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Phoebe Hazelnut

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Posts posted by Phoebe Hazelnut

  1. "Beta grid doesn't require PIoF, the L$ you work with there is like monopoly money, looks good, feels good, but its worthless"

    Yes I am aware of that (they post 40000$L on my account), of course just for testing purposes!

    If I now could just get access to the grid but the wiki says I need to go there and when I go there it tells me to apply payment info to get access to beta and when I try to set it, it says server not found :(

  2. thank you for your detailed answer I really appreciate but God why is this so complicated >.<

    It's not like I want to start a professional shop and stuff just want to create clothing for fun and now I have to buy everything twice just to try if I like it on the long run.

    Can't there be like just rigged base meshs?


    For starters you gotta have an existing model to retopo and that means making it usually

    Yes yes that's what I am doing right now! I sculpt which usually looks like a mess on the wireframe :D because it creates a load of triangle thingies of different sizes that are impossible to rig and weight paint and texture and so I use Blender tools to create a new mesh out of quads. Blender has really alot of tools that make that simple like shrink wrap, F key to fill whole areas, snap to face with offset and so on, It's not quick but simple, you still sit hours and hours pushing faces around it's like playing jigsaw when you try to resolve your loops :D and I use pictures from existing meshes made by professionals in Blender to help me with how my loops should flow and where I can make stars ect. So I thought I get a mesh body for SL and use the same technique to put like a shirt mesh on it - and then just rig it to the bento skelly!

    PS btw Just tried your wiki link and It sent me to https://secondlife.aditi.lindenlab.com/my/account/ip/accept.php where it says I need my payment info but the page to add my payment and the link to add my paypal is on cashier.aditi.lindenlab.com which is server not found also the terms of service links I had to agree are 404 :(

  3. I just recently started experiments with Blender and it can do so much! Just learning sculpting and did my fist steps in retopology methods and thought it could be a good practice to create fashion for SL since retopo is basically just putting a new mesh on an existing one. I figured like everyone uses Blender by now for clothings but I couldn't find any tutorials that cover the very basics like from scratch to build clothings and stuff for SL mesh avatars. Especially I am looking for how to create a piece of garment and have it autofit to the most used mesh bodies. Are there SDKs? The documentation about Dev Kits is somewhat confusing and I don't know where to get everything! Do I have to buy all the avatars and export them from SL?

  4. Just now, Rhonda Huntress said:

    Chat has always been a gamble with the larger groups but it has been noticeably worse in recent weeks.  I blame it on internet traffic being higher with the world in lock down.

    Yes, land rezzing takes longer too. Sometimes need to wait minutes before all grey textures finally disappeared. I am just on a sim with 3 people on it and it takes ages for everything to rez when I cam around. I just ran a few speedtests and I get full speed from the test servers.

  5. Yes all times better than the last few days. Even conferences with just a few people lag. I need to send messages to groups two or three times and the server tells me, that the message might have been dropped before they appear sometime later. Last time I experienced so poor group chat performance was years ago.

  6. Is this just me or are group chat experiencing heavy lag just recently? It's nearly impossible to talk in a group or conference chat right now...

    Also I notice that lands seem to rez way slower and my av needs longer to download after logging in.

    • Like 2
  7. 31 minutes ago, Matty Luminos said:

    You have the body applier set at Environment 70 and the head at 30 - that will make a difference. 

    Please note that I already adressed that in my OP:

    "(Btw yes I noticed the different "Environment" values on both huds but changing it on the Omega applier to 70 or any other value does nothing)."

    5 hours ago, Lillith Hapmouche said:

    I'm tempted to blame the highlights for the mismatch, so I'd start with getting the glossy setting to 0.

    The neck part on the head attachments seems to handle the gloss highlights much differently than the body.

    There is everything set to 0, no glossy turned on at all.

    6 hours ago, Clover Jinx said:

    Make sure your body isn't tinted in the red-outline area of the Maitreya hud shown below:



    Click the far left skin tone (outlined in green) then re-apply the KG Kimberly Skin.

    Try looking at it in a different windlight like CalWL or Nam's Optimal Skin and Prim to see if they actually match or not. If this doesn't fix it, you may need to use the neck fix or choker as previously suggested.

    Sorry that doesn't work either. The Maitreya skin gets replaced by the Maitreya Applier and the tint is set to all white. The neck fix only works for Maitreya's original skin it doesn't get affected by the applier at all: I even can have the darkest skin set, then  the neckfix appears as a dark brown "collar" but the Kimberly Skin is still normal and not tinted.

    7 hours ago, Orwar said:

       In this case it isn't an issue of there being a difference in the environment values, but rather just the fact that your head and body are two separate mesh entities that are being lit individually within Second Life. It appears the light source is coming pretty much from above, which unfortunately makes the effect very much more visible.

       As Claireschen mentioned, you can either use a neck sleeve which will smooth this out, or cover the seam with a necklace, choker, collar, scarf, or any such accessories - but depending on the windlight setting, this is going to be more or less noticable.

    We already spoke about this in world but here for everyone else again: Yes it's the environment settings when I have shadow off, I get the heavy seam with shadows on, the seam disappears mostly. That hoewever means, that everyone around me who doesn't have shadow shaders on sees me with a seam...

  8. I already contacted both, head creator's group and skin creator but no help so far...

    I have Maitreya body and Utilizator head and I applied the skin to both of them but I can't get them to fit seamless. I don't know what I am doing wrong.

    (Btw yes I noticed the different "Environment" values on both huds but changing it on the Omega applier to 70 or any other value does nothing).


    Head: UTILIZATOR Normie Head

    Body: Maitreya Lara

    Skin: KG Kimberly Skin

  9. I have a head from UTILIZATOR and a skin from another vendor. I applied the skin to avatar, put the tatoo layers on it and then to the head via Omega hud but it did not apply the tatoos, just the plain skin. The Omega applier aplied the skin to Maitreya body and the head properly... just the tatoos are missing.

  10. I have a skin with an omega applier but for some reason the tatoo layers that provide lipstick, freckles, lashes ect won't get applied to my bento head just the plain skin.

    How do I get tatoo on my head?

  11. 3 minutes ago, Orwar said:

    I'm also not sure whether your head already has the Omega receiver, or if you will need an Omega installer/relay to apply Omega skins.

    Omg even more stuff to look at *sigh*

    I looked into my head and there is an "Omega System Listener" script in it.

    Sorry that I ask so many questions but before I spend hundreds on skins and head stuff I want to make sure it works. It's just so many new things to learn

  12. 6 minutes ago, Orwar said:

       Yes, I suspect that you're referring to 'system skins', those are unfortunately not applicable through Omega. Do hang onto them, though; a lot of mesh head and bodies are now being brought to BoM compatibility (the ability to apply system skins directly on a mesh, which previously wasn't possible - technical stuffs!).

    To be specific, the shop page says: "This head Is SLUV/Omega compatible so you have a wide selection of skins, makeup, hair bases and other options. The head is full mod too so you can add those finishing touches."

    Ok Omega = Omega I need an applier skin for that. And SLUV is SL UV, the original avatar? So it should support original skins?

  13. Yes I stumbled upon the BoM thing in a Maitreya group discussion and I understood nothing.

    I was off from second life for a while and when I came back everyone was bragging about their mesh bodies and Omegas and what not and I understand nothing anymore.

  14. I have none of such all my skins are like 10 years old. Do I need to buy new skins for that?

    PS: Just looked at the marketplace and there are products that say "PLEASE NOTE APPLIERS ONLY" That means I need the skin texture? And then? Does that have to be worn on my Mesh or just in inventory? This is so confusing....

    PS2: Some skins say they come with appliers for mesh bodies but nothing about the specific head creator I wanted to use it for. It get's even more confusing. So the skin applies to mesh body and SL head only or would it just work on another creator's head?

  15. I am totally confused with this. I got a mesh head demo (UTILIZATOR) and it's completely white. The description says it comes with omega so I have a wide range of skins ... but how? I have tried like a zillion skins from my inventory and it never applied to my head.

    What is this? How do I put a texture on the head mesh?

  16. The flickering appears with the wiki code, with your original and with my modification so it's probably not the code but the client. Also had that thing on a sandbox and on some rather empty random land. It runs super smooth after I moved my camera around a bit. I wasn't really able to find out when exactly the flickering appears. I also tried to make a screenshot using Print Screen button but while the flickering distorted the wheel creating zig-zag edges, the screenshot looks clean.

    (EDIT: The flickering also doesn't disappear when the wheel slows down with my code.)

    "keep my old SLPPF movement on some old things"

    What's SLPPF?

  17. Well yes it's difficult if you have different behaviours on different computers. I got actually quite good performance in sl with around 60 fps in normal filled places and 100-200 in an empty skybox.


    Here is what I made of Nova's script: Some wheel of fortune like turning thingy. But I always have to adjust my camera back and forth and left and right until it appears smoothly turning.


    float braking;integer steps;rotation r;float t;vector angle;float motion_time( float mt){    mt = llRound(45.0*mt)/45.0;    if ( mt > 0.11111111 ) return mt;    else return 0.11111111;} default{    touch_start(integer total_number)    {        llSetTimerEvent(0.5);        braking = 1/(llFrand(100.0)+1);        llOwnerSay((string)braking);    }        timer()    {        steps++;        braking = llPow(0.05*steps, 2);        r = llEuler2Rot(<0.0,0.0,TWO_PI/3>);        t = motion_time(braking);        llSetText((string)steps+"\n"+(string)braking, <1,1,1>, 1);        if(braking > 20.0)        {            llSetKeyframedMotion([],[]);            angle = llRot2Euler(llGetRot())*RAD_TO_DEG;            llSetText((string)(angle.z), <1,1,1>, 1);            llSetTimerEvent(0);            steps = 0;        }        else        {            llSetKeyframedMotion([r,t, r,t, r,t],[KFM_DATA,KFM_ROTATION, KFM_MODE,KFM_LOOP]);        }    }}


  18. Hm this still has strange display behaviour. The turning jitters but looks smooth when I turn the view. When I zoom in and out it jitters and then occasionaly runs smooth again. Could that have something to do with my viewer fps (between 100 and 200fps depending on how I turned the camera)? 'I never have this weird display with llTargetOmega.

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