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Everything posted by LithyVale

  1. Hello im Lithy, Im fairly new, but far from newb in secondlife aswell as dj experience in IMVU. I have been going to clubs such as Limelight and santorini and been observing the hosting positions. I know im capable of keeping a crowd going and im sure i can help the Business. I do know there are rules to certain clubs and that I respect aslong as I am given warning of them. I wish to help the dj in equal tips if not more. If anyone has a position I can try out I would be more then happy to try for you. If it doesnt work out I can easily walk away with no hard feelings. :)
  2. Hello im no veteran to Secondlife but I know a few things that seems to get me by. Im seeking friends to hang out with, talk to, and just have a network. I go to the clubs but everyone is so tight knit its hard to get into the cliques. If your interested then please by all means add me and hit me a message! I CANT WAIT TO HEAR FROM YOU!
  3. I am looking for a sim that is easy to afford. If any of you have anyone that may know of anything please let me know in world. Thankyou for taking the time to read this quick thread.
  4. Im seeking a parcel of land for my mother. SHe is seeking something 350 or over in prims for any fair size. Please IM me for info if you have any available and ty for taking the time to read my thread.
  5. Im looking for employment in the modeling industry. I only have experience in IMVU not in SL but I wish to learn and willing to please my employeer. If you need any details or wish to meet me just simply IM me and ill be happy to respond as soon as possible. 
  6. Hello im looking for a chunk of flat land that is atleast 4000 + Sqm For atleast under 1,500 a week. If that maybe possible Id like to veiw the land and willing to purchase it at the end of the month and move in. :D Primms I would like to have atleast 1000+ If its in a neighborhood I would love to make sure the landlords/neighbors are no peeping toms and not constantly at your gate. Im just trying to make my land a family home, and im sharing it with my real life mother on here along with my man. Just trying to make a big happy family :) Please IM me if you have anything available. Thankyou for taking the time to read my thread and hope to hear from you soon!
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