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Kurshie Muromachi

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Posts posted by Kurshie Muromachi

  1. The idea that 1L amounts to practically nothing is no reason to justify it as acceptable. I see no reason anyone should just throw minuscule amounts of money around just to find out whether they like something in the end. Those of you using it as a means to gift someone a demo, ideally there should be a way to do so without using such a method and at the cost of zilch.

    In a way, it's like paying 10L to upload something you can't preview (things without temp upload) only to find out you made an error. Pay for potential upload mistakes? SL should be about promoting learning of the tools efficiently (meh beta grid testing) while minimizing unnecessary costs.

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  2. 50 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

    ... and I am pretty sure that LL already knows about he demo and fifty listings of the same product in different colors are the biggest MP issues.

    I'm sure they know. It was definitely brought up in the Sansar product meetings for improvements. The Amazon multi-listings use case was brought up as an example.

    50 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

    Gachas DEFINITELY need to have their own separate and MANDATORY PLACEMENT area of the MP. 

    That would be so nice because I like to search for items based on actual creator listings and I end up seeing a bunch of gacha listings. Sometimes, too many. I tried using a "NOT gacha" search, but that only helps so much.

  3. I personally favor shopping HUDs like FaMESHed GO. I wasn't so crazy about jumping around to stores at first, but then I found myself browsing the actual creator stores while I was there trying other things out that I have missed in the past. Designers might want to consider the potential there.

    In the past, I've wondered why some popular events didn't allow posting demos in the group notices like how Hair Fair does. Most of the demos I try end up being no-go's for me, so it saves me the effort of even getting into the event.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Penny Patton said:

    Here's another question;

    Does Linden Lab have any plans to improve the in-world building tools? Allowing people to create better and more optimized content using nothing but in-world tools. The current tool set is more or less the same now as it was when I joined in 2005. Other platforms over the years have demonstrated content creation tools that blow SL's out of the water. Sony's "Landmark" being the preeminent example. Is LL considering any sort of investment to reinvigorate in-world content creation?

    I was actually considering asking a similar question of whether the in-world tools would ever get any modern day love. I ended up scratching it though because I figured it would never fly and there are people who would throw the "there's already advanced 3D modeling tools, just use those" reason.  I'm not asking for an advanced 3D modeler, but you're right about other demonstrated platforms. There are even some impressive web-based modeling tools like VECTARY.

    I think the prim tools could be modernized with actual meshing capabilities. If network efficiency is a concern, perhaps making the tools work form a client-side local storage could help in that case. Local creations could then be maybe published using mesh import options. This however won't be very user-to-user collaborative friendly.

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  5. 33 minutes ago, Thermalpulse said:

    Have you considered allowing DDS (DirectDraw Surface) Mipmapped textures for better overall performance?

    SL's current system uses flat textures locked at their initial resolution, which weighs heavily on VRAM pools. It would be more resource efficient to have Mipmapped textures so video cards only need use the resolution relevant to distance from the avatar. Perhaps even allowing 2048x2048 sized textures for DDS/Mipmapped textures exclusively as an incentive for creators to switch over to the more performance friendly texture setup?

    There's some wiki info that states mipmapping is used in SL.


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  6. When will there be proper tools for in-world main grid testing of all types of created content without having to pay "trial and error" fees or use the beta grid? So far, I've only seen temp upload capability for some content type, but not all types. Previews of uploaded stuff just doesn't cut it. It helps to test creations in-world in relation to other things you own or around you that is on the main grid. Beta grid really should just be for development/new feature testing, not for testing whether your design works well on some mesh body.

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  7. 8 hours ago, Syn Anatine said:

    Hey, I feel like such a derp but when I go there all it shows me is a bunch of pictures of terminals with most of them having no indication as to what shop it is or a slurl. Is there a more cohesive list of store names? I basically see this:

    Where am I supposed to get any info on what store it is? Am I missing something here?

    If you can't see names under the Pinterest pins, are you logged into Pinterest? If so, try logging off of it. I noticed that when I was logged into Pinterest that those names were missing for me as well. Have no idea why it's that way. *shrugs*

    5 hours ago, Tamara Artis said:

    I can't add my store to the sheet. Nothing is clickable...

    Curious as well. I would like to know how to submit a comment to this. No creator name to click on or way to submit comments. Anyways, I think DOUX/L'Etre needs to be added. The redelivery uses url "http://www.e2-sl.com/e2v-3/" so I assume it's affected as well?

  8. Quote

    Bakes on Mesh - Extends the Viewer and the Avatar Baking Service to allow wearable textures (such as skins, clothing and tattoos) to be applied directly onto mesh body parts as they are on system avatars. To do this, you'll 'wear' the textures as you would for the system avatar, and then edit the mesh body part to indicate the body part that should be used on each of the mesh faces; the corresponding system body part is then automatically hidden for you. This project also increases the supported resolution of wearable textures by 4 times (from 512 pixels square to 1024 pixels square).

    So, it sounds like this doesn't really help reduce onion skin mesh poly count or does it? I mean, the onion skin layers need to be there for the baking service to process if that's how it works. If anything, it's only helping to reduce texture usage, which is still very important and perhaps the most important part in performance comparison. What exactly does hiding them do? Is it just a transparent texture, or does it actually remove that mesh from the rendering process entirely thus reducing draw poly count? Also, I'm wondering if these wearables take into consideration not just the mesh bodies but mesh heads as well along with all their makeup and stuff?

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  9. Just came across this cloth simulator addon for Blender that looks promising in comparison to the built-in simulator. You can even pull the cloth and have it react in interesting ways.

    Note that it's in experimental stages at the moment. This isn't even multi-threaded either and developer mentioned there's room for more optimization.



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