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Posts posted by Michalya

  1. I would really like to try to use Black Dragon I downloaded it but I cant see where to change the lighting or time of day. Sorry I must be missing something, I found the sidebar is that how you do it?

    Is there a video I can watch that would help, sorry if these are stupid questions.

  2. @Laika Ravikumar Im so sorry I meant to post a pic from the place I met you at yesterday and instead I posted a pic of you , yours was probably better than mine. My brain is not functioning properly being confined to house with two small children and a grumpy husband.

    Maybe I will get more into this now I'm at home more hopefully I am just not used to forums and stuff hardly venture here. Anyway hope you are well and everyone else on here.

    • Like 3
  3. I come on here to look at the photos and really am impressed at the skills that a lot of posters have. I was just wondering why every now and again there seems to be a need for putting other people down or name calling. I cant for the life of me understand how people can be like that about someone they do not know except through a computer screen its madness.

    In the light of the tragic death of Caroline Flack would it not be better if that sort of thing didn't happen? 

    In a world where you can be anything we should all try to be kind to one another, its all very sad.


    • Like 14
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  4. 13 hours ago, Talligurl said:

    Very true, some people have a lot who clearly don't deserve  it

    I was wondering in view of this post and just as an observer (don’t shoot the messenger) is it possible that people vote more for avi’s they know rather than the quality of some of the posts.

    I could be talking through my hat but looking through pages and pages (sleeplessness has a lot to answer for) I would sort of agree with  what the poster said. 


  5. Hi,

    One of my friends has bought Adam body. Am sure someone out there can give some input as to what stores make nice clothing to fit.

    He has managed to find a nice suit and now looking for some good casual clothes, jeans etc.

    Thank you so much.





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