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Everything posted by EmmettLaRusso

  1. I can't see what that is - The screenshot has been removed. Are you able to write out what the screenshot said please? I'm going nuts trying to fix this.
  2. Okay, I'm very stuck. I've been on SL before but it was a while ago and I did dabble with building and the changing of textures, including those on houses created by others but owned by myself or my previous partner and had no problem with it. I have bought some land on rental. I think it may be deeded to my home group... I'm not sure as I'm still trying to remember everything. I bought a house from Marketplace. I've unlocked the items such as pictures from the rest of the house so that I can edit the textures. These objects are modify and copy perms. I've done both local search for my own textures from my laptop and even paid to upload to inventory. They have no problem staying on the object the whole time that I'm in world. However, after I've logged out and in again, they disappear and the obects turn grey. I wondered if this was just lag but once, I waited over two hours and the texture still didn't rez. Am I doing something wrong with perms? Is there a way to lock them onto the object? Or could it be a deed of item problem? Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.
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