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Ivy Mysterious

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Posts posted by Ivy Mysterious

  1. Hi all, thanks for the feedback!

    When I made this post I had posted it to Facebook first and, since it was entirely well received I didn't see the issues you all are pointing out with me calling them alts instead of Scammer accts. I've already fixed the titles but I've only been awake about 20 minutes so when I get more woke up I will go back and fix the wording of the thread.

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  2. It's common knowledge that alts/ multiple accounts are a popular thing to have in Second Life. Whether it be for photography, blogging, making poses, roleplay characters, the reasons for having alternative accounts are endless, but unfortunately they aren't all created with the best of intentions. With scammers being an ever posing threat, with them finding new and sneakier ways to steal your info and accounts, it can be really hard to tell who is actually new to the platform and who has created one to clear their tracks and continue with their nasty tactics.
    I've been on the platform for a while and I have several accounts of my own, have friends who also have some and have encountered people who have a few as well, so I wanted to share a couple things I thought would make spotting them just a little easier. Now keep in mind these are not set in stone methods to tell and of course, not everyone who falls under the things I'll tell you to pay attention to will be scammers, unfortunately, there isn't a concrete way to tell, these are simply things to look out for. I am going to be focusing on people who use alts for ill intent (Stealing your info/ Lindens, harassment, stalking etc) and just things to keep an eye on if you feel someone you may have had a bad experience is trying to come back into your life as a stranger.
    Here are some things to keep an eye on if you suspect someone may be a scammer or stalker:

    • Pay attention to the usernames. Scammers oftentimes don't bother changing their usernames beyond a couple numbers (Example Kevin2334, Kevin1236, etc) So odds are if that name looks familiar, then its probably because it is. Also if they have a username like Blueberrygiftcard, Addamsfreebiegiver, etc, it's obviously a scammer. Content creators in SL do not have accounts named like this! if they do give out gifts its usually through there official subcrib-o-matics, Groups or inworld at their stores or Marketplaces
    • Look at the age of the profile. Scammers will only use an account for about a week before going and making a new one (usually because they've gotten banned from the popular stores, clubs, group, etc etc) So if someone is begging for L$ for something or is IMing you out of the blue claiming they found you from a group or sim and their account is only a couple days old, be weary
    • Pay attention to profile pictures. Now admittedly this is a hit or miss way to tell if someone is a scammer or someone who is using a new account to stalk you. People pay others to do their pictures for them all the time. Just keep an eye out for a sort of pattern. Is their skin the same quality of that person you used to talk to? Are the angles similar? Does the shape look close enough? Is the quality of the picture the same?

    Now finding scammer accounts on social media's like FB or Twitter, for example, is a little easier, so this next list is going to be things to look out for when looking for scammers on Facebook, Avatlife, twitter, etc:

    • Pay attention to how people talk when they make a post. EVERYONE has a certain way they word things when they make a post on social media and this can be the easiest way they out themselves. If you suspect someone you had blocked or removed has added you on another account, look for mannerisms that were common to that person
    • If they have other social media links on their profile, look at those to see if they have posted anything that was the same as that person. Now I'm not talking about shared posts or memes. I'm talking about similar pictures they've taken, Product WIPS, maybe they posted a picture that you know is them or that they took.
    • Look at where the person is located. Again this one can be a hit or miss type deal but it's still worth noting. If they are from the same country then it may not be them, but if they are from the same state or even the same city, then it could be.
    • If they were a former creator and you think they are coming back on another account, then pay attention to the quality of their products. Each store has a signature quality to them, whether it be the textures, the shaping, the shadows, etc. For example Stealthic has a very distinct look, so does Doux, Blueberry, Vinyl, N-core. Just because they are under a different name, doesn't mean the quality of their work will be any different.

    I feel a need to repeat this. NONE OF THESE ARE 100% CONCRETE WAYS TO CATCH SOMEONE ON A SCAMMER ACCOUNT OR SOMEONE WHO IS USING AN ACCOUNT TO STALK OR HARASS YOU, these are simply things to keep an eye out for if you think someone is not who they say they are.
    All in all, just be careful who you trust. On a virtual world were people can be whoever or whatever they want, it never hurts to keep your guard up, If you know of some other things to look out for then please list them down below

    Please keep the responses to this thread and to one another respectful ❤️ 

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  3. Since I have four alts, I'm basically just gonna go down the list of why I picked the usernames that I did LOL

    xRheax resident: This ones pretty simple, I wanted her username to be Rhea, but it was already taken, so I just put X's in the front and back of her name so I could still use it lol Story wise Its short for Rhiannyn and now she goes by Rhia with an I lol

    ivylarae resident: Pretty much the same story, I wanted the name IvyRae, but that was already taken, so I just put La in the middle, and BAM Ivylarae!

    Selenebolin resident: This one was created entirely for a roleplay character I seen in my head, whose name was Selene Bolin, which I later changed to Selina Bolin, this avi has long since become the avi I get on when I am in a cute, more girly mood, I don't even go by Selina on her anymore lol, I go by Amori

    Serseii resident: I bet you're starting to see a pattern here. Cersei Lannister was probably my favorite bad guy in Game of Thrones and at the time I wanted to create a Snow Fairie named Cersei, obviously the name was taken so I changed the spelling. Ironically she's not even a Snow Fairie anymore lol She's a B*stard born Fairie Warrior and Healer, whose mother is from the Summer court and her father is from the Autumn Court, oh and her name is Da'ae










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  4. 1 hour ago, Ashlyn Voir said:

    Pet peeve of the day: I'm so tired of people who go to places like Magnum RC sandboxes and are just straight up douchebags by pushing your avie

    IDK if this is the case for these people, but some, me included, walk around with Friends Only on because otherwise we lag so bad we can't move. So its very likely, unless they are doing just to be an *ss, that they can't see ya lol

    • Like 1
  5. 51 minutes ago, Skell Dagger said:

    I'm not apportioning blame for what's been going on in this forum recently, because that's one thing that appears to start a thread on its downward spiral.

    Like many of us here - I am absolutely sick to the back teeth of seeing threads being dragged down the pan towards a Linden Lock at a rate of three or four pages of bickering and back-and-forth per hour.

    I was pretty damn restrained in my post on the now-closed thread, because behind the monitor I was seething and yelling profanities - to everyone involved in that bickering - about growing the f*** up, shutting the f*** up, and moving the f*** on. I've never seen anything like it, and I'm thisclose to being done with these forums because of it. I have enough stress going on in my life right now without coming here for a multi-page, multi-thread dose of it as well.

    Yes, many of us are going stir-crazy from being shut in our homes, but seeing all of this unending, childish, petty bickering is making me feel like s**t. I've not seen the likes of what's been going on in some threads since I was in middle school.

    I don't want apologies, whether they're merited or not. I just want people to STOP and remember that many of us are truly struggling, financially and emotionally. We've lost jobs. We've lost loved ones. We're all fighting our own battles.


    I 100% agree. I understand people are bored and on edge, and for good reason, but SURELY people can think of something better to do then intentionally being obnoxious a**holes to get threads shut down is NOT a way to cure the boredom. Some of the threads I've seen being locked have been around for ages and I've seen the same activity happening here, I will admit if it happens to this thread I will be in the same boat you are and turn my back on the forums.

    Things here are out of control since Shutdown and I understand that the forum mods are doing everything they can, but something has gotta change. Maybe give the thread creators light moderation tools to help keep the peace in the threads, maybe take volunteer mods ( I understand this was done before but maybe put them through a vigorous test or something to make sure they don't abuse their power.


  6. 15 hours ago, Ashlyn Voir said:

    I shouldn’t have to prove anything because that very proof can be seen a few pages back on this very thread dating back to May 7 if you want an exact time frame.

    This thread is pretty active. Just in the last 24 hours theirs been 10 new pages alone so it's impossible to keep up with it all, hence I asked you to quote it.

    If it's not so tiring for you could you atleast tell me what page it occurred on?

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  7. 2 minutes ago, Ashlyn Voir said:

    psh. I’m not that vain, love. 

    Yes actually you are.

    3 minutes ago, Ashlyn Voir said:

    Jesus Christ, you’re trying your damndest to actually make things seem not as they were and twist it around as I’ve said before, which is what many people in this forum are good at. I’m not stupid and it’s not hard to read between the lines. 

    No actually I'm not. I'm not saying people don't do that or haven't in the past, I am simply saying that I haven't seen RECENTLY that seems directed at you. If you can prove me wrong then please QUOTE IT in your next response. If you feel you're being targeted then report it.

    6 minutes ago, Ashlyn Voir said:

    I’m not passive aggressive at all. If I have a problem with you, I’ll tell you. Directly. I have no issue with being confrontational.

    I do too, I've told you outright, both in a DM and in this forum that I didn't like you and why, but that doesn't mean simply because I don't like you I will side with any hate or bullying directed at you, i will however do my best to get both sides of the story before talk about it and from what I've seen, noone had described you, mentioned you, made passive aggressive marks about you or at you in the last couple weeks. Again if you can prove me wrong then find it and quote it or screenshot it, I have no issue with being proven wrong.

  8. 14 minutes ago, Ashlyn Voir said:

    Many times even if I’m not mentioned by name, a lot of comments have been related to my posts.

    But if they aren't mentioning you BY NAME or by characteristics specific TO YOU, then how do you know with 100% certainty they are talking about you?


    14 minutes ago, Ashlyn Voir said:

    Even a thread was started as a satire to mine.

    I've seen your thread, and I've seen people do something similar to that BEFORE you posted that, so again, how do you know they are copying you?


    14 minutes ago, Ashlyn Voir said:

    Unfortunately in my case, I’m outnumbered by the obvious clique in the room.

    *Rolled her eyes* Yes Ashlyn, theirs an obvious clique out there who has nothing better to do with their time then constantly attack you....

    If you can't tell thats sarcasm, fortunately despite what you believe people have better things to do than attack or interact with you. I admittedly don't even think about you till I see your latest passive aggressiveness in this thread or others.

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  9. 8 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

    Southern USA biscuits are usually are made with buttermilk, have very few ingredients, and are a master class of technique to yield a light, flakey layer upon flakey layer of yum. There are various regional styles. ETA: Heated battles have been fought over what is and is not a good biscuit. Every southerner I've ever met swore that no northerner could make a proper biscuit.

    UK biscuits generally = USA cookies, sometimes crackers

    Scandinavian biscuits don't really have a USA counterpart that *I* know about.

    Last time I derailed the peeve thread with food it was about the regionalisms of chili. Guess that's what comes from having lived in a billion states.



    I made a mistake coming into this thread while hungry and waiting on dinner to get done * Drooooooooooools*

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  10. 45 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

    Pet Peeve - People ragging on my beautiful state (unless they're me). Kentucky is gorgeous. I grew up here, left, and came back because it's a great place (and they need my liberal vote). 

    Every state (or country for that matter) has good and bad. Yes, Kentucky is far more red than I'd like it to be, but we've also got the bluest of blue governors who is consistently ranked as one of the best governors in the country for how he's handling the virus mess. Sure, we're a huge producer of tobacco, but y'all wouldn't have Bourbon without us. Yeah, okay, so we produced Mitch McConnell, but what about that Abe Lincoln, huh? 

    Cheeseburgers were invented in Kentucky. Corvettes and almost every disco ball in creation comes from Kentucky. We have a waterfall that regularly creates a MOONBOW. Happy Birthday to You was written by two sisters in Kentucky. Post-It notes are made exclusively in Kentucky. How about Fort Knox? We've got ALL THE GOLD! Muhammad Ali? Proud Kentuckian. Diane Sawyer? Proud Kentuckian. 

    We're sorry about Tom Cruise but we can't be perfect. 🤪

    George Clooney, Johnny Depp, Josh Hutchinson, Loretta Lynn, Jennifer Lawrence, Chris Stapleton are ALL from Kentucky as well. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:
    2 hours ago, Solar Legion said:

    Several iterations ago, they had volunteer/non-staff moderators.

    I accept!

    I think I'd be fantastic!!!

    "And YOU get a forum ban! And YOU get a forum ban! EVERYONE gets a forum ban!"

    I'd volunteer to do this tbh! I get they are doing their best but there is SO much going on here that they need more hands on deck to help them

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  12. I REALLY hate when someone gets angry about getting banned from somewhere, makes TWO threads about it, in one of them people are making assumptions BASED on what they've told us and then has the audacity to say " You don't even know what happened!"


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  13. 3 minutes ago, Skell Dagger said:

    As a blogger I always credit everything so people know where to find it, but recently I've attracted one follower who copies my look down to the last thing. And I really do mean 'down to the last thing'. Case in point: my face piercings. They're a big linked multi-set with tons of options for hiding and showing specific piercings, and this person has copied my exact configuration. Same with the ear piercings, too. Same skin. Same jacket. Same necklace. Same hair...

    It's more than a little bit creepy... :/

    Thats why on the rare occasions I do blog my looks, I odds are won't list things that I feel make my avatar, well...me. If they come up and ask me where I got my tat, skin, eyes etc of course I'll tell them but I won't list it because those things are so personal that I don't want a carbon copy of me walking around. That may sound selfish and thats fine, but I've spent literal years working on Ivy to make her look how I like her, I'm pretty protective of it because of that

    and I REFUSE to give out my shape because I made it

  14. 23 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

    And THIS! I know some people who truly are gifted at finding everything they look for on the marketplace. Apparently they shine at typing just the right key search words and are fluent in the use of filters. There must be a special handshake involved though, and I wasn't informed. I forget what I was looking for a few days ago, but I was pretty specific and actually did bring up what I was looking for... and two pages of things that had absolutely nothing to do with anything.

    When I first started SL, I admit I had a computer that was sh*ittier than the current one I have, I literally couldn't going into in-world stores without lagging out and crashing ( Yeah it was THAT bad) so if I couldn't find it on the MP, I was basically screwed so I became pretty good at finding what I wanted. Fast forward to now, if I had to just do MP shopping I'd probably end up throwing my computer into a wall because its SO HARD to shop there now, before they added the feature to weed out demo's and limited quantities, the MP was such a Gacha dumpster, that it was REALLY hard to find full products and not just 700 results of the same pair of shoes gacha

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