with it by just putting different text in name of event when it's not an event at all. 

    Did an abuse report on Elite Escort Club for their 30+ event listings, 3 to 4 per hour.

    thank you Galilla, it's nice that at least someone is taking the time to do this. some of the clubs are so bad at this.  considering all the wording inside the message is the same it's a wonder that LL doesn't have a script that can scan events the same day to see if the same message and sim address comes up more than once and just flag it for review.  it's bad when users are the ones having to flag messages like this considering how old SL is as a platform, the issue is not a new one.


    so thank you from all of us that find the events listings fairly useless without users trying to keep it clean.  I would love it if the events listings worked better, i'd be tempted to go to more sims to try them out and buy things and spend lindens to support those sims/artists.


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  2. Hello Miss EmmyDammitEverythingIsTaken,


    I have to say, I LOVE the name, I was thinking of doing something similar when I started less than two weeks ago as all the common names were already taken.

    I hope things have improved for you since you started and hopefully you are starting to enjoy your SL experience.


    Sometimes to lose the crazies, it’s good to find a crowd J  easy to avoid their gaze. When I started, I was having a bit of a hard time meeting people using the destination guide as everywhere listed was almost always empty.  So I did a search and found a somewhat effective way to find Sims that still get regular visitors.   Thankfully these Sims also seem to usually have moderators on hand to deal with bullies and crazies.

    If you use the following search (you can put it into your normal web browser and it should work fine), it will sort the SL destination guide based on how many people visited that Sim in the last little while.  This is a good way to find places you can go to meet others or just show off the awesome Avatar you have created. 


    Please note, this is not my work. *entering giving credit mode* I found this link from the forums and it was posted by a member named Freya Mokusei back in 2015 but it still works today (I use it often to find new victims *ahem* friends I mean).

    Link to the original posting




    Having said the above, please note, as a fellow newbie, if you do need help with crazies, please let me know. I’ll be happy to join the angry mob of newbies *insert scene of black and white movie scene of angry towns people with torches and pitchfolks rushing towards the windmill*.  for those with a very visual imagination, this would be a great time to use it for some LOLs.  newbies with pitchforks. we might just impale ourselves LOL.


    Being new to SL myself, I’ve met some amazing and friendly people that have been helping me not run into walls and learn how to not walk outside without my pants on.  SL is very fun if you are in the right sims.   

    Please note, if you join one of the ‘families/clans/groups, they usually have a friendly base of operations where their members can open boxes, change, and generally it’s a protected area where members of the group cannot enter.  This can help you to have a safe place without paying high rent or spending money. If you haven’t found a place, please msg me in game and I can suggest one or two.


    Also, please feel free to msg if you would like a small list of sims I’ve found already that are currently active and protect their visitors from crazies.


    Btw, if you love the avatar part and the dressing and shopping, I know a great group of folks that would love to meet you as they are amazing at finding deals, looking good and are super friendly.


    Hopefully you have found a good group of friends, otherwise message and I can introduce you to some (slightly wacky) fun people.


    Remember, SL is WAY more fun if you have some friends to explore and chat with.  LOL if you want to not chat, it’s ok..i know of places where you can have your own closet for quiet times LOL.


    Take care and Smile,

    from  a fellow Newbie

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