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AONEH Fallen

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Everything posted by AONEH Fallen

  1. I've been through two rounds of chemo since joining SL several years ago and I made the mistake of cancel/restarting my account again and I just learned to keep it active .. LL makes the transition easy, but it's the process of calling, waiting, resetting. My advice is to keep it active and perhaps put a message "Away for a few months, etc", or whatever. Deepest sympathy to you.
  2. Not sure if this is the right forum, but I am missing a pet after region restart. I've checked lost and found, objects, trash, everywhere possible in inventory. The land owner has checked the land, and nothing. I paid for this scripted animal a few days ago and day after putting him down/sim reset, he is gone! There isn't an option in help/support on this topic, so just wondering if anyone else has had this issue. Thanks!
  3. Anyone else have this issue? I have my viewer settings set and after about the 4th or 5th login, they reset to default. It gets quite annoying, as I don't like having to reset my viewer settings several times a day. Thanks.
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