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Everything posted by GaryPreston

  1. With all the huds I see available for detecting one thing or another I wondered if anyone has yet come up with a vampire detector. That means someone who belongs to the Bloodlines group. I don't support vampirism in rl or sl because to me it is a principle of murder. It conflicts with my religion. there are certain things i would not support in sl for the principles involved even though if other people want to do those things i have no objection. I just don't want to be a part of it. Hence I want to refuse to have anything to do with vampires in the hope that if enough people did this there would be fewer vampires around because they would lose too many friends. Other principles I don't support are child "abuse", and bestiality, But these are purely personal decisions. I hope there are others who think the same as me. A vampire detector would save me having to check names in http://slbloodlines.com/ Gary
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