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Shasta Silverfall

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  1. This exactly. It happens to me all the time when outfits swapping or logging in. If the Waifu's load in first, they won't auto alpha the body. As Ceka said, simply detach and reattach and it will sort itself out so long as you're up to date, as you said you were. Hope we helped! Can confirm it happens to me all the time, and it's super easy to remedy.
  2. "Never protect yourself! Attackers only attack people who are protecting themselves! An attacker would never harm an unguard, vulnerable, easy target. Nor would they ever abuse freedoms! Just don't protect yourself and you'll be immune to all negative interactions! It's just that simple!" I don't understand the logic of "security introduces drama so don't use security" Now, I don't have mainland land. So perhaps my run in this race is besides the point. But part of the reason I have the private parcel I have now is specifically because of abuse by people bypassing property lines, group requirements, etc etc on land that I didn't fully own and couldn't protect myself in. I had people force pose me in sexual situations, then send me videos of them using my avatar while I was AFK and 'completing' themselves in IRL. I've had people literally ruin items by replacing the textures on them with scripted video players playing pron, people forcibly kick my partner off of me so they could pose instead, etc. There are even entire youtube channels dedicated to people going around on SL and griefing - and they found a way into my land TWICE, hunting us down after we moved to a new sim and hadn't had a chance to set up security yet. Why on earth would I determine that these incidents, caused by purposeful malcontent, is EASIER handled manually every time, allowed access etc in the first place... when I can simply set it so that no one is allowed in ever, and anyone who does get in is immediately ejected? That seems far simpler to ending any potential drama or even harassment/etc. I even block my neighbors, who can be just as disruptive and obnoxious as travelers. No arguments. Just block/derender offensive builds and noise spam. No point in opening the dialogue. An open door is just an invitation for drama for many many people - who's experiences and feelings of wanting security in their private spaces, is completely as valid is you employing your own personal comforts. It's my parcel, and my space, and I don't know why you ever felt the need to insist that you should have say or authority whatsoever on how other people decide to protect themselves so long as it's within TOS. You may find that you have an easier time in SL without them - But I personally find that I eliminated drama the second i stopped being a doormat that gave everyone the benefit of the doubt all the time. It was a waste of my sanity and energy. You'd be surprised how quickly things resolve themselves when you just eliminate the possibility for abuse in the first place. After finally figuring out how to set my parcel completely private, I've lived in perfect comfort every since, and rid myself of all those previous 'dramas' just like that. No more sexual harassment, no more replaced prims, no more recording assholes trying to get me riled up for a video. Peace and quiet. If you want to socialize and travel around, it is of my personal opinion that that shouldn't be done in residential areas anyways. But to each their own. If I want to socialized I'll go to purposely public areas designed for travel/socializing/etc. I have the right to protect my owned space, and home, and to my peace of mind, which is all supported by TOS, including the right to use security orbs, regardless of if you approve or not. And i understand that other residents have this right, too. Like it or not, not all of SL will be available to you at all times, regardless of your own preferences. Traveling mainland in this way makes this security a known risk of the hobby, something that seems like it should be a them problem, and not the burden of the person paying for the property rights. With this in mind, did there ever need to be an argument about this in the first place? Someone uses orbs, you don't. Ok, cool. You have a different experience in life than others do and that's cool, but don't dismiss the validity of others' needs just because theirs doesn't match yours, to the point of strongly implying users here are 'seeking' or 'causing' drama by wanting to be left alone... Makes no sense. I don't care if you don't want the same privacy people like me do - but I do care that you seem to think that people who DO want it are somehow in the wrong and that they were ever looking for your criticism in the first place. Obviously this thread was started specifically because someone wanted to find out why people keep getting into their land when they /DON'T WANT THEM TO AND HAVE TAKEN STEPS TO PREVENT IT/ - in what world is anything you've said even helpful to that conversation? This isn't the space for it. No wonder the damn orb 'debates' get messy. People are policing others' usage of them like their opinion matters from some moral high-ground instead of just accepting that they are within TOS and you can't stop people from using them. You do you. But maybe find a different thread to continue your moral grandstanding in? This wasn't the place. That said, its my first time learning about height limitations on ban lines. Wild. That seems like a massive oversight in moderation ability in SL. I'm glad I don't live on mainland.
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