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Bryte Starlight

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Everything posted by Bryte Starlight

  1. this is FRESH new information, holy cannoli! Thank you
  2. Thank you!!! I'm really glad that other people agree with me, this has been super upsetting to me as an asexual adult with toddler and preteen avs showing Z E R O secondary sexual characteristics.
  3. You nailed my concern here, Coffee. I'm so worried that some opinionated a-hole will decide that they don't like me and will report me for no reason, and it'll stick because my most used avs are kids, despite me not doing anything inappropriate with them. Linden says that's not going to happen, even if people report-bomb you, but we won't know until it happens, will we? So now I have to live EVEN MORE in paranoia and anxiety when I play in what is supposed to be the most comfortable version of myself. Not to mention all of the players who already said cruel and nasty stuff about SLkids before this, and now feel extra justified in openly talking about how much they hate us disgusting freaks. I'm not surprised at all that there's a mass exodus, but I can't play VRC. I've been on discord forever and I have lots of friends, but it's not the same. I don't want just the chatter. Luckily, the artist of my skin is incredibly kind and did an update for me to have a modesty layer, but I still think this is a horribly clumsy plan that won't actually stop anyone who really wants to do sexual *****, and just punishes folks who want to have a fun, avatar-age-appropriate time while following the TOS.
  4. Thank you!! She's my most favorite avatar and very dear to my heart. It makes me really sad to think that I might not be able to play as her anymore.
  5. "Presenting as" usually means "visually appearing as", but LL has also said that they're using a combination of things to decide if someone is playing as a child. F'ex: do they look, sound, and act like a child? So like your second definition.
  6. part of the thing that's upsetting me about it is that I feel like making a fem child avatar wear a modesty layer that looks like a bra seems to be sexualizing them *more* than if they were just wearing normal clothes. It's going to look really weird if my obviously child-like, under-10 puppytaur is suddenly wearing a bra, when there is ZERO indication of that in shape, mesh, fur/skin, or even the clothes she wears. I understand the idea but I still think this is extremely clumsy and going to have a BIG impact on creators and users both.
  7. I agree, it's a built in layer that was made on purpose to not show anything... but according to the rules, it has to not match the skin :/ I wasn't able to make the Governance meeting, so I hope something was settled there.
  8. This is exactly why I wanted to avoid the huge threads ;_; It takes forever to read and a lot of it isn't even useful info.
  9. I have a clarification question regarding the updated child avatar policies. The FAQ states that we have to have a non-removable modesty layer that is part of the skin layer on any child avatar by June 30th, yet I don't see any stores on the MP where I'm able to purchase something like this. How do I comply with this? I do not have the skills or programs needed to make my own. Additionally, how are anthro/furry child avatars going to be handled? I often use an anthro puppy avatar whos skin is covered in fur and therefore shows nothing anyway- does she also have to have a baked on modesty layer? (I've attached a picture of the avatar in question for reference) These new rules are incredibly clumsy, but I'm genuinely trying to do my best to adhere to them, as someone who finds it very healing and fun to be small in SL. Any advice or clarification would be very much appreciated, as these changes have me super nervous to even EXIST in small form anymore for fear of being permabanned.
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