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  1. What is wrong is the idea of Mesh clothing at all. There was no need to fix something that was not broken. I have a decades worth of clothing that is now unusable. How is that progress? Who came up with this stupid idea? So you cant wear certain clothing unless it has the specific applier for your mesh body. The clothing is expensive also. You are limited to clothing that is mesh. Why? What is the benefit? Without a mesh body, I can set up an outfit with everything I usually want to wear and just choose that outfit to wear. But you cannot do that with mesh. Every time you change outfit it takes you 15 minutes or more to do it. You have to black out certain parts of your body because the clothing does not cover it in a spot. Constant adjusting. Stupid. Ever heard of Backwards Compatibility? I want my old clothing to fit my mesh body. NOW FIX THE PROBLEM!!! Otherwise just trash Mesh bodies. They dont look any better than the old ones. It is the skin and body shape that count. Not the type of body.
  2. Has anyone ever thought that Mesh is a disaster that should be tossed out in the trash. I have been on SL for 12 years (a different avatar) and I have clothing that goes back that far. Some of it is even still very good. Yet with a Mesh body, I cannot wear those clothes I have spent hundreds of US dollars and/or time to acquire. What is it that makes people try to fix things that DO NOT need fixing. I just got a mesh body today and so far I have crashed 4 times (in less than 5 hours online). It is the mesh body nothing else. My home is all prim and has no issues. It is also very easy to adjust. Mesh buildings are not so easy. I have been trying to understand mesh clothing but it escapes me. I went to a store today and was appalled at the style and look of the clothing. to me it is just a painting on a body. There is no substance to it. Then you have the appliers based on the body you have. What is wrong with standardization. LAQ made great skins but you could wear any clothes with it. The shape was always more important than the skin. I found skins that were just as good as LAQ and other retailers. For those who dont know, LAQ was at one time the best skins on SL. Now we have MESH!!! Everyone jump for joy.. NOT ME. What used to take me seconds to change clothes (using premade outfits) now takes me about 15 minutes or more. Where is the simplicity in that? Tell me please how MESH is going to make my life easier when I cannot wear the clothing I have come to enjoy in my years on SL. Answer me please. Taliaraven Resident
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