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Everything posted by fluttergirl1215

  1. So I figured it out. It's a problem just with the alternate neck sizes for the skin tone I was using. The tear ducts are part of the neck piece. I was wanting to use the body fat 5 sized neck and it is missing the tear ducts. The size 0 neck has them fine. I'll try to contact the designer and see if he can fix it.
  2. Hi! I just got the Alex head from LOGO after using Chloe for quite a while and loving it. I was wondering if anyone else uses it and has had the problem that I'm having. In the demo version, the neck, ears, hair base, and eyes come together as one attachment. I loved this one thing I didnt like with Chloe is that it was made up of 8 different attachments. In the version I actually bought all of those parts were separate again which was a little disappointing. The real problem though is that part of the combined piece had tear ducts for the eyes. In the version I bought those were missing leaving holes at the corner of my eyes. I know they are supposed to be there because the picture in the store and on MP shows them. Has anyone else run into this? It's very annoying!
  3. I had been having this problem a lot. At least, I think it might be the same problem you are having. Whenever i would tp or go over a sim crossing there was a chance my body would disappear to others. It would still show up fine to me but others wouldn't see it and I wouldn't know it happened unless someone said something. After trying to figure it out a while and experimenting I found out that what was happening was that it was detatching to others, but it was still showing as attached to me, so I was seeing it. In my inventory the body would show as attached but I wouldn't be able to detatch it because SL and everyone else saw it as detatched. I would have to relog, after which it would show as detatched, and then attach it again. It got really annoying. Then, I was randomly talking to someone and she said to try to attach it to the left pec instead of wherever it attaches by default. Since I did that it hasn't happened to me at all. So, I think like someone else was already saying, it probably was conflicting with something else trying to attach to the same spot. That answer really worked for me.
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