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Everything posted by CurseSmile

  1. Whoa!! Really!!! Thank you. I've only had Lara since Ive been rez. wouldn't I be better off with the fat pack if it has all 3 benefits w/ a 1k difference in between?
  2. Anyone have Belleza Freya? What's the difference between the fat pack and the full version? I'm seriously contemplating going thru surgery!
  3. Oh nothing too cool and you think he would help? Noooooo
  4. I woke up at his place & had sweet tooth cravings
  5. I'm having a hard time deciding if I should attempt to dress up, I mean what can an angel-fairy play dress up? lol
  6. I'm having a hard time deciding if I should attempt to dress up, I mean what can an angel-fairy play dress up? lol
  7. With so many possibilities of SL I like my human moments, like a 3 minute rest before.... whatever
  8. I've started playing with W/L!!! Tips are welcomed
  9. Thank youuuuuuuu https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/RE-Venus-Bracelets-MESH-LUX-Collection/11551751
  10. OMG ? I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! 2 YEARS!!!! TODAY'S MY REZ DAY?? I found it a day after my RL and after a year of on & offs I've made it!!??? P.s gifts are welcome in world (CurseSmile lol
  11. OMG ? I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! 2 YEARS!!!! TODAY'S MY REZ DAY?? I found it a day after my RL and after a year of on & offs I've made it!!??? P.s gifts are welcome in world (CurseSmile) lol
  12. and children's moral of the story is , " everything is not what it seem' that is why you cannot believe everything that you see *backdrop* now imagine if I was flying by and saw this, I'd stop and stare then think of how swell it is to have someone to hang with, not knowing it is 1 in the same shoes tsk tsk Lies of SL!!!!!
  13. ........... It's still early, listening to Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush
  14. All I ever want to do is be barefoot and andand my weeknd has started!
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