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Everything posted by gsgraaf

  1. thank you very much Molly, I changed that in the script and I'll give it a try tomorrow:-)
  2. it's not my own script, and I'm totally not familiar with scripting. I would be very thankful if anyone could show me where to change or adapt this script so I don't get that error anymore 🙂
  3. I have a full perm tracking script, that I would like to use to have a spotlight follow a specific avatar. I only run into the issue that I get the script error message " llDialog: button labels must be 24 or fewer characters long" when a specific avatar with a long name is around. here below the script. I tried to find a workaround on this forum, but I'm totally not familiar with scripting, and I have no clue where to changfe things so the LLDialog button would shorten the name. So I'm hoping anyone can offer me the solution for it. //Formatted Sensor Dialog script by Evil Fool //Modified by blazed Undercity //Now its got a use, i modified to allow owner to do stuff to the ppl that are in the sensor's range integer followTarget = TRUE; float endAlpha =1.0; float startAlpha = 1.0; integer effectFlags=0; integer gOwnerOnly = FALSE; integer gChann = 952; //make your OWN unique channel to be sure your not on someone else's. integer gStride = 9; list names; list keys; integer gPos = 0; key tReq; key texture = "3c8ec327-0bc2-a823-891f-b5650e51936e"; dialog(key id) { integer nTop = gPos + gStride - 1; list buttons = llList2List(names, gPos, nTop); string msg = llDumpList2String(buttons, "\n"); while(llGetListLength(buttons) % 3 != 0) { buttons = llListInsertList(buttons , [" "], gStride); } if (gPos >= gStride) { buttons += ["PREVIOUS"]; } if (nTop - 1 < llGetListLength(names)) { buttons += ["NEXT"]; } llDialog(id, "Targets in Range: \n \n" + msg, ["END","Myself"] + buttons, gChann); } default { state_entry() { llListen(gChann, "", NULL_KEY, ""); } touch_start(integer num_times) { if ( ( gOwnerOnly == TRUE && llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner() ) || gOwnerOnly == FALSE) {tReq = llDetectedKey(0); llSensor("", NULL_KEY, AGENT, 96.0, PI); } } no_sensor() {key id = llGetOwner(); llDialog(id,"To Follow a target, you and the bot must be within 96 meters of your desired target.", ["Myself","NoThanks"], gChann); } sensor(integer num_detected) { names = []; gPos = 0; integer i; for (i = 0; i < num_detected; i++) { names = names + llDetectedName(i); } keys = []; integer k; for (k = 0; k < num_detected; k++) { keys = keys + llDetectedKey(k); } dialog(tReq); } ///This script handles 16 keys & names associated with the dialog buttons. Feel free to add more. listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string msg) { string key0 = llList2String(keys, 0); string key1 = llList2String(keys, 1); string key2 = llList2String(keys, 2); string key3 = llList2String(keys, 3); string key4 = llList2String(keys, 4); string key5 = llList2String(keys, 5); string key6 = llList2String(keys, 6); string key7 = llList2String(keys, 7); string key8 = llList2String(keys, 8); string key9 = llList2String(keys, 9); string key10 = llList2String(keys, 10); string key11 = llList2String(keys, 11); string key12 = llList2String(keys, 12); string key13 = llList2String(keys, 13); string key14 = llList2String(keys, 14); string key15 = llList2String(keys, 15); string key16 = llList2String(keys, 16); string name0 = llList2String(names, 0); string name1 = llList2String(names, 1); string name2 = llList2String(names, 2); string name3 = llList2String(names, 3); string name4 = llList2String(names, 4); string name5 = llList2String(names, 5); string name6 = llList2String(names, 6); string name7 = llList2String(names, 7); string name8 = llList2String(names, 8); string name9 = llList2String(names, 9); string name10 = llList2String(names, 10); string name11 = llList2String(names, 11); string name12 = llList2String(names, 12); string name13 = llList2String(names, 13); string name14 = llList2String(names, 14); string name15 = llList2String(names, 15); string name16 = llList2String(names, 16); string me = id; integer b_channel =1052; if (msg == "NEXT") { gPos = gPos + gStride; dialog(id); }else if (msg == "PREVIOUS") { gPos = gPos - gStride; dialog(id); }else if (msg == " ") {} //If you wanna do stuff to the Avatars Detected, you must do the same for all the 'else if' statements below else if (msg == "END") { llRegionSay(b_channel,"testend"); llRegionSay(b_channel,"testend"); llRegionSay(b_channel,"testend"); llSleep(1); llRegionSay(b_channel,"testend"); } else if (msg == "Myself") { llRegionSay(b_channel,"test" + me); } else if (msg == name0) { llRegionSay(b_channel,"test" + key0); } else if (msg == name1) { llRegionSay(b_channel,"test" + key1); } else if (msg == name2) { llRegionSay(b_channel,"test" + key2); } else if (msg == name3) { llRegionSay(b_channel,"test" + key3); } else if (msg == name4) { llRegionSay(b_channel,"test" + key4); } else if (msg == name5) { llRegionSay(b_channel,"test" + key5); } else if (msg == name6) { llRegionSay(b_channel,"test" + key6); } else if (msg == name7) { llRegionSay(b_channel,"test" + key7); } else if (msg == name8) { llRegionSay(b_channel,"test" + key8); } else if (msg == name9) { llRegionSay(b_channel,"test" + key9); } else if (msg == name10) { llRegionSay(b_channel,"test" + key10); } else if (msg == name11) { llRegionSay(b_channel,"test" + key11); } else if (msg == name12) { llRegionSay(b_channel,"test" + key12); } else if (msg == name13) { llRegionSay(b_channel,"test" + key13); } else if (msg == name14) { llRegionSay(b_channel,"test" + key14); } else if (msg == name15) { llRegionSay(b_channel,"test" + key15); } } }
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