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Ivy Mysterious

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Posts posted by Ivy Mysterious

  1. 2 hours ago, Skell Dagger said:

    As the only male CSR in the Catwa support group, believe me it's not just my own personal experience. I get a lot (and I mean a lot, as do the other CSRs) of IMs from guys asking me for help because they don't want to speak up in group, mainly because of the pile-ons that the women who took part in thought were just funny. I used to cringe at them and comment when I could, but now - luckily - I have the professional ability to nip them in the bud.

    Just before Christmas, for example:

    That's just one example. I could give a lot more. And behaviour like that - if nobody steps in to squash it - often does develop into a 'jokey' pile-on. The result? Men are afraid to ask questions in chat, because they don't want to look like fools. I've actually been told as much by these guys. They want to look good, but 'jokes' like the one quoted there cause them to hang back in chat.

    Want some more? How about...

    Or this maybe?

    I just seen a group of girls in the L'Etre group off about this

    The conversation was:

    [13:59] A: Hello!I accidentally bought a skin on a man's body(((((
    [14:00] B: never a better time to make a male version of yourselrf
    [14:00] B: *yourself
    [14:00] B: lol

    [14:00 C: Just dress nicely.  Don't be one of those shirtless, shoeless men.
    [14:00] D: ohh boy that sucks ;-;
    [14:01] A: I'm not interested.
    [14:01] E: lmao
    [14:01 ]F: haha i know of a few of those

  2. Sadly that happens A LOT in SL in general. I've had friends I used to talk to all the time suddenly stop logging in and havent heard from in years, and although I worry about them and wonder what happened, unless you had contact outside of SL with them  (Facebook, Discord, skype, texting, calling etc) There really isn't any sure way to get news except wait and hope they log back in eventually, and leave them messages and NC's and so on 

    • Like 2
  3. 18 hours ago, Skell Dagger said:

    Okay, I'm biting here, and I'm really biting. It's a good job this forum doesn't allow swearing. Luckily, my blog does, so have a post I wrote a while ago about this kind of thing. (The start of the title is a generic one and it's aimed at anyone I need to vent about, not just women.) Sadly, nothing has changed.

    Pet peeve: Women who belittle men's attempts at dressing well, or who go on about how men don't have a clue or don't care about looking good, or who think it's funny to joke about how men are stupid and can't get to grips with things like Bento mesh heads, or...

    I am so thoroughly sick and damned tired of that attitude. Ladies, it's unlike me not to behave like a gentleman toward every woman, but quit with that BS, please.

    Yeah, those women suck. The only time I have a problem and critique how a man( and a woman) looks is if they haven't bothered to update their avi's since the the day they joined. especially the elder accounts that have been around 10+ years and still wear sculpt and prim clothing, sculpt hair, no AO, etc etc. I don't however ridicule people who make an effort ( Unless they criticize me and are rude about, then they're fair game xDDD)

    • Like 2
  4. Thought of a couple new ones (I may have already said these, but I ain't about to read through 11 pages worth of replies to see lol)

    People with ridiculous names like "Billy bobs baby girl" or" Jimmy's worthless slave"

    When people I decide to cut contact with and block IM's members of my SL family asking why I blocked them O.o

    Being told that how I have my avi dressed isn't " The way a woman should dress"

    Admins of RP sims who won't follow their own rules but expect everyone else to

  5. 3 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    I don't know what this means.

    Online stalkers have a variety of tools, and potential access to kinds of information, that aren't available in SL. So, it's most unlikely to be "the same way."

    Odds are this person doesn't know of any ways this can be done, other wise they would list some instead of going around in circles like they are

    • Like 4
  6. 2 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Yes, I have a few friends whose names appear as differently coloured links on my dashboard -- and I think that means I can TP to them just by clicking on that. And, I'm presuming that RLV (the mechanics of which are mostly a mystery to me, tbh) permits something like that too. But in either case, that's not really "stalking": you've deliberately left breadcrumbs to follow.

    I know of only one thing that could possibly be used for ill intent. It's called the SIN tracker, it's primarily used to find people to role play with, but depending on how you have it set up, people can see and tp to where you're at

    • Thanks 1
  7. 25 minutes ago, Minx Kurosawa said:

    You don't know how anyone can do that online? O.o really?

    They would do it the same way any stalker would do online.  Don't think because it's second life they don't do that on here.

    Stalkers are everywhere online.

    I think they're asking how they are following someone from sim to sim? How do they know where they are? I know if you have said someone on their friends list you can enable something that can let them locate you on the map, but how exactly can you do that without some sort of hud???

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  8. Just thought of another one. When a guy ims you and says something like this "You're hot. But you would look better if you weren't covered in tattoos and/or you wore a longer hair" Yeah because I TOTALLY asked for your unsolicited opinion on how a woman should look while I was store hopping. Come back to me when you have a Jason Mamoa looking avi and we'll talk! 😂😂😂

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 3
  9. 26 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

    My only real peeve, if I had to call it one, would be people(and this applies to the forums, sl, life..) would be people that take things, themselves, life, others, far too seriously-pretty much ALL of the time, and those folks are more often than not VERY close minded, they just don't realize it. It's really ok to laugh at stupid things we do, stupid things others do, stupid things we're part of, stupid things we say...or, really, even not stupid things. Laughter keeps the human population alive, it might not be as important as,oh, oxygen and nutrition, but it's pretty high up there. It can also help lessen the blow for *actual serious problems, sometimes  (sl peeves are not actual serious problems, lol, but it can help with rl ones)

    Some people have way too many peeves, and I can't imagine that's all too healthy for the human psyche...though I could be wrong, maybe it is. If I let every single thing I came across in sl that I didn't like bother me, my sl would be miserable. I can't imagine having as many peeves as some people do, or being as bothered by them as some of the posts seem to come across, lol. Not knocking those people, just wondering how they managed being in sl at all with some of those irritants, I can imagine it's not all that easy for them. That's kinda sad, well, to me it is, to them, I'm certain it's not. 

    I laugh at myself all the time. I have things come out of my mouth, that catch me by surprise like "What the *Bleep* did I just say?! one of my major flaws is speaking before I speak...some times it ends well and we just laugh, other times I get added to peoples blocked list LOL

  10. Here's another pet peeve that has started to rear up in the last few months

    I have decided to make this account, when I role-play on BDSM/ adult themed sims, a full time dominant role when I am on her and despite all my other alts being reserved as submissive roles, I have had quite a few people, men specifically get in my IM's and be overly-flirty-but-more-aggressive in there attempts to try and get me to submit. This specifically happened a LOT when I was a lead role of this sim, I would get quite a bit of hassle from this one guy who was like " I bet I could make you submit" and other rather explicit things I am not comfortable posting on a forum and I just kept thinking " I HAVE A PICK talking about this specific thing....I don't make my alts a secret....does it really hurt y'alls pride so much to see a woman in a dominant role?"

    • Like 2
  11. Just now, Klaineanderson said:

    People who makes 10 alts, and all of them are  same and even profile text.

    Unreadable names


    I have( not including this account) 4 other alts that I use, semi regularly and although some of the picks I have on them are the same, I try my best to make each profile unique, and yeah, screw unreadable fancy fonts so hard xD

    • Like 2
  12. 3 hours ago, KT Kingsley said:

    Let's be positive! These are some of the things I like:

    • Greeters than only greet you with notecards and landmarks the first time you visit
    • Greeters that offer you notecards that say something about the place, and not just "Sample notecard text"
    • Landing points that don't require you to run the gauntlet of affiliate vendors to get to the action
    • Search listings that don't point to areas controlled by security orbs
    • Sunbathing beaches that aren't permanently in shadow
    • Object givers that give you multiple items in a folder, rather than one by one
    • Marketplace stores that give you your stuff in folders, rather than in boxes

    I mean, you can do what you want in regards to this topic, to me ( I am only speaking for myself here, I don't claim to speak for anyone else) though its kind of spiteful and counter productive to try to derail a topic when you can create one of your own. I'm not trying to sound rude I just don't really see a point or reason to go on a specific topic and try to change it

    • Like 3
  13. 1 hour ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

    And a few days you were saying:

    THIS! again I understand that I did a really poor job in stating my point on this topic but Syo pretty much nailed what I was trying to say. I wasn't trying to say that "Oh if your extremely outdated you shouldn't even bother with me" or anything like that, I was simply saying customization, avatars and otherwise, is a BIG part of SL. You can customize pictures, Land, buildings, if you want to you can create your own homes completely from scratch, SL is built ENTIRELY by its users, that's one of the main attractions of second life. in SL you can be who you want to be without really any limits as long as it follows the ToS. I know there are people in SL who don't care about how you look and while this is okay, I'm not saying it isn't, you can't deny that how you look plays a significant role on this platform.

    Apparently you were saying that if someone is extremely outdated they shouldn't even bother with you. Might as well own it...

    Uhm no, if you had read that I was saying that I WASN'T saying that "Oh if your extremely outdated you shouldn't even bother with me" or anything like that, the key word being WASN'T

    • Like 2
  14. 5 minutes ago, Cindy Evanier said:

    display names that give themselves a title - Master, DJ or whatever 

    Ugh yeah those make me laugh, anyone who feels they have to put sir, Master, Dom, Queen, Mistress, Madame etc in their names, I wanna IM them like " Alright, calm down there, don't take yourself too seriously"

    • Like 9
  15. This came up in a discussion in a group so I thought this could make for an interesting topic. What are some of y'alls pet peeves when it comes to SL? It can be anything from empty sims, to people wearing bling, anything!

    Here are some of my top ones

    -Empty Profiles ( how hard is it to just put SOMETHING in there???)

    -Unreadable fancy fonts ( What is the point of that?! Half the time if I can't read it, then I'm gonna call you by your log in lol)

    - When your body parts don't match ( Like c'mon!!! Body appliers don't cost that much just...MAKE IT ALL MATCH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!)

    - Flexi prims ( I don't mind mild flex on a mesh hair because it ads depth, but seeing it ribbon through your body is just O.o)

    - Avi's without AO's ( The duck waddle is just....lord....Why doesn't Sl give some sort of AO starting off???)

    - This one could also count for the AO one, but...unanimated Bento hands that are splayed out ( You look like someone left you hanging and you just aren't willing to give up till SOMEONE gives you a high-5 LOL)

    - People wearing updo hairstyles without a hairbase ( I know, this is an odd one but its something that I'm really OCD about. A hairbase makes an updo look so much better because it adds a seamless look, without one it just makes it look like a hat to me)


    Theres some of mine, what are some of yours??? Do we share any of the same ones? lol

    • Like 6
    • Haha 3
    • Sad 1
  16. 3 hours ago, Tari Landar said:

    The first bolded part...that's not what you said, at all, lmao, not even close. (1)What you said is how people look will determine whether or not people are even going to be willing to open someone's profile. It wasn't just poor wording, I don't believe. I do believe it's how you feel. You're free to feel however you wish. I also believe you're probably in the majority on this one, because a LOT of people feel the same way. I'm not one of them, but a lot of others are. People really do make judgment calls on people based primarily on looks, and I will always think that's shallow-whether in rl, or sl, or anywhere else really. I can recognize that my own opinion is probably the least popular one on the matter. I won't try to pretend I'm somehow better for feeling/thinking the way I do. I may well be a horrible person for thinking looks don't matter all that much, and *never* play a big role-they barely register as a role at all for me.  Yes, even in a virtual world, a virtual environment, where appearance(surroundings, people, objects) plays a very big role...I can place no measurable significance on how others look. I place a HUGE amount of significance on the visual representations that actually matter to me..surroundings, objects, creativity, etc...and others may choose to place that significance anywhere they wish.

    On the second bolded...yes, I can with absolute certainty, deny that my appearance, and others' appearances play a significant role to my sl. (2)I can also say with absolute certainty that the exact opposite is true for others. Neither side is "right", neither side has a "better" approach...everyone decides for themselves. If you(general) want to be someone that places a huge amount of significance on appearance, go on with your bad self and do it...but don't get offended when I suggest it's not my method, or when I suggest mine works better for me, or if I suggest that it's shallow. If it works for you, go for it. I don't have to understand it, no one does. I can think people act pretty shallow when dealing with others, and still think those people aren't bad folks overall. I have some friends who are shallow (when it comes to appearance) as all get out-especially in sl, lol, they're still, mostly, really nice people, even if I think they're a bit misguided, lol. They enjoy their sl, I enjoy my sl, sometimes our experiences mesh well, sometimes they don't. They're cool with me telling them they're acting like jerks, and I'm cool with them telling me to take my damn pajamas off and put some real clothes on already after over a year in the same outfit. :D They're cool knowing some folks think their approach is shallow, and I'm cool knowing that my approach sounds altruistic but is quite likely to have people question my motives, lol. It's all good.

    That's the huge difference between me and my friends, and many of these similar discussions we have had here about appearance....we don't take offense. We're all pretty comfy with the way we live our lives, sl, or rl really. We know we have differing opinions, neither side declaring to be "right", just, what works for us.

    (1) You're free to believe what you want there, but I was just simply stating ( however poorly stated it may have been, late night posting really should be illegal at this point lol) Something I had heard people say, seen in profiles, and personally agreed with. I didn't however say that at all in my original post, I just meant that in general. I ask you to please refrain from putting words in my mouth because that gets absolutely nothing done.
    (2) I'm not trying to be nit picky, but you contradicted yourself with this very statement. You said that no side is right or wrong, but then said if I wanted to "continue placing a huge amount of significance on appearance, go on with your bad self and do it...but don't get offended when I suggest its not my method, or when I suggest mine works better for me, or that I suggest that its shallow" basically you said what I was doing was wrong, when you started out saying neither side was


  17. 1 hour ago, janetosilio said:

    The thing that gets me about that is sometimes if they said “Hey, let me take you away from that so we can do x fun thing” Sometimes I’d be down with that.

    Then it’s followed up with “You’re never available!” and you’re thinking had you waited ten minutes I would’ve been.

    I've had that happen before. At this one guy message me one time saying he wanted to roleplay. At the time I was busy so we added each other so we can easily find each other again. He literally messaged me to other times and both times I was busy, either with taking pictures or already occupied with someone else. He deletes me and then says you're never available then proceeded to call me a bunch of vulgar names because of it. And I was like "sorry I don't just sit around waiting for you to message me like some side hoe, I have a life too"... Then he blocked me

    • Like 3
  18. 1 minute ago, Talligurl said:

    Of course not  it is all about how much cash they have to spend  on me.

    But seriously I would much rather spend  time with a sweet guy with a basic system avi, than some guy who thinks he is God's gift to SL  because he spent 10.000L on his avi.

    Same, one of my closest friends in SL refuses to update because he runs around as a clown and hasn't been able to find a good skin that compares to his current one lol. Most ( If not all of my friends at his point I think) of my friends are fully meshed, doesn't necessarily mean that I require them to be. If we're gonna roleplay, then yeah its a whole other story, but just hanging out and so on, it doesn't bother me

  19. 11 hours ago, Tari Landar said:

    You mean in the same way you're pushing your view, because you believe it's right?


    I'm not pushing my view on anyone. I'm simply stating my opinion on something. I understand that how I worded that last point wasn't that great, so let me explain further and hopefully a little better this time lol I found this on a profile a while back and I think it pretty much nails it, and it said " We are in SL because we are visual people. If not we'd still in text chat rooms where there is no avatar to worry over." and I agree with that because avatars ARE a big part of Second Life. If they didn't matter to some degree then they wouldn't be an option at all, SL would be just another text-only chatroom. You can't get on something like Second Life, IMVU etc then say that avatars don't matter at all, because that simply isn't true

    1 hour ago, Syo Emerald said:

    I agree with the OP and think that many in this thread take that last part too much as a "I don't talk to newbie avatars/2007-freebie-galaxy avatars". Its not about that. Its not about how much cash someone has spend on their avatar or how up-to-date their items are.

    In Second Life we can all look how we want. No genes or environment prevent us from archieving the look we want. Creating an avatar is a form of self-expression and I do think that tells something about the person behind it. If not, everyone here could be comfortable with every kind of avatar. Sure, its not a 100% guide to finding the good matches and avoiding the bad apples, but it can give clues. Silly example: The people giving this annoying "I'm gonna murder you, if you look at my sweet hony baby darling...something!" speach in their profile are probably not the same group of people who chose humble style choices, stuffed animals or toaster avatars.

    THIS! again I understand that I did a really poor job in stating my point on this topic but Syo pretty much nailed what I was trying to say. I wasn't trying to say that "Oh if your extremely outdated you shouldn't even bother with me" or anything like that, I was simply saying customization, avatars and otherwise, is a BIG part of SL. You can customize pictures, Land, buildings, if you want to you can create your own homes completely from scratch, SL is built ENTIRELY by its users, that's one of the main attractions of second life. in SL you can be who you want to be without really any limits as long as it follows the ToS. I know there are people in SL who don't care about how you look and while this is okay, I'm not saying it isn't, you can't deny that how you look plays a significant role on this platform

    3 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    But arguing that appearance doesn't, or even shouldn't matter, flies in the face not merely of experience but also of the entire premise of SL. If the visual, and the virtual embodiment of those with whom you are speaking, didn't matter at all, you wouldn't be here at all. (And I'd note that even in things like bulletin boards and forums, we still embody ourselves consciously through some kind of avatar or profile pic.)


    Also this, I couldn't have said it any better

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