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Posts posted by AzeezahWalker

  1. 7 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

    Some scripts can be deleted while other "stick" or reappear, so after you delete the script in the table you will likely need to use a "scrubber script". There is probably one on the Marketplace (free) or check Builder's Brewery or poke me if I am on.  Scrubber scripts completely CLEAN the object of any "residue" (not much of a scripts person :D). 


    Good luck. 




  2. 15 minutes ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

    I can't really see what is going on in that photo, but try editing the table and see if the scripts are in its contents (under the Contents tab). If so, and you don't want them there, right click the scripts and delete them.

    They are not associated with the table, they are from sake cups that I realized are meant to be worn, not left on the table. They have drinking animations. 

  3. I've been trying to get in touch with the landlord for further instructions since Monday, both on how to open the doors, and how to furnish the place (my partner/alt can't put down the furniture I bought on that account). Is there any way to contact a user outside of the chat? Another user on this sim said my landlord is still active. 

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