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Sydelle Zanzibar

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Everything posted by Sydelle Zanzibar

  1. I read most of these over 100 pages of comments and I asked for a clarification. No one is offering any. We said its not reasonable to delete all the content that would allow people to do unspeakable things, and the response was that LL labs can remove stuff. SO I ask again, what stuff are we proposing they remove?
  2. Just seems pointless to go on arguing that LL can remove things when no one is suggesting anything to remove.
  3. Sure they did, but what items exactly are you suggesting they remove? All skins? Bodies that can be made short? I'm not understanding your goal here.
  4. This isn't about not liking the rules, it's about the rules not being clear enough to know if we like it or not.
  5. You don't seem to understand. Most child avatars are not made by exclusively using "child content", especially RP ages over 6. We buy things we can modify to make look childlike using the mod rights, alphas etc. We do this because not much child content is even available. We are not talking about some child content with genitalia. I have a normal skin just like you do, but i got a full perm one and edited it a bit to be less adult. Not everyone knows how to do that. You can't just remove all skins from SL! I have a responsibility to get ones that are more modest and to hide adult parts, and i will, but the people the rules are made to stop wont, they will just use adult skins. If LL removes those, what will the adult wear?
  6. I've was an 11yo kid for 10 years then I "aged up" to 12. I am all for the new rules for A rated regions. I have to shop there pretty often as lots of shops are there and it always feels uncomfortable, so I got a ghost avi for shopping. that is no big deal. The problem I have with all this is the ambiguity of the modesty rules. I'm happy to comply, afterall one big reason im a kid is to avoid sexual content. But HOW to comply? It's easy to just say 'comply' but the rules are not clear enough. I already edited my skin, but i have no clue if my skin edit complies with the rules, and i can't go anywhere to look it up. If this is going to mess with BOM so I cant use my system clothing and other BOM stuff, my avatar will not likely be fixable to keep the look i prefer and 90% or more of my outfits are useless. Then you have the mesh outfits: If the modesty layer has to be a certain size and color, and can't be made transparent (I read that as anything all the way to alpha) then most of my mesh clothing also is now useless since i alpha out areas all the time. I'd like to think this entirely avatar breaking interpretation of the rule is NOT correct because I hope there is some common sense being applied, but no one has clarified it so maybe it means kids will all bel imited to a very small content pool that isn't yet created. So as someone who's been a kid a very long time with a large inventory, it feels very much like a punishment for existing. I dress modestly and spend most of my time in SL alone building puzzles. If I have to lose my avi, I'm sad! and why wouldn't i be? All this concern (and 114 pages of forum thread debating i read most of) would be totally avoided by making real guidelines and rules that are followable so people know what is expected. LL needs to answer important questions: What defines a "child avatar"? Besides all the anime and other unusual avis, we have people in spaces i read who are adults and alone sitting around worrying if their chest hair is showing enough to not get banned. So its not just kid avis worrying about this. What is "modesty"? SL has never been a place where modesty rules by any stretch of the imagination. but if we have required modesty, modesty standards MUST be implemented, You cant just leave it to "the community". There's people who in their culture children run around naked and no one thinks sexually about it and there's people who think women with no makeup and wearing baggy sweat suits are sexy. Some people in this thread feel having breasts even small ones or showing a belly button is sexual on a kid and disgusting, and others who think its weird to sexualize that since breasts/nipples and belly buttons are natural. Most times whichever standard they know in their RL lives is not wrong, its just different than others around them. SL needs to have it's OWN standards and we all need to know what they are. Full Stop. It's not a matter of telling people how to skirt the edge of modesty, its about being clear and reasonable. It is simply not reasonable to give a rule that says basically, 'an unclearly undefined subset of the community must follow strict rules or be banned and for fear of encouraging bad behaviour we will not be explaining the proper way to go about following the new rules.'
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