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Dragon Mommy

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Posts posted by Dragon Mommy

  1. Small correction about Lootboxes: most of them do have an option to see what you might get as well as the chances of each item. That is a requirement in some countries and sort of a bare minimum ask of them to maintain fair play. 

    To that end Gacha and Lootboxes differ in one key thing: a gacha creator does not need to disclose their chances of winning a rare. If anything changes first I bet it will be that. 

  2. I don't think what any of us think here about gachas really matters. We aren't the ones interpreting the laws (or hypothetical future laws) to actually apply them. The current gambling or finance laws aren't even applied evenly at this time.

    That said, Gacha at its core is gambling regardless of if you're talking about a mobile game or second life. You put money (real money) into a currency and then use that currency to pull a slot machine. It pops out a random item from a predetermined list. You might get a rare item, you might get the same common one 6 times in a row. That is the nature of Gacha style games, RL Gacha machines, etc. The big difference is in second life gacha machines are not required to disclose their chances (like most other games) and that is likely what we would see changed first. 

    When will legislation happen? Nobody has any idea. Theres a dozen countries (or even state by state or Provence by Provence) introducing, passing, or abandoning legislation around loot boxes and gacha games. How those will or will not affect Second Life remains to be seen. 

  3. 49 minutes ago, Amanda Crisp said:

    For many like myself, SL is a place where our physical disabilities don’t matter as much. I can not just speak and move normally; I can FLY and TELEPORT. Best of all, by hiding behind my avatar I can be mistaken for “normal” and spared the pity of well-meaning people.

    Oh my gosh so much this.

    I also find it amusing the creator of this thread also outlined their own experience with doxxing and attacks which highlights another extremely important reason people may wish to remain fairly anonymous or 'hide behind their avatars'. It sucks to have your privacy invaded. It sucks even more when threats are involved. I think a lot of people are careful about what they share, and with who, because of this. 

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  4. I am not guilty at all about my lusty pleasures. 

    But I am 100% guilty about my love of Gachas and lootboxes. I am such a sucker for slot machines and the like. I don't even really care if I get rare things, just the act of pulling a slot machine arm is a joy.

    It's why I have very very strong rules with myself about not going to casinos or gambling IRL... but in second life I'll happily drop 3000 Linden at a gacha event on a whim. Yes, I know that's small change and there are people who spend that per machine but honestly I just have an inventory full of ***** I never use because of it, haha. 

    In the grand scheme of things, it's pretty low cost lootboxing. I could be addicted to gacha mobile games I guess. At least in second life it's 20c a pull for most Gachas. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, bigmoe Whitfield said:

    they are or having been in the past using google search appliance, so it's google's search on a custom piece of hardware.

    It is absolutely likely they are using the programmable search engine, but I wouldn't know for sure unless someone from LL has spoken about it openly. 

    That said, the key word there is programmable. However the search works for SL will be wholly unique to SL.

  6. So... The drama of your other thread started to get too serious and you had to make another loaded one?

    Generally people here will not care about who you are behind the screen. We don't interact with you in person. We only interact with the way you present yourself here, and that is the authentic experience we get, and as you can see from the thread, most people are adverse to it. A picture of you doesn't change that experience any more than a picture of your avatar would. 


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  7. Sad Rant: My two very favorite restaurants closed in the last month. One was a cozy nerdy themed pub where I always felt at home, the other was a more fancy/expensive dining place that holds many fond memories. 

    They couldn't have avoided it. Not a year into the pandemic. There was no way for small venues like that to work. 

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  8. 53 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    I've had the same symptoms, and did get tested. I was told 12-24 hours for the results and got them in about 7, so keep an eye out.

    And I don't have Covid. You probably don't either. I've never been so relieved to discover that I've probably just got a really bad cold.

    Here's to hoping! I have my phone set to send me text alerts when I get the test results so I'll be watching that for the next couple of days. 

    • Like 1
  9. I'm genuinely surprised Maitreya got such widespread use with how difficult it is to obtain the dev kit for it. That's one thing the Furry community really has right is the general availability of dev kits.

    But that's sort of a thing that feeds into itself. More clothing on Maitreya leads to more people using the body which leads to more clothing being made... Etc. If you were to rig up a dress you want that dress to have the largest customer base, so you go with the most used body. 

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  10. This is interesting data for sure. It's hard to argue with the dominance of Maitreya for female bodies. I only own Maitreya for my female avatars but my male alt has gone from using Slink to Jake to Gianni, the last one not for preference (I prefer Jake for its body shape) but because the clothing I wanted to regularly use is fitted for Gianni and the creators I like make almost exclusively for it. 

    Maybe I'll check out some of the other female bodies tonight and demo them.

    • Like 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    That is certainly possible. But that is not what is suggested in their description of their procedures.

    That said, I'm unclear what "blast them" means. Again, not how I'd handle it, and not actually a very effective way of dealing with a problem.

    Putting someone 'on blast' is usually harassment / repeated attacks. Might just be *****ty wording in that post-- it's only one post to go by.

    Still, way too easy for a personal agenda or bias to go into something like this. 

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  12. I can't really speak to if this breaks the TOS, but regardless of intentions of the folks starting this I don't see this ending well. I just see it being an avenue of harassment like some other confession websites are. 

    Just a note about Virtual Secrets since it was directly named, the person behind it is banned from SL due to that blog. It doesn't stop the blog at all but I'm guessing LL doesn't exactly take kindly to those sorts of sites overall. 

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  13. ITT: person complaining about Covid who are also openly discussing how they themselves are actively involved in prolonging this pandemic. Yikes. 

    Don't believe folks who claim to work in healthcare and then reject science outright. It's the most common troll tactic of the past six months. 

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