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Everything posted by PixelRefresh

  1. Oh I see. I get "Camper", and then I can pick which of the campers it is.
  2. I see only 1 version of camper on that link
  3. I abandoned my home to get one of these campers, and I can't find where to get one.
  4. I'm not talking about a mobile viewer. Phones are too small for that, and most won't be able to run it smoothly. I just want an app that lets me see which of my friends are on, and chat with my friends and group chat. That way, I can better plan my time logged in. I can see if the Sim I like has people on. I could see if my friends are logged in. I could message my RP group and see if they are available to play later when I get home from work. And I could keep in touch when I'm really not able to be on. Bonus if I could tune in to parcel radio.
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