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Anna Salyx

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Posts posted by Anna Salyx

  1. 3 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

    I'd be curious what sort of complexity would actually cause one to crash. I've been in places with a total complexity of over several million without seeing a problem.

    I once saw an avatar with a ~2million complexity.  Very pretty.  Very detail. Lots of fire.  didn't really seem to be causing anyone any problems.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

    Some of the Grids I visit,  the resident complexity numbers are high with just a mesh hair being 300K. I've only experienced one crash due to a griefer item in 15 years on any grid so "knock on wood", I don't worry about that so much. 

    I'd be curious what sort of complexity would actually cause one to crash. I've been in places with a total complexity of over several million without seeing a problem.

    in the case of texture area, it's really less about complexity and more about other things.  Usually when someone has triggered a high texture area jelly for me, their complexity  was only around 30 to 50k, but they've had a texture area over 1000m^2 ( think one was near 2km^2). For reference, at my most complex I don't think I've ever gone over 300m squared of surface area, and that would be considered high.  In most of the cases, the person was wearing a dance group choreography helper thing that added texture surface area, and one was wearing an environment cube that completely blocked from seeing the surrounding world.  a D/s thing. 

    The griefer things are doing things that I don't understand with vertices and stuff, to overwhelm the rendering outside of complexity issues. I did encounter one once but not as a wearable.  Just an object rezzed on the land called "lots of vertices" with a description of "crash" that was causing some people with lower end system big problems.  I can show a picture if anyone is interested. As said, that wasn't a wearable but the principle applies, so I leave a trigger in place to block the chances for those types of things. 

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  3. 4 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

    One peeve about the beta FS's is that the Complexity keeps reverting to 350,000 even though I always reset it to No Limit. I hate jellydolls and find they make little difference anyway whether they are jelly or fully rendered.

    I keep the limit at 350k not because I have issue with high complexity avatars, but it also kicks in protections for other things.  Mainly weird griefer mesh things.  if someone has a very low complexity (<50k even), but exceedingly high texture surface area (over 1000 sqm by default) they will also render as jellies. There might be very reasonable, and innocent, reasons for a sky high surface texture area, but there my be malicious reasons as well. This gives a buffer warning to be aware.  To date since the introduction of the jellydoll system,  I've see the high surface area jelly kick in a total of 4 times.  So its not a common thing and should raise a caution flag when if you see it.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

    You had a dozen avatars on screen tops, and 190 imposters .. imposters are 2d rendered low resolution sprites that aren't updated every frame.


    fair point, but even so, i"m going to be experiencing it again in a couple of weeks* so we'll see how things work out.


    *probably, if they do the same thing this year that they did last year.

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  5. 5 hours ago, grimmg0re said:

    I also tried to look them up on the marketplace, and they only have ONE item on the actual marketplace but have a huuuge store full of stuff in world from what I saw in my 18 seconds being there before getting autobooted for my account age 

    The side question that comes to mind is if you are barred from the entire region (private region) or just the store parcel section.  I mean cam shopping is a thing*....




    *not that'd I'd expect you really want to given the policies as given, vis a vis customer support.

  6. On 5/29/2024 at 5:44 PM, Istelathis said:

    On route 9 there is a bridge known as Lordshore Bridge, it spans nearly two regions measuring over 400 meters in length,

    In addition, in the footing of each pier are entombed noobs, specifically placed there to ensure the longevity, this is an ancient practice by some cultures to ensure longevity.  It seems to be working so far.

    uhm..... I think you have been misinformed.  Noobs explode.....especially when bumped, jolted, jostled, or surprised. They do not make secure footing for bridges for this reason.  I have a couple of eternal noobs as security in my shop for just this reason. They are cheaper than guard dogs.

    • Haha 2
  7. I did say in the scheme of things, not an apples to apple comparison.  yeah, the platters are going to be much cheaper as a basic option.  But in the scheme of going from 0.5tb to 2tb in SSDs is not a significant jump in price.  if it was 4x or more the price for 4x the space then yeah, def go with the cheaper options.  No, it's skosh over 2x the price for 4x the space , so it puts into the realm of something to consider.  again when talking future proofing that can be an important consideration: do you expect more of the things you like to do recommending SSDs in the coming year or 2? 

    an example of a new release game on my wishlist.  (and 2nd edit to say, i didn't realize it until I just looked but a game I bought late last year has a minimum required: SSD with 90 GB free.  so yeah, we are there).


  8. 58 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

    And before anyone says anything. Yes an SSD and a platter drive,  You don't NEED every damn file you ever loaded all on SSD speeds, and smaller SSD's are cheaper, and that platter is a good brand, and fast, 7200 rpm, perfectly fine for most general storage.


    I am going to say.  :P

    A 500gb m.2 nvme drive by the brand I like is 68.20 USD. (14 cents/gb). A 2000gb is just 102 dollars more at 170 USD. (9 cents/gb). The price difference between the small SSDs and the larger SSDs is not that significant in the scheme of things. And while it might just be a justification to go that route it can be a factor in consideration when deciding on how to future proof. I've had a couple of games now come up with recommended specs being SSD.  That is where we are heading.

    True, I don't *need* everything on a blazing fast SSD, but I do like the lack of moving parts. I've got 5tb total right now.  Started with 1 tb SATA and platters, then added in a 2tb nvme on sale.  And not quite a year later added another nvme 2tb stick (and got rid of the platters) on another sale. That'll keep me happy for a few years. 

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  9. 14 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

    Get 16GB of RAM, you won't need 64 GB unless you like running a dozen programs at the same time, like SL, and a AAA game, and blender, and photoshop, and running a few bots, and your own hyperfail grid, etc.

    I'd consider 16 entry these days.  I went with 32 when I built my current computer 6 years ago. But then I do run a lot of programs concurrently.  SL (natch), Firestorm browser with <coughs> 2500 tabs, spotify, Gimp, Steam, a couple of others along with services and hooks to cloud storage.  most times I'm at around 40 to 50% memory usage, even without SL logged in. At 16 I'd be bumping up against limit and swapping a lot.  32 gives a nice bit of wiggle.  This is on Win10. I agree at the present 64 is overkill for most everyday people.

    • Like 1
  10. 5 hours ago, Extrude Ragu said:

    Also I hate all this rgb nonsense going into newbuilds these days, can't you pc manufacturers just sell us an ordinary looking computer? 😅

    I build my own rigs.  Have for a very long time. I can build as good a system that's on par with what's been shared here for about the same cost (maybe a little more, maybe a little less depending).  And I tell you it's getting near on impossible to buy basic components that don't have lighting effects. I turn off what I can, and just deal with the rest.

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  11. 2 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

    That's my main complaint about voice in groups -- those using text tend to be ignored.

    2 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

    Yes exactly and even those following in voice and have trouble hearing, tending to be too shy to ask for a repeat of what was said. Especially with those who talk too fast so it is not only an inability to hear but also inability to absorb the flow of conversation. 

    This really.  Through a series of really bad ear infections when I was a kid, my hearing is not the best in the world and the current and using any voice services sometimes is just iffy sometimes.  Heck IRL this one of the reasons I prefer texting over voicing.  My friends know not to call me.... now if I could only convince my mom....  :P

    The other reason is that text gives you history.  If I have step away from the computer, with local/group chat in text I can scroll up and get caught up without having to ask someone to sum up for me. Or I can check what was recently said if I get confused. If there are more than just a couple of speakers I quickly get confused about who is talking as the visual cues are all absent it yet another reason.   The only time I really did any voice was when I was dancing in one of the cabarets a few years back, and I hated it even then for all the above reasons and a couple of extras.. /shrugs. 


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  12. 2 hours ago, Ingrid Ingersoll said:

    I use Microsoft Authenticator which I had to use for work and then decided to use it for my personal accounts too. I actually really like it but as someone pointed out...lose your phone and you're screwed. 

    that's primary reason I use Google Authenticator.  Not even using the cloud save feature (bad idea IMO) it's somewhat easy to clone all your tokens to another device so you can have a backup. I have the Microsoft for, well Microsoft, and Authy for a couple of other services that don't support Google's app.  Well didn't at the time, not sure if that's changed.  I have considered a Yubikey for a couple of extra important things, but as I said up thread, that's maybe just a bit of overkill at my level.

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  13. I generally accept Experiences when they are offered. Not always but maybe about 95% of the time. But then I used to walk around with a RLVa relay in automode from time to time. Safeword there a quick exit from what might be an unpleasant situation with that, and Experiences are easy enough to reject after the fact. Don't like what an experience is doing at the time, teleport home, disable and mark that sim as a no-go zone.

    I do agree that the acceptance dialogue could be panel could be more user friendly. 

    and I really do think that at the viewer level there can (and should) be an onscreen visual indicator to show what Experience(s) are actively being applied to the user,  (maybe as a dropdown in the case of > 1) with a nice red "X" button to instant reject it as a "panic button" if you will.  On land with no experiences: no flag.  on land with an experience you haven't accepted: no flag. on land with an experience that you have said yes to: flag. That way when it does pop up it will catch your attention.  Maybe even a "don't remind me" for some experiences that you trust fully.  (I'd put the AVsitter Experience on that list. :P )

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  14. 13 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

    Does Proton mail always lag when logging into it? I can't seem to get into my proton mail. I can't even get the sign up page to show up most of the time.. It all happened  after logging out of my proton and then later coming back to log in..

    11 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

    Bleh. I had to switch browsers.. Now I need to find out what I need to adjust in Firefox for the sign in page to show up, which is hit or miss. Then to even sign in which happened one time for a split moment, but then started to reload again and then timed out..

    Firefox can be very squirrelly sometimes for no reason that I've found.  I can't use Kickstarter on Firestorm, I have to use some other browser.   And to answer, no I've not had any problems logging in, but that might not mean you won't.  I also use the Proton mail iOS apps on my tablet and phone, rarely do I use it on the PC.


    12 hours ago, Ingrid Ingersoll said:

    I have two-factor authentication on my email and just about everything else. Is that not good enough? 

    9 hours ago, Nalates Urriah said:

    2FA is more secure. But it adds complication. Put your phone away, as if you lost it, and try to use find my phone services.

    IMO, it depends on your 2FA method of choice.  I really really prefer authenticator apps over say SMS messaging.  I use 3 but the one I prefer is Google Authenticator. and I use that for the important accounts. I I also have all my keys cloned from the phone to my tablet so if I loose my phone, or it's broken, I'm not wholly up the creek sans paddle, just mildly inconvenienced.

    But in broad strokes, 2FA is better than just a password alone. and so is good enough.  mostly.  Some 2FA methods are better than other, and IMO it's better to have an authenticator type instead of SMS type.  hardware keyes though, I think are overkill for most everyday people.

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  15. Another proton mail user here.  I initially only had only my bank account going through that service so it's not tied to anything else so that it would more secure, but I did eventually add my credit cards too, but I never use it to sign up for services or the like.  The only places the address have been exposed to is banking.  For second life, my account is on it's own account on another service, that again is not used for any other purpose.  it's a little less secure than Proton, but there is some security through obscurity.  I use "10 minute e-mail" a lot too for throw away addresses.  I have a "main" address that most everything else goes through that's not as critically or sensitive. 

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  16. On 5/26/2024 at 2:15 AM, Coffee Pancake said:

    RLV - Is short for Marine's Restrained Love Viewer, which was created with a set of bondage accessories in SL that used the extra functionality to stay locked.

    RLVa - Is .. a completely independent implementation of Marine's published specification. It's named RLVa because @Kitty Barnett is bad at naming things (no really, don't let her name things).


    That gave me some vibes from the very early days of the PC. If my fuzzy memory is reliable, it went something like this: (abridged)  IBM had done their thing to make the PC more accessible to everyday folk. Compaq was wanting to leverage into that market.  So the Compaq engineers went work on creating a BIOS for their own machines with only the knowledge of the 'visible output' (as it were) from the IBM implementation but zero details on the internals, so that hardware and software made for one would work equally well on the other. It was a completely blind/clean room development project, and helped launch the PC landscape as we know it today.

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