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  1. With such a jovial response to my query perhaps I should give writing comedy a try.
  2. Hi Dean, I thought I should thank you for the article you wrote. http://www.slenquirer.com/2016/11/second-life-portraits-in-depth.html
  3. Good to hear, although Othella should get the credit if you thought it was funny as she wrote the story. So are you planning on "introducing" yourself?
  4. Just don't read the one by Cuba, the band started playing before he was finished. The speech by Sacheen Littlefeather is probably my favourite.
  5. Greetings, I’m Cameron Cove. I’m a novice Second Life photographer and I would like to express my gratitude to Linden Labs for creating this forum. I enjoy reading and learning about other people’s work because they provide me with examples of what is possible, so I don’t mind posts that some people might view as self promotion. Whenever anyone talks about their work it’s self promotion, but this doesn’t mean there is nothing that can’t be learned by this. I would also like to thank Othella for posting links to the tutorials on her website. I found them very helpful. I would also like to thank the MAGE Magazine creative team for welcoming me to their group and helping me get art exhibitions at the Rose Theatre and Art Gallery and the Blue Bird Cafe. These exhibitions were only supposed to last a month but my images are still on the walls so either they really like my snapshots or they just forgot to take them down. Either way I invite you to drop by and take a look. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nashville%20Music%20Row/205/217/26 https://plus.google.com/collection/c1oukB
  6. Thanks for including me on the cover. It's a lot of fun working with you.
  7. You are cordially invited to visit my latest exhibition “Portrait of a Second Life”, currently on display at the BlueBird Cafe http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nashville%20Music%20Row/205/217/26
  8. You are cordially invited to visit my exhibition “Portraits by Cameron Cove”, currently on display at the Rose Theatre and Art gallery. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Angel%20Manor/64/142/29
  9. Thanks everyone for responding. I was able to find a gallery owner who is willing to show my work. I'll post to let you know when and where the exhibit will open. I would also like to thank Dean Lawson for helping me promote my work through the SL Enquirer. http://www.slenquirer.com/2016/11/second-life-portraits-in-depth.html http://secondlifeportraitsbycameroncove.blogspot.ca/
  10. I'm looking for gallery space. Can anyone can recommend a gallery owner that I can talk to about this? http://secondlifeportraitsbycameroncove.blogspot.ca
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