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Everything posted by Benkmans

  1. I noticed my L$ balance was -1, and checked on my account page. I couldn't understand this as I've never had any L$ and assumed I'd never spent any. On checking my details the L$ -1 was a group liability for a group I didn't know I belonged to and certainly was unaware that I would have liabilities for. It's a trivial amount of money and I can easily get a wealthy alt to pay it off, but I'm concerned that if it's possible for this to happen with L$ 1, it could also happen with L$ 100 or L$ 1000.
  2. Look like ban is permanent. Threadstarter name gone from ingame search.
  3. You could also call billing. They may be able to retrieve the info for you as well.
  4. Much more worrying is the thought of real life criminals and even terrorists using SL (or other games) for secret communication 'in plain sight'. I'm serious about this. People who know each other in RL and also know each other's SL names can exchange information using notecards without ever having to meet up in-world. Less traceable and more hidden than chat or IMs.
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