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Everything posted by Lantern1984

  1. It's not an official number, just an estimate for cone jumpers. For more on cone jumping, see http://bletaverse.com/ But about half the cones are in sims that require PIOF now. I say "about half", as I can't go into those sims to count them and get an exact number. But I know that I run out of cones I CAN use in half the time I used to. You can only use any given cone once per day, some less than that (once every 2 days, once a week, etc.). So once you've used all the cones, you can't earn any more L$ that way 'till the next day. Now there is a bonus for whoever jumps the most cones, but folks who have no PIOF can't try for that top spot (folks in deep red states get held up too, but that's a separate complaint for a separate thread). In effect, those who can't afford L$ also can't earn them (or at least very many of them) through sheer hard work and patience. Sure, we can make a few L$ here and there, but it's a drop in the bucket compared to what folks with PIOF can make, even if they don't buy them. And though I don't fish myself (I never could get the hang of it), I'm told by those who do that they have been hit by a similar road block. And yes, I opened a MP shop before the new rule went in, and yes, I have a couple items for sale. But since I can't think of anything to make that anyone wants to buy, I'm not making any L$ that way. I don't blame LL's ToS for that, just a sucky economy and my own poor imagination. I have 3 items, and they aren't exactly flying off the shelves.
  2. You DO need payment info on file if you want to earn more than L$10-15 a day. Fishing and cone jumping used to be the best ways to go, but now half the cones and fishing spots are in skill gaming sims, and those require Payment Info On File to go to. And, you have to have PIOF if you want to sell anything on MP now too. Getting a job as a DJ requires expensive software, and getting one as a host or escort requires that you be able to understand normal conversation (impossible for an autistic like me) and be willing to stare at you screen for hours while nothing happens, not even being able to go AFK, while you wait for a customer to show up. So how does someone with no E-money get payment info on file so we can start cone jumping and fishing again?
  3. I tried buying something on MP with L$ I'd earned working in world, and I can't get payment info on file. I can't afford to buy L$, and now trying to earn them has got alot harder if you don't have payment info on file. Does anyone know a way to get payment info on file without a credit card, gift card, bank account, or paypal?
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