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ChiChi Fredericks

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Everything posted by ChiChi Fredericks

  1. Just a bit of feedback, it would be great if there was a way to tell if you have already visited a bucket so you can avoid clicking on it in the future. Especially with some homes looking alike or people adding/changing decorations. with 700+ items out there it is getting hard to know which ones we have been to without having to do a spreadsheet, which seems like there has to be a better way with scripting.
  2. You don't even need to be in their homes, you can just get bumped into their side of the fence for some of these to go off. So on the flip side of this where yes, some people may abuse a lack of them and so yes, they are a necessary evil. That having a no to not enough time to remove your self from an accidental ending up in their land. Especially when driving or flying around is also a significant issue. The common lands are for all of us to enjoy. And don't participate in group activities if you are going to keep them up is also the lesson learned with the Halloween hunt. My experince is far less than 99% are following the rules. More like 60-70%
  3. Yep, it happens after 92 touches. What needs to happen if a bucket isn't working is the following: 1) check if the land's scripts are turned off. Kindly ask the owner to activate scripts or reset their bucket by respawning (rezzing a new version, not simply taking it back into the inventory and setting it back out., Do it from the original inventory item) it. 2) If your hud stops calculating your candy, take it off and put it back on. You might notice a loss in displayed total, but once you touch your next new bucket, your count will rectify.
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