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Everything posted by LydialeeraPanther

  1. Allo all, (Hope I'm in the right place posting this. If not please direct me to where it is supposed to be.) I just finished with the decorations on my land for Halloween. I'd like to invite anyone and everyone to Hell's Asylum and Haunted House, which is now open and will remain so until November 3rd 2022. The land is on an Adult land, so please keep that in mind. NO Child avatars allowed. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Excalibur Days/133/51/1003 (Slurl is tested and works, but if for any reason it does not work. Find me in world ((LydialeeraPanther Resident)) and check my profile pics. The last pic is of the Asylum. Click teleport from my profile, it will land you in the right place.) Warning! Flashing Lights, Fast moving objects etc... Not For The Faint Of Heart or for those with Epilepsy! Enter at your own risk! Upon landing, you will receive a GIFT plus 8 different Notecards. The first titled "Notecards" has each of the remaining 7 Notecards in it. The remaining 7 Notecards are the individual Notecards that are inside the "Notecards" NC. Please pay attention to the titles (if it says Important and Please Read Before going inside, then please do so. The others are for you to read at your leisure.): The first three Notecards are a MUST Read before entering. Notecard Title 1. Hell's Asylum Important WARNING! Please Read! Notecard Title 2. IMPORTANT INFO! PLEASE READ BEFORE GOING INSIDE! Notecard Title 3. Path to Follow. PLEASE READ! The other four Notecards are for you to read at your leisure. Notecard Title 4. Images used inside the Asylum. Please Read at your leisure! Notecard Title 5. Research of other famous (infamous) Asylum Notecard Title 6. HELL'S ASYLUM (My Story, Read & let me know what you think!) Notecard Title 7. Bedlam & The Real Horror Story Of The Bethlem Royal Hospital Halloween has always been my favorite holiday. I love dressing up and trick or treating as a child, like most children did and still do. Even now, I enjoy putting on a costume then hand out candy to the children. I enjoy seeing the different costumes the children are wearing. I absolutely love haunted houses. The bigger/longer the better. Since I am unable to create a haunted house in RL...the next best thing is Second Life. I would love to know what everyone thinks of the decorations/props...so after your visit, send me a Notecard. Let me know what you think. I have also written a small story to go with the Asylum and house. Please read at your leisure and let me know what you think. Have fun and Happy Halloween! Rhys Dragon Panther (LydialeearPanther Resident)
  2. I have been in SL since long before the mesh bodies came out. Since my first account, I've have a few many accounts...but I decided to slip onto my first account a few days ago and thought hmmm I really need to upgrade her. So, I went in search of a new body and clothes. Being limited on Lindens as well as rarely using this account, I went the 'free' way. I picked up the Abar Ebody Curvy. Which...looks great. But, trying to find clothing for her is a huge pain. I visited a freebie store in world. Mind you this store is huge and filled with clothes, footwear, jewelry, and hair. The sad part of it is the fact that 98% is only for those mesh bodies you have to spend a lot for. On my main account I have the Maitreya body and love it. I found a total of 3 full outfits in this huge store, about 10 different jewelry, and 3 hairs I liked. But with the clothes...it had nothing to do with whether I liked the outfit or not...each one stated what bodies they are for. The biggest share were for Maitreya/Belleza/Tonic. A few of them said Ebody. I picked those up before I had realized I needed the ones that says Ebody Curvy. I went home and tried and 80% of what i picked up, had to go right into the trash because it didn't fit my avatar, didn't matter if I modded the avatar either. I find it highly unfair. Seriously, if you are going to create a body, to give away free for those who can't get Lindens, then provide a line of clothing for it too. Because when you think on it...how do you expect anyone to use your products when you product requires you to have other things to go with it in order for them to be used. In this case, a mesh body need mesh clothing. How does anyone expect people to use their mesh bodies when they have no clothes? It would make sense for the creator of a mesh body, to create a line of clothing or at least a few outfits, until the customer is able to get more. And think...when a new mesh body is created...there is absolutely NO clothing for it. Not until it is released and then clothing creators start pushing out the clothes. It would make more sense to correspond with those clothing creators prior to releasing the mesh body...give them time to get out a line of clothing for that specific body, and have it ready to be released when the body is released. I remember when I first joined SL, nearly 12 years ago, I had no idea where to find anything, especially without L's. I stumbled across a freebie store. Stuff from that store is what I had used for a very long time. Unlike many others, I didn't have the L's or resources they had. I then met a lady in SL, who sent me to another freebie store, which was where I had found many more things. I ended up working for her, which gave me the L's to upgrade my avatar. With just less than 2k I was able to create a beautiful avatar. But that was then, nowadays you can't do that. Although many claim you can...but you can't. If you're trying to go the freebie way, free mesh avatars are very few as well as difficult to find without spending hours on researching it. It took me over a week to find the Ebody Curvy. I was happy to be able to get it...it looked amazing...until you try to put clothes on her. I understand the specific clothes for specific bodies...but then a good amount of clothing should be made for these new bodies. So for the past three days, my gal was running around nekid...because there was no clothes to be found...not unless you have L's. It really is unfair. As I said on my main account, I use the Maitreya and love her. I have tried other bodies on other alts, to me, none held up to the Maitreya. The Ebody curvy though...as I said looked great...just need clothes. Below is just one of the few outfits I found in a freebie store.
  3. Thank you Madelaine. That's a different status page than the one I was checking. The one I was on stated issues for yesterday. I didn't even find where it said it was fixed either. The page you gave me, I did indeed bookmark it. But it suggested to try restating my modem. I did that and even restarted my pc just to be on the safe side. Then I re-opened SL and it worked. I'm logged in.
  4. I hope this is the correct spot to post this in. 😟 It started with me trying to delete an object and i got this error message saying 'can't delete due to an inventory error. So first thing I tried to do was delete everything in my trash. That didn't work. So I thought I might be crashing, so I cleared my cache then logged out to log back in. Images below show the log in screen...thats as far as the login process goes before I get the error, which is shown in the second image. The third image is my pc's specs. Saoirse Panther-Dragon (lydialeerapanther)
  5. While I understand giving Premium members 'more' because they are paying, but to take away from basic users is not right. After all, and I know this to be fact as I had a Premium account, twice in the eight years I have been in SL, but Premium member already get 'more' with the gifts, a Linden home, weekly stipend...and last I knew they get L's just for becoming a Premium member. A one time amount, plus the weekly stipend and more groups. Why, do they even need more? Why lower basic membership groups? Personally, I keep my groups at 20 or 22, but many of us work in SL as Dj's, Hosts, Dancers etc...The SL jobs alone take group slots. And if you happen to be a manager of said job, there is also another group separate from staff groups. Currently, I am in three different groups for one job. Many groups I would like to be in and stay in, I can't due to trying to keep my group limit low. Not to mention, if you are the creator of the group, and you decide to be rid of that group, you can't there is no delete button. Sure you can remove all members of that said group, but it still remains in your list. Many creators of the group also charge a ridiculous fee, just to join and group, which discourages many, therefore not many new members join. If groups are such a back strain, then some other solution needs to be found. Perhaps, I don't know, maybe somehow link it out of world, put the joined groups on our Dashboards. Allow us to do 'more'with our dashboard as well. Make them more like a profile. Maybe invent a way for SL users to 'earn' a small amount of L's just by doing daily actions/tasks with the Dashboard. Could call them Promo Lindens. A one time amount for 'sprucing' up your dashboard. Like creating or using a background. Adding small images to your background, that are transparent, like stickers. There are many ways that this can be done, and would encourage more users to join SL. At the thought of earning small amounts of L's many would join. As it stands right now...I don't see LL getting much in the ways of Premium membership out of their existing Basic members. There's a reason I gave up my Premium membership, as there is a reason for all who have gave it up. While the weekly stipend is nice, it doesn't even cover anything. Even on the MP, good quality stuff, would take all of that stipend...or the stipend isn't enough to buy the product. The LL Homes, are nothing really. The prims are much too low, and the space in the homes are much too small. The good thing about mesh being implemented, is that it cuts down on the prims being used...but...not always can you find what your seek. Most of us, well we like to get things to go with the theme of our home. So, take the Wizard's Retreat for example. (My first Linden Home). While the home itself, the design of it looked amazing, there is still not a significant amount of mesh items to fill the place at a low price, nor is there much space. The Tahoe home, (My second Linden Home) an A framed home...awesome, but the space inside was very small. In order to have a place to put livingroom furniture and bedroom furniture, I had to create a loft-like thing up in the top of the home. Then I needed a way to get up there. Therefore taking up more prims that could have been used to make this a nice little home. So, with all this, and then LL is going to change the cost of membership, as well as 'take away' from their basic users without finding another solution and a way around things...my opinion...it's wrong. Compared to when SL first started, the number of users had dwindled significantly. This new plan of LL's is just going to make it dwindle more. Why not come up with a plan to gain more users, not turn them away? Personally, if I (and I'm sure many others do this as well) wasn't a user of SL and went in search of a virtual world...me as a potential new user would see the costs, would see how the basic users get nothing really and only get things taken from them, well I would definitely NOT join then. I would find another, that looks out for their basic members as well as their paid members before joining one that only looks out for their paid members. There is also a lot of MMORPG's that I would join long before I'd come to SL. At least the MMORPG's look out for 'ALL' members alike. I also can see, many SL users leaving SL for another due to these new plans. I'll be sticking around...for now. But, I will 'NOT' be putting money into LL's pockets through a membership. Also, the fees of 'buying' L's going up too? It's all ridiculous. We all use a credit/debit card in one form or another. Whether it is buying directly, or buying through Paypal etc...The costs are high already, we don't need it higher. Many users can't even 'buy' their own L's. They have to get an SL job to make a go of it. Which is fine, since I love my job, but many of us enjoy the exploring of other lands. Seeing the beauty of those said lands. So, they don't want to spend money for L's, and then in turn spend L's on anything. I believe LL needs to re-think their so called ideas and realize how many this hurts.
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