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Everything posted by Raqyiah

  1. Hello Everyone!! SL: I'm on SL since 2014,but i've did a new account on 2016, I suppose. I play on IMVU too, but since 2 years it started becoming boring, so I wantes to move to SL and try a little. I was busy because of my real life, so I stopped playing on SL for a year. I've decided to come back and spend some time on SL, and meet new people. I like shopping, taking photos, going to parties and hangout with friends on SL. RL: I'm 23 years old, I live in France, but I can speak spanish, and english. I'm on my last year of my career (i'm studying programming). I like drawing (BTW I do some custom edits and drawings for people). I like playing videogames, atm i'm on Overwatch a lot. I like Manga and Anime, but I watch some K-Dramas too.
  2. Hello Everyone!! SL: I'm on SL since 2014,but i've did a new account on 2016, I suppose. I play on IMVU too, but since 2 years it started becoming boring, so I wantes to move to SL and try a little. I was busy because of my real life, so I stopped playing on SL for a year. I've decided to come back and spend some time on SL, and meet new people. I like shopping, taking photos, going to parties and hangout with friends on SL. RL: I'm 23 years old, I live in France, but I can speak spanish, and english. I'm on my last year of my career (i'm studying programming). I like drawing (BTW I do some custom edits and drawings for people). I like playing videogames, atm i'm on Overwatch a lot. I like Manga and Anime, but I watch some K-Dramas too.
  3. Coucou à tout le monde. Je suis Raqyiah, et je suis nouvelle dans ce jeu, et je cherche des nouveaux amis/connaissances pour faire un peu de shopping, aller à des fêtes et se prendre des photos. Je suis née en 95 et j'adore déssiner, n'hésitez pas a me contacter par IM si vous êtes intéressé.
  4. Eso ya depende de donde proviene el sitio Web del que compras por PayPal, yo he jugado a otro juego parecido a IMVU y me piden validar mi Paypal, eso ya depende de tu suerte, haha. Sé que no he ayudado en mi aporte, pero lo unico que puedes hacer es unir tu Paypal a una cuenta bancaria o targeta.
  5. Hi!! I'm new on SL. I would like to meet new people here!! I like drawing, reading and listening to music! I actually live in France. I've tried to find friends on the Spanich and French friends, but anyone tried e__e. So i Hope to meet someone here!! I forgot to say that I'm a girl and I'm 21. There's a recent photo of my avatar c: I don't care about age or gender, I just want to meet interesting people here!! If you love anime/manga you're welcome, because I like it too I don't know how to say more... but if you want to know me better, just add/im or pm me here on Raqyiah. Here's a recent photo of my avatar. c: 
  6. Buenas, ya llevo dias en SecondLife, y me gustaria conocer mas gente con mis gustos, compratir y hablar. Soy de habla hispana y francesa, actualmente vivo en Francia, pero puedo hablar con todo el mundo, no importa. Me gusta dibujar y la moda. No sé describirme muy bien, pero esos son los temas que mas me interesan, ahaha. Tengo 20 anios y todo el mundo esta invitado a conocerme!! Si gustan, claro. Pueden contactarme por mensaje, notecard o directamente me agregan. Aqui una foto que acabo de tomar de mi avatar (la del pelo rosa, jaja) 
  7. Thank you!! I might try here, so. *crossing fingers*
  8. Thank you all for your help. I'm sorry to reply too late, but my account was on hold. I may search spanish and french groups, and but the mesh body, I've seen that's much better than teh défault avatar. Thank you a lot!!
  9. Hi!! I'm new to Second Life, but I would like to improve my avatar appareance. I found a lot of body mesh, but I don't know which one is the best... If you can help me I will thank you the rest of your life!!!
  10. Hey, I'm new on this game, well, i've tried it several times, but I was allways lost... But i've decided to dedicate some of my time to understand it... I'm not good speaking english, and some of the tutorials/explanations are in english and don't understand somethings. I know how to modify the avatar shape, put new clothes etc... But there are some notions I don't undersand... Like the HUD name, or the Belleza shape... I see some clothes that tells it fits with belleza, etc, but what is it? Before i was playing only IMVU, but it annoyes me, and would like to try this, it seems more interesting. If you can help me by replying this post or leaving a message, I will be gratefull the rest of my life, lol. So I speak spanish and french, and I've an European timezone (if you want to add me or smething like that TuT) Thanks for your attention and have a nice day c:
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