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Everything posted by naughtyniece

  1. Hi I have a prim with multiple notecards in it, when someone clicks it shows them in a dialog menu, they choose one and i want it to give it to them then delete it. For some reason the llGiveInventory(llDetectedKey(0) does not give them the notecard can anynine tell me where my issue is, The dalog menu all works perfectly and i get the message and it removes the notecard, but it does not give the notecard.... Thank you in advance list MENU1 = []; list MENU2 = []; integer listener; integer MENU_CHANNEL = 1000; Dialog(key id, list menu) { llListenRemove(listener); listener = llListen(MENU_CHANNEL, "", NULL_KEY, ""); llDialog(id, "Select one object below: ", menu, MENU_CHANNEL); } default { touch_start(integer total_number) { integer i = 0; MENU1 = []; MENU2 = []; integer c = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_NOTECARD); if (c <= 12) { for (; i < c; ++i) MENU1 += llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_NOTECARD, i); } else { for (; i < 11; ++i) MENU1 += llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_NOTECARD, i); if(c > 22) c = 22; for (; i < c; ++i) MENU2 += llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_NOTECARD, i); MENU1 += ">>"; MENU2 += "<<"; } Dialog(llDetectedKey(0), MENU1); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if (channel == MENU_CHANNEL) { llListenRemove(listener); if (message == ">>") { Dialog(id, MENU2); } else if (message == "<<") { Dialog(id, MENU1); } else { llGiveInventory(llDetectedKey(0), message); llSay(0,"message delivered"); llRemoveInventory(message); } } } }
  2. Perfect thank you, and it will be on touch, as its just a demo thing that the owner can turn on to show it off then turn off thanks
  3. Hi, i have a object may of 5 linked prims and i want it to flash, i have a script but it just flashes the parent prim float toff_unit = 2.0; float ton_unit = 1.0; switch( integer lights_on ) { llSetPrimitiveParams( [ PRIM_FULLBRIGHT, ALL_SIDES, lights_on ] ); } default { state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(toff_unit); switch( FALSE ); } timer() { state lightOn; } } state lightOn { state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(ton_unit); switch( TRUE ); } timer() { state default; } }How do i apply it to the whol object please?
  4. I have a script for making a prim glow on and off.... float toff_unit = 2.0; float ton_unit = 1.0; switch( integer lights_on ) { llSetPrimitiveParams( [ PRIM_FULLBRIGHT, ALL_SIDES, lights_on ] ); } default { state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(toff_unit); switch( FALSE ); } timer() { state lightOn; } } state lightOn { state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(ton_unit); switch( TRUE ); } timer() { state default; } }it is fine, but if i use on linked prims it only makes the parent prim flash, how can i appy to all linked prims please?
  5. Hi, When i logged on to Firestorm ( this morning all my user preferences have been forgotten, and if i change something then log off and on, it all resets again? Is this a bug with the viewer or something i need to do so retreive my preferences, (i have changed lots of defaults to make it ideal for me) Suzie
  6. Hello, I have made a skirt in Blender (My first item) and its weighted and does everything it is supposed to do. I have imported it and used skin weights, and its all good. However, i can not edit it once it has been imported, i only want to scale it slightly or move slighty, the arrows appear but have no effect on the item? Thank you Suzie
  7. Hi, Thank to Rolig Loon i can now detect where on a prim face i have touched the prim (thank you for that) Can i add a graphic/texture where the prim is clicked. So imagine the prim is 3 x 3 regions. If you click in region 1 (defined by x and y) a circle appears or graphic, whatever, so you could click 9 times and end up with 3x3 circles on the prim? I hope that is a clear question, its simple in my head :) Thank you fro all the help i am gettign slwoly i am learning more and more
  8. Hi, I created an advent calendar but to do this i had to have 24 objects and a script in each one to deliver a gift etc. It works and is fine, but i cant ehlp thinking that maybe i could make a less prim heavy version, if i could identify where on an object someone clicks or splitting one object into multiple parts? Hope thats clear, i want one prim that can be clicked in multiple places or a similar solution? thamks and merry xmas
  9. Hi, We have a family setup and would like to be able to leave a 'model' of ourselves when we are offline. So it looks like we are here but its just a dummy AV? Is this possible? Thank you
  10. Hi In latest version of firestorm preferences -> firestorm -> general -> (tick) show the recieved items folder in normal inventory. has gone, how do i ser it so my received items are in my inventory now? thanks
  11. Hi, I have a skirt object i made using loop rezzer its ideal, then i have another identical skirt object with several panels missing from the back. So 2 objects Skirt1 and Skirt2. What i want to do is if you have Skirt1 attached and you click on it then it will attach skirt2, as they both attach to pelvis it will in fact replace skirt1 i asssume. Then if i click skirt2 it will repalce it with Skirt1 in the same way. I have tried putting Skirt2 in the Skirt1 object and writing a script, but to no avail, Please can you help me solve this Suzie
  12. This does not work, it just sets to 1 and then stays that way? integer votes; default { touch_start(integer total_number) { votes == votes +1; llSetText( "Votes cast: " + (string)votes, <1.0, 0.4, 0.0>, 1.0); }
  13. Hi, I have a single prim/object and it has floating text "You have voted " + votes + " times". This works and displays "You have voted 0 times". I have code to increase 'votes' using votes == votes+1. How do i get the variable 'votes' to be stored? Because when i declare it as integer it resets it to 0? thank you Suzie
  14. I have a prim with several items stored in it, and i have a script that will transfer the items to the users inventory. However i need to create sub folders, as it is for use in #RLV and must have separate folders to allow me to attach using scripts. Can sub folders be created using script, or can script attach items by name instead of by folder? Thanks you so much
  15. naughtyniece


    Hi, I have a hud with 2 top buttons (e.g Yes and No) the user clicks on one of them Then another button underneath, this will do one thing if they clicked YES or something else if they clicked NO How, therefore can i get the HUD to remember which button was pressed? Coding would usually use a global variable available across all scripts, i dont think this is possible in LSL? Thank you
  16. Hi I have 6 items in 6 seprate #RLV folders called item1, item2, item3 etc. I have a button on a hud, when pressed it @attachover item1 currently. However i want to detect if item1 is attached to my avatar, and if so @attachover item2, if item2 is attached then @attachover item3 etc up to item6 which is the last item that an be attached. Can this be done please? Thanks Suzie Q
  17. Hello I have a script and a simple line that will add ALL the items in a specific folder in my #RLV folder to my avatar. llOwnerSay("@attachover:canes=force");This adds the 6 items (called cane 1, cane 2, cane 3 etc to the avatar. How do i script it just to add one of the items in the canes folder? Thanks Suzie Q
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