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Veleda Vella

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Everything posted by Veleda Vella

  1. Great question Paloc2! Well, I can help you specifically if you message me in world, or you can click on this link to see some of our lovely skyhomes! http://josephsrentals.weebly.com/available.html I manage the parcels called "Joseph's Rentals" We sell skyhomes, skyboxes, platforms for building on as well as just recently we have opened up a small mall area for our residents to be able to sell some of their products or offer ads (free boards and rental boards). This is a new concept in the making still. The prices are one of the best on the grids! They go anywhere from 15L all the way to 130L/week! You can visit us inworld if you prefer that as well... Our main moderate land office is at Space Illusion: Click here to visit our main office in world. And our adult land is North Hampton, which we are still adding boxes to is: Click here to visit our adult in world office. Sincerely, Veleda Vella
  2. Veleda Vella


    Hey there connect with me in IM. For the summer I will have a limited internet connection but would imagine to be on at least a few times a month. Otherwise I'm pretty active on here. Veleda Vella
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