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Everything posted by dk201

  1. Thanks for explaination. I would like to try that kvp way. Is there an good example for me to start? Thanks,
  2. Hello everyone, I am writing an email based vendor machine recently. Say i have my email handler in prime SERVER and multiple client prims CLIENT(S) in different sims. When ppl click any CLIENT, an email will be sent from CLIENT to SERVER. And SERVER will handle the email and deliver the item. However, i noticed the script in SERVER will stop handling incoming emails after sim restart. Reset scripts wont help either. So i found this jira post https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-23? Seems this is a known bug and LL will never fix it... so here is my question, is there a way to implement reliable email based vendor or i should try to find an alternative, hopefully secure, way? Thanks in advance,
  3. Thanks a lot. I know this might be an old script, but i am still new to SL. Everything is kind excited to me lol
  4. Thanks for explaination. If this is the case, I probably should stop further try...
  5. I got that script from a free weapon in GCS sim. Surely the script is not for sale, and I cannot read the code and that's why I cannot debug. >.>
  6. Hello Guys, I am working on customize a GCS weapon recently. I created a gun along with bullet and tried to put default GrimGun 2,4 scripts into it. And here is the issue I have: Everytime i attach this weapon to my avi, an error saying "improper use" will show. And that weapon never works. Since GrimGun 2.4 script is not modifiable, I cannot view it and do debug. Any advice?
  7. Further questions: I started a timer in script A, and then i deleted script A. Would timer still running? and, if yes, can i turn off it by adding a new script and use llSetTimerEvent(0,0)? How does server know which timer i want to turn off?
  8. Hello Everyone, I am playing around following script to create laser effect. Everything works great except that I cannot stop it. lol I have tried regular ways to stop Particle and Primitive mentioned in this link: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetPrimitiveParams I think maybe the timer cause this primitive keep displaying. But I have already deleted following script from my item, the laser effect still there. How can I get rid of this laser effect? Appreciated your help. default { state_entry() { llLinkParticleSystem(2, [0, 307, 7, .25, 1, <1,0,0>, 3, <1,0,0>, 5, <.04,.25,0>, 6, <.04,.25,0>, 9, 2, 13, .01, 8, <0,0,0>, 15, 10, 16, .01, 17, 0, 18, 2., 10, 8., 11, 0., 21, <0,0,0>, 19, 0., 12, "", 2, .7, 4, 0.]); llSetTimerEvent(0.05); } timer() { float distance = llVecDist(llGetPos(), llList2Vector(llCastRay(llGetPos(), llGetPos() + (llRot2Fwd(llGetRot())*32.0), [RC_MAX_HITS, 1]), 1)); if(distance > 32) distance = 32; llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(2, [PRIM_SIZE, <0, 0, distance*2>, PRIM_POSITION, <distance, 0, 0>]); } }
  9. integer DISPLAY_ON = 1; integer DISPLAY_OFF = 0; default { state_entry() { string uuid = llGetOwner(); //6 stand //134 walk //4430 run //22 sit on ground //54 sit // 263 hover/fly integer buf = llGetAgentInfo(uuid); while(1){ integer buf = llGetAgentInfo(uuid); if(buf == 263) { llSetAlpha(DISPLAY_ON, ALL_SIDES); llSetLinkAlpha(LINK_SET, DISPLAY_ON, ALL_SIDES); } else { llSetAlpha(DISPLAY_OFF, ALL_SIDES); llSetLinkAlpha(LINK_SET, DISPLAY_OFF, ALL_SIDES); } llSleep(3); } } } Here is my code to detect animation/status. Not sure if llSleep will be more helpful to reduce server stress than a timer, but it works well for me so far. If timer is a better choice, I would like to change to timer then. Thanks for your answer to the second question. That helps a lot.
  10. To first question: Is timer a better option than a while loop? I implemented animation detection in a while loop, but wonder if timer is a better way to run scripts. Let me rephrase my second question. I wanna have an item attached to my avi and everyone can click it. After someone click on it, I want this item send me a popout windonw to ask me if a function should run or not. I am doing it by using listener, but not sure is there any other way to do it. Thanks for answers
  11. Thanks for quick reply. I dont want to hire someone to do this for me. I would like to do scripting myself if anyone can just give me a quick answer if there is a built-in function that I missed.
  12. This is my first video from SL. Hope you enjoy it. :)
  13. Hi Everyone, I am new to LSL and here is my question: I want to scripted an item attached to my avi all the time. This item needs to do 2 things: 1) Detect my avi's animation/move change. For example when avi is flying, this item need to know that. Except a while loop keeping check my avi's animation, is there a better implementation by using event or other machnisms? 2) When this item is clicked by other avis, I want to receive a request window ask me if I allow to run a function. Since this item is attached to my avi, and the click action is triggered by me, I cannot find a good way to have this done. Is there any built-in function allow me to make this happen? Thanks in advance,
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